Back in 1985, ABC aired an action series called Street Hawk. The TV show revolves around public relations cop Jesse Mach (Rex Smith) who gets recruited for a top secret government project — piloting a high-tech and incredibly fast motorcycle. Norman Tuttle (Joe Regalbuto) is the cycle’s inventor and the only one who knows that Mach is actually the mysterious Street Hawk. Other recurring characters are played by Richard Venture, Jeannie Wilson, Raymond Singer, and R.J. Adams
Despite running for just one short season, Street Hawk has attracted a cult following. Smith says he still gets stopped by “men of a certain age” and thinks it’s time for a new version.
He recently told the Daily Record, “I am currently developing a script for a new re-envisioned Street Hawk along with my oldest son Brandon, called Street Hawk Resurrection.”
The actor/singer continued, “Universal Studios has shown interest in the project and I would like to ask all the fans of Street Hawk to e-mail me so that I may show the executives at Universal just what kind of support I have for a new series.”
What do you think? Is the time right for a new, updated version of Street Hawk?
OMG There should be no thought about this! Bring back this fantastic show. Rex and Joe need to come back and Rex’s son Brandon should produce this. This would be a fantastic show to bring back on the air and would add so many younger newer fans along with the long time forever ones!!! Please bring this back!!!
Please bring back street hawk and a new one . We need quality tv programs like that one for our children to watch and enjoy. Television is loaded down with senseless shows like futerama the simpsons and family guy. Hardly family tv. Street hawk rules. Rex and Brandon together in one show ohh Layla.
YES, YES, YES–PLEASE bring back Street Hawk! With the advancements in technology since the original series was on the air, today’s version of the bike would be at least ten times more awesome! Again–PLEASE BRING BACK STREET HAWK!!
Yes Yes Rex Smith and only Rex Smith along with his son Brandon would make a wonderful sucessfull reboot of the Street Hawk 80’s show. I know tons of Men and Ladies who today would enjoy and follow a New Street Hawk Resurrection . Because of Rex Smith as aaproducer it would be a sucessful show. Just look at his FB followers. The “LIKES” go higher everyday. I know I will be watching
I was a big fan of the show, even in the last few years I’ve been thinking about a reboot of the show I had quite a few ideas for it to. But hell yeah bring back
I think street hawk was a great show please bring it back
I’d love it if Street Hawk was brought back in a new series because the first series was way to short for what I would have wished for when I compare it to the length of other favourite series of mine like Airwolf and Knight Rider, Street Hawk/Airwolf are my top favourites. I loved Street Hawk when I was a kid and I still love it now at nearly 37 and currently watching the DVDs now. Ever since I got the DVDs I’ve been hoping they would make a new Street Hawk series like they did Knight Rider
The track record of these shows getting rebooted/movied these days isn’t good. I’d love to see Airwolf, Street Hawk, et al get new shows, but I’m not holding my breath. The KR relaunch was a big fizzle and the A-Team movie got critically dinged.
I think it will be awesome, however I would like to see one day that Street Hawk, AirwoLf and Knight Rider to combine forces to take on a Mercenary SCI-FI Group, with very bad tech. If Sly can put together a old group together why not this team.
Yes….. my opinion or Vote is in Favour of Mr.Smith. The way Mark and Norman use their Skill ,Sharpness,energy level , keen interest to Solve the Case till the Depth of Hidden Truth….was……One..of..My..All.Time..Favourate….TV Series…………..Lots…….till…then…Bye
Yes a remake is looong over due … Not sure how to go about making it with out making it to cheesy , it but it couldn’t be any worse then all the other 80’s remakes . Hopefully much better . At least it will make Streethawk fans happy and bring some new fans … 5 4 3 2 1 Hyperthrust !!!!
I think it is a great idea!!!! While i was surfing on youtube, i caught a a glimpse of street hawk and decided to click on it. I watched all episodes over the course of 3-4 days. I am a motorcycle rider and and love all things motorcycle. even though it is unquestionably fake, it is better than watching another reality show. When I watch TV i want to be entertained not watching someone’s life! I would watch the Street Hawk show for the 21st century!!
I think it is a great idea!!!! While i was surfing on youtube, i caught a a glimpse of street hawk and decided to click on it. I watched all episodes over the course of 3-4 days. I am a motorcycle rider and and love all things motorcycle. even though it is unquestionably fake, it is better than watching another reality show. When I watch TV i want to be entertained not watching someone’s life! I would watch the Street Hawk show for the 21st centery!!
Yes absolutely bring back Street Hawk
Originally defined as “a Western on wheels” any new TV Movie, limited series or series should also include a high-tech thriller element to make it current – creating a blend of urban crime-fighting and contemporary city defence. The Street Hawk Program might consist of a ‘stealth bike with teeth’. mobile repair station vehicle and the command centre. Norman Tuttle would be overall project director with a trio of scientist-engineers and see the recruitment of a new rider (female?). Jesse Mach could be called out of retirement – he’s running a custom bike / auto-shop business – because some criminal from… Read more »
Nice idea, you have my money, whatever little of it I have, lol
I belong to a non-English speaking country, and more so to a state where people are so scared of their poor English speaking powers. Yet I myself am a huge fan of Hollywood movies. When I look back at how I became so different from my surroundings, I realized that it all started on a lazy Sunday noon when I first heard the Tanderin Dream music on our TV set and came into the living room to find out what was on show. There, on the screen, was something that changed my life forever. It was STREET HAWK. I was… Read more »
Bro, I’m from India as well and so thank the lovely show selections of DD and DD Metro, due to which we could see this show, am almost 40 now, and I was googling today for a revival of this great show and came here to find solace in so many who want to see this back on screen again.
This show was so ahead of its time, which is probably why only 13 episodes happened of this. But whatever it was, was pure gold