The story of the young “star-crossed” lovers is coming to a close. The CW has cancelled Star-Crossed after one season of 13 episodes.
Star-Crossed revolves around a pair of teens — one human (Aimee Teegarden) and one alien (Matt Lanter) — who fall in love and struggle to overcome the discrimination and distrust around them. The rest of the cast includes Grey Damon, Natalie Hall, Malese Jow, Titus Makin Jr., Chelsea Gilligan, Brina Palencia, and Greg Finley.
The series debuted as a mid-season replacement and never took hold in the ratings. The premiere drew a lackluster 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demo with 1.28 million viewers. Subsequent episodes performed even worse, making Star-Crossed one of the network’s lowest-rated shows.
There are just 13 episodes in the season and the finale, titled “Passion Lends Them Power,” will air next Monday night.
What do you think? Are you sorry that there won’t be a second season of Star-Crossed? If you ran the network, would you have canceleld or renewed this series?
I’m so into that movie I don’t see reasons why it should be cancelled it’s kul and sells alot here in Nigeria
didn’t know what to do with myself when it ended, realizing that it was done for good…The CW shouldn’t of canceled it!!!
I should not have left I have been waiting and hoping it would come back but it hasn’t! Star cross is an amazing show and cw should bring it back!
well ****… im pissed. i really would liked to see what was going to happen with everyone, its one of those shows that has build up. just when it was getting good yet again The CW lets you down. I SWEAR that is one of the main reasons i stopped watching this channel. The shows that people really start to enjoy like Hellcats, The secret circle, and star-crossed get canceled because the lack of promoting from this network. hell i even sometimes forget about beauty and the beast. i love that show, however the writing has somewhat when to ****.… Read more »
WOW!!! Season 2 could just be given a chance. I mean in life we all get 2ND CHANCES. Therz no harm in trying. U mite surprise us.
Poor advertising on the part of management. The management of CW should be cancelled instead. It was an excellent show and they made a poor decision refusing to blame themselves for mishandling launching this series mid-season and not properly publicizing it. Obviously people love it on Netflix !!!
I love the show. I only found about it because I watch it on Netflix. I watch a lot of show in CW. I really wanted to find out what happened next.
I can’t believe they canceled this show! Of course no one really knew about it either I watch a lot of shows on CW and when I found out that it was also a CW show after looking it up when I started watching it on Netflix I was shocked. Why hadn’t they advertised this more on tv and their app? They need to give this show a second chance! It’s an amazing story that has not yet ended, and deserves ending.
This show was amazing I watched all episodes today. But I’m disappointed that the show is cancelled and it’s too late to start season 2..I was really excited to know what happens next Roman becomes leader or not
Frankly, I never would have watched the show if it didn’t have one of my favorite actors in it…but after seeing the show I was clearly wrong. WE LOVE THE SHOW AND CRIED WHEN THERE WASN’T another show. If it doesn’t make it big now…rename it (I think that’s where most people judge it also cover-sad but true) and continue the season. It was a great action packed, suspense, romance and also comical tv show for a first season! Way better than most TV shows nowadays. It’s not too late to start it back up….plus I’m dying to know what… Read more »
I’m very disappointed to learn the show canceled after one season. I was really looking forward to the 2nd season.
Really sad it not coming back, hope another network pick it up. Need to know what is going to happen next. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone bring it back.
I really liked this show and am bummed to hear that it has been cancelled. Can it get picked up by another network? The stories were great as alliances changed from episode to episode. Really enjoyed all the actors in the series.
Noooooooo I loved that show why leave it in the dust