After a poor start, FOX pulled Sons of Tucson from the schedule. The network maintained that TV show was not cancelled. Well, it is now.
Sons of Tucson follows a sporting goods store clerk (Tyler Labine) who lives in his car. He’s hired by three boys (Benjamin Stockham, Frank Dolce, and Matthew Levy) to play their father for a school meeting after their real dad goes to jail for banking fraud. In case of future emergencies, he moves into their tool shed. The series also features Sarayu Rao, Edwin Habacon, and Natalie Martinez.
The series got off to a poor start with just a 2.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.47 million viewers. Subsequent episodes performed even worse, with number four attracting only a 1.4 rating in the demo and 3.13 million viewers.
The TV show was pulled from the schedule and the network touted it as merely a hiatus and not a cancellation. However, with ratings like these, you could tell that the show’s chances for a second season were in serious doubt.
FOX has now officially cancelled Sons of Tucson but new episodes are still scheduled to start airing on June 6th. The remaining nine installments will air over the summer and the series finale is expected to air on August 1st.
What do you think? Are you sorry to hear that Sons of Tucson won’t be back for season two? Have any ideas on why the show wasn’t a success?
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Image courtesy FOX.
perfect show…
i kept askin fr ssn2
I know this show came out like 3 years ago, but I finally watched it for the first time a few days ago. This show is so funny and relevant in so many ways it should have NEVER gotten cancelled. I’ve been wondering what show me and my boys can watch together and this is it!
This show is hilarious! Better than Modern Family and ALL the cartoon shows.
What a shame it only ran one season.
obveistly people liked it and so did i so there shouldnt b no reson to cancel it MAKE SEASON 2 ALREADY
not sure if this will work but if one of u realy loved it u might b able to make a putition and send it to the makers of (sons of tucson) and that should at least get them thinking of it again.u never no what one person can do.ill sine it .
just one question, WHY!?
it was an amazing show i just watched season one’s last and went to check if there will be two and when i found this i got pretty pissed off. same thing happened to me when i watched BunHeads and it got shot down. why me?
I think, is does not have anything wrong, the only thing they did bad was canceling the show.
Please make season 2!
I can not understand why this show did not make it.It was absolutely hilarious while being heartwarming at the same time.We totally loved every minute of it.
Netflix viewer loved it !! Season 2 would have been great.
put it baaaaaaackkkkk
Sons of Tucson was HILARIOUS! They should keep making more seasons.(:
ok i love the show and it is funny too
i Highly disagree…. the show was very funny. even tho i just started to watch it on Netflix, i really was looking forward to the next season.. i thought the show could have lasted at least 2 seasons. they should uncancel the show and im pretty sure there will be Followers.
I love sons of Tucson its funny please please keep making the show
tru true !
Me and my family had some good laughts with season 1. It would be nice to see a season 2…
I watched it on Netflix it was really hilarious hope to see more seasons