A decision about the fate of Terra Nova was expected by the end of the month — at least in part because the options for the cast expire on December 31st. A high-level meeting was held on December 16th between execs from FOX and 20th Century Fox but no decision was reached and they won’t decide what to do until at least January.
In the meantime, the show’s producers are making moves to secure contract extensions on key actors Jason O’Mara and Stephen Lang. They’re also looking to beef up the show’s writing staff, searching for high-level writers to join executive producers Brannon Braga and Rene Echevarria.
Because of Terra Nova’s extensive post-production work, FOX will have to decide on the TV show’s fate before execs have a chance to see their development options for new shows. If they wait until late January, they should have a good idea about the strength of Alcatraz, which premieres on January 16h, and possibly Touch, which previews on January 25th.
While a season two renewal isn’t a done-deal, it’s certainly a positive sign that this work is going on behind-the-scenes. There is of course a chance that, if there is a renewal, that some of the supporting players will have committed to other projects.
What do you think? Is this a good sign for the show’s future? If some of the series actors leave, would that seriously hurt the show? Who’s crucial?
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Image courtesy FOX.
This show is my biggest disappointment of the season. This show should be cancelled because it’s terrible.
They are crazy if they don’t come back with more of Tera Nova. Everytime I find a show I like they cancel it for some stupid shows.
I think that the writing IS an issue. Commander Taylor’s character seems to be consistently played over-the-top. There’s little nuance. I’m catching up on the final episodes of the season through Hulu right now, and I WANT to like the show, but I find myself asking whether I really want to watch it. Weird relationships between characters that don’t make any sense, plot holes that don’t work (in a land of many killer dinosaurs, why aren’t the vehicles fully-enclosed? why don’t all soldiers have body armor? why is Taylor a veritable dictator?). I’ll watch the season finale, but I’m growing… Read more »
I wasn’t “in love” with Terra Nova from the beginning. I watched because of Steven Lang. He made Avatar watchable and is a GREAT pick for the role on TN. I wonder sometimes if the producers of these shows even want them to succeed, and really just wanna have the tax write off. The biggest problem is said to be weak writing and the production cost. The problem is the network stupidly put it up against monday night football and some other programs that the same target audience as TN is watching instead. Face it, guys might dig TN but… Read more »
I think they should renew Terra Nova, but keep it at 13 episodes a season (which is really the only feasible thing to do, time- and money-wise, with a show this big). I’d have to say that every character in the central family — and Commander Taylor, played by Stephen Lang — are all essential to the show. I mean, I guess they COULD recast the little girl and have everyone pretend they don’t notice the difference, but what are the chances the little girl’s going to have another show commitment so quickly, anyway? I don’t think there are any… Read more »
FOX will cancel anything as long as they have American Idol and X Factor to back them up.
Well, since I really like this show, they will probably cancel it. Like the did with the best show in years CHICAGO CODE. Imagine a cop show that was not stale but compelling…you wanted to tune in to see what happened. Oh well, I guess we’ll get some sort of dance dance dance or snippy girl wants to be a “model” show, instead. Lovely.
The issue with Terra Nova is NOT the cost – the first 13 episodes have already been paid for in full according to Braga…Apparently, the issue is the writing, but every series has to find its way and its audience and that takes TIME…The networks however, are, as businesses, more interested in profit than quality entertainment. This is why we have all of that reality garbage out there…and unfortunately, the mentality of a portion of the audience warrants that crap…So – quality things like Terra Nova suffer as a result. Let’s hope Fox makes the RIGHT decision and gives TN… Read more »
The issue is cost. Your statement that the episodes have already been paid for makes zero sense. It still cost to make those episodes and it was high. All that means is that Fox and parent companies did not have to foot the entire cost themselves.
The real reason this should get cancelled is the horrible acting and writing.
Sorry, as soon as I saw the little daughter walk outside and start feeding a dinosaur with the entire family uncaring? What a joke.
I guess in the future you don’t care about your kids anymore…
Grandizer- So you think it was uncaring when Jim risked his life to save Zoe and keep his family together by entering a highly guarded area and entering the time portal? Really? Obviously you haven’t been paying attention to all of the elements of the episodes. If you wish to spread your negative comments and critique Terra Nova you should get your facts straight.
Did what I say happen? YES IT DID? Hence my facts are straight. In my area if a DOG goes after a child people, not only the parents rush to help. Here, a DINOSAUR goes after the child and the family sits there in awe. Oh I am sure, you are going to tell me how they instantly knew it was a herbivore so it would not have eaten the child. Yeah right. Funny how it picked the child up and the kid dropped off. What would have happened if the kid held on until the dinosaur’s head was 40… Read more »
Lets try and remember that this is just a TV show. You don’t need to analyze every little detail to the point that you take the fun out of it. Some questions you just don’t need to ask. Just sit back and enjoy the show.
The problem is the networks do what they “think” is the best for them. Keyword “think”. The Fox of the last decade or two would have probably have cancelled X-Files before reaching the end of a first “season”. The amount of money made on DVD / Blu-Ray after Firefly was cancelled is probably fairly significant. We too loved Human Target and Terminator and a bunch of other Fox shows that were cut far too short. Fringe also a favorite. Enough of the “reality show” garbage.
What hurts “Terra Nova” is the cost. It is a very expensive show. While the series has been uneven with the story and action, I would like to see the series get another chance to succeed. Fox has cancelled some cult following series, like “Firefly,” “Terminator,” and “Human Target,” in the past, so hopefully, the network and production company can find a way to continue.
I believe that Terra Nova is a way too successful show that if Fox doesn’t do another season, or even more, that they will slowly but surely go bankrupt. Terra Nova isn’t only entertaining, but also informational even if some may be fictional. Fox SHOULD do another season. All the actors/actresses should ALL stay because they are all crucial to the show, especially the main ones. They shouldn’t remove any actors, but they can always add actors and probably make the show even more interesting than it already is now. I think that Terra Nova should be one of the… Read more »
Just dont watch alcatraz or touch
Jenney, Well said. Terra Nova, if given a chance, can be one of the best sci-fi series to come to TV in decades. Fox has to allow the story line to continue.
Not holding my breath either. I have lost faith in any of the networks, they will do what’s best for them not us. Would love to see the show back. I like the cast, the scenery, the story. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Fox has such a bad history of canceling shows before they find their true audience that I’m sure most people fully expect it to get canceled. If it comes down to this and and Fringe I vote to keep Fringe. I really liked The Chicago Code…..so I’m not holding my breath
Alcatraz and Touch will do better than this! I hope Terra Nova gets cancelled!
hi Ross be nise to Terra Nova Alcatraz and touch will do better but Terra Nova will go season two Alcatraz and touch may not racsh season two
Fox is nuts if Season Two is not in the bag soon. 22 episodes not 13 please…