Today, it was a surprise to hear to that Starz was ending their popular Spartacus TV series after three seasons. IGN has an interview with Spartacus’ executive producer and showrunner, Steven S. DeKnight, as to the reasons behind the decision.
DeKnight said, “Starz always does the unexpected. This show has been challenged, to say the least, in many, many ways. We’ve faced many difficulties and tragedies on the show. My original plan was to attack the show in a five to seven season arc. Once we got into it and after Andy’s passing and looking at the historical story of Spartacus, we came to the decision to basically end on a high note. We certainly could have continued for a few more seasons and stretched it out, but we really wanted to end high and not feel like we were treading water — and really just condense the rest of the history into one amazing ten-episode, badass final season.”
He continued, “You know, the whole show was a huge risk from the start for Starz, and it was another huge risk when I decided to try to keep the show going after Andy’s passing. Any normal studio would have just cancelled the show at that point and not risk the financial downside of it not working. But Starz, thankfully, really stuck by the show, and they really wanted it to be told all the way to the end. They didn’t want to cheat the viewers and just suddenly pull the plug. So they gave us this opportunity to wrap up the story, and we’re certainly taking that opportunity and running with it. This is by far the biggest season we’ve ever attempted.”
When asked if Starz had given them a heads-up, DeKNight noted, “There was a lot of conversation. We knew towards the end of making the last season — we were 90 percent sure that we would be wrapping it up. And then there were a lot of questions and back and forth about do we do ten episodes, do we do 12, do we do 16, do we do 20? Ultimately, when we looked at it from all angles both financially and creatively, we decided, ‘Let’s do ten. Let’s take history, take the best parts of the story and really just try to end this as strong as possible.'”
Season three of Spartacus is expected to start airing in January 2013. You can read the complete interview with DeKnight here.
What do you think? Do you agree to end the TV series after just three seasons or could they have reasonably made a fourth?
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Image courtesy Starz.
I would like to thank the produces of spartacus, for what it’s worth they have give us one great experience in the history of movie making. In fact spartacus has actually taking the look of any nice movies ever made and hence I would like to make a suggestion, I hope it falls on good ears despite the constraints. I would like to appeal to the producers to consider creating another epic series of movie from the time before Oenumaus, Barca, Gannicus became gladiators. I think it will be very interesting to watch another series of the gladiators who came… Read more »
This is so stupid. Why even start watching a show since they always end them early. Ex: Deadwood, Rome etc. I now wait till 3 or 4 seasons go by before even watching an episode.
I really loved the show very much. I love the era. I love the costumes and the knowledge that you can share with friends and family. I have a grandson in college. The students watch it together. If I miss a show. I generally record it for me to watch. I’m disappointment.
Bring back Spartacus!!! I really really love this show, whats the point of getting us hooked on a show only to axe it???
I was introduced to Spartacus recently and I have watched all available seasons within 2 weeks. I find the story most captivating and feel that there was much more to tell.
Please return Spartacus : let the games begin and let us see how things change.
Bring back spartacus. This was by far the best tvshow that had aired in quite sometime. Far far far better than game of thrones and that show is still on. I do not want to see a spin off with caeser. I would enjoy a spin with someone in spartacus crew. Everytime I hear about game of thrones I want to cry because it is still on the air and spartacus is not. Its not to late to pick the show back up or for another network to pick it up. What more can us loyal fans do to get… Read more »
I love Spartacus but it’s basically cool b-movie junk. Nothing on Thrones.
I love Spartacus and wish it had stayed on but to say it’s better than Game of Thrones is just wrong and I would have love a Caeser spin-off
Really ?? only 3 seasons and its end in bad way ??
where is the Freedom in that , No Peace Nothing at all !
Please and Please i like to see MORE seasons
Really bad ! Spartcaus just Died in last eps for nothing
Sorry to being Rude but i loved this Series ..
I hope me and fan’s of Sparctus Hear for good News soon
Spartacus is one of the best tv series that has been on in quite awhile!!! Why only start it, getting everyone to love it and then just end it after 3 seasons???? We as viewers want to see more SPARTACUS……Please bring it back….
Spartacus and Gannicus planted there seed in two beautiful woman that Agron will protect until they become great warriors and conquer the Romans or bring them together. Great next series. It doesn’t have to end. It could be just the beginning.
Best show on TV you dont stop not fair to loyal following
I’m sad that the show had to end, I would have liked to see more seasons to come.
Spartacus is the BEST, NUMBER ONE, MOST TALENTED, and just plain PERFECT in every single way! It’s literally discouraging to know there won’t be a fourth season. PLEASE STARZ, CONTINUE WITH SPARTACUS!
After 2 seasons, I would have LOVED to see it for a decade, but the drop in execution, story creativity, and overall presentation (despite the great level of graphic violence) in “vengance” has made me say, nuff.
I would like to see 4 seasons
now y the hell do u guys make series,just make cartoons.