After a poor start, FOX pulled Sons of Tucson from the schedule. The network maintained that TV show was not cancelled. Well, it is now.
Sons of Tucson follows a sporting goods store clerk (Tyler Labine) who lives in his car. He’s hired by three boys (Benjamin Stockham, Frank Dolce, and Matthew Levy) to play their father for a school meeting after their real dad goes to jail for banking fraud. In case of future emergencies, he moves into their tool shed. The series also features Sarayu Rao, Edwin Habacon, and Natalie Martinez.
The series got off to a poor start with just a 2.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.47 million viewers. Subsequent episodes performed even worse, with number four attracting only a 1.4 rating in the demo and 3.13 million viewers.
The TV show was pulled from the schedule and the network touted it as merely a hiatus and not a cancellation. However, with ratings like these, you could tell that the show’s chances for a second season were in serious doubt.
FOX has now officially cancelled Sons of Tucson but new episodes are still scheduled to start airing on June 6th. The remaining nine installments will air over the summer and the series finale is expected to air on August 1st.
What do you think? Are you sorry to hear that Sons of Tucson won’t be back for season two? Have any ideas on why the show wasn’t a success?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Bring it back. I want more of it.
I love it bring it back please
Omg this is an amazing show it is so funny and I just finished the whole season and I’m so sad that they discontinued it it was a wrong decision by fox it was not given enough time to fully get people’s attention. They did not really give it a chance
Your right the show is awesome. Tyler labine could be jack blacks twin. What can we do to bring it back
Please! I love this show!!! I love Ron! That’s it. I hope they do something, like re-released it!!
I watched the show on Netflix and I think to even take it off the air in the first place was a big mistake so funny every episode made me laugh if I do not see a seseoan 2 I will be very pissed offfffffffff!!!!!!!
Omguish omg frfr we need more of this show why why why
Please don’t be like this channels that get us hooked on great funny shows we can enjoy as a family, then end it!! Great funny family show with a great story line please bring it back!!
Me and my family really enjoyed this and we are very disappointed to learn no season 2 but you will continue to have a hundred season on shows that have stupid story lines or have run there course!
Season 2, should air as a netflix original series. There has to be another reason this show was cancelled it is way to good to not have a second season. One of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen and it has an amazing plot.
This show was ****** hilarious I saw on netflix and googled it after finishing the season in a day, I’m upset as hell there is no season 2 **** fox!
Yes me to, very disappointed no season 2 they should have it as a Netflix original. But there are 9 more episodes
I came across this show on Netflix. I watched all episodes and loved each one. I think a lot of people just didn’t know the show existed. Perhaps Netflix will be a good avenue to let people know this show exists.
Arrested Development all over again, WTC FOX ? Don’t know a good thing when you’ve got it ?!? This show was one of the best I’ve seen in years !!
Awesome show! Laughed my brains out!
I know this show will be huge if the network gives it another chance!
I want more!!!!!!!! This show is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
This show is really funny i just think that it needed time for people to here about it i bet if they replay it on Tv, on different channels this ****** show is bad ass
we want more of this damn ******* ****!!!