Network: A&E
Episodes: 26 (hour)
Seasons: Two
TV show dates: July 15, 2008 — September 15, 2009
Series status: Cancelled/ended
Performers include: Benjamin Bratt, Grace Park, Amy Price-Francis, Esteban Powell, Liliana Mumy, Brett DelBuono, Kevin Michael Richardson, Dion Basco, and Whoopi Goldberg.
TV show description:
William Banks is recovering drug addict who lives in Los Angeles. When his daughter was born, he made a deal with God that he would give up drugs and devote his life to help other people to beat their own harmful additions.
Helping William in his quest are Akani Cuesta (Grace Park), a confident beauty with a hardened street edge, and Arnie Swenton (Esteban Powell), a procrastinator who has a habit of getting into trouble.
While William must often resort to unethical and sometimes illegal methods to help his clients come clean, his success has earned the respect of the LAPD and other officials. William frequently asks for guidance from God in his mission and to help maintain his own path.
With every success and failure, William wrestles with his commitment to his work and his love for his wife Melissa (Amy Price-Francis) and their children, Lula (Liliana Mumy) and Ben (Brett DelBuono). She’s left him twice before and the children haven’t forgotten his multiple stints behind bars.
The series is based on the life of co-executive producer Warren Boyd, a real-life “extreme interventionist” who has helped many famous people beat their addictions over the years.
Episode 26 — Trick Candles
On the 10th anniversary of his becoming sober, William spends the day helping an old friend get clean — Henry (Richard Lewis) has been strung out on heroin and speed for years and it’s costing him his wife (Annabelle Gurwitch) and two children.
At the same time, William is trying to convince a mortgage company to lend him enough money to buy a house. He also needs his soon-to-be ex-wife to cosign the loan.
Though William doesn’t have any interest in celebrating his sobriety anniversary, Swenton, Akani, and Paulina Kmec (Whoopi Goldberg), his former sponsor, gather some of the addicts that he’s helped for a surprise party. Most are doing well but some have relapsed and some have even died.
Those seen from past episodes include anchorman Davis Durham (Gary Cole), music teacher Harrison (Paul Schulze), Amber Geiler (Jeanette Brox), Bernie Zellman (Steve Landesberg), and Lonnie Simon (Michael Beach).
First aired: September 15, 2009.
There hasn’t been any news of plans to revive the show.
How disappointing the cleaner is cancelled and so much junk is still on season after season.
I am vary sorry to see such a good drama leave…. I would hope they would have given the show a little more time to grab the audience I am sure it would have gained… After all you are cable and I hoped.. better than that…..
I can’t believe they have cancelled “The Cleaner”! Rediculous!!! Great show and great actor! Unbelievable or maybe I should say believable! A & E had a hit and it was hard hitting and enjoyed every episode…only reason I tuned into that channel…oh, another good show bites the dust. What is going on????
This series was excellent. Why would it be cancelled and what can we as viewers do to help bring it back?!
A&E, we are not impressed with this decision. This is certainly a grave mistake on your part and if this is about the $ and ratings, we find it impossible your network is not making money for an A-1 rated drama. A&E D’s & O’s/Management needs to rethink this and bring it back.
Wow, this can’t be true . I love this show, I agree with Dave , there is “NO REASON ” to watch A&E again !!!They cancel a excellent show like this one THE CLEANER & keep that trash dog the bounty ( fake -ster)hunter. We see that A&E don’t care about ratings or viewers. Well this is one less viewer you can F… you to !!!!!!
I thin that the Cleaner was the best show on tv Benjamen Bratt along with all of the other cast was very good and believable. It was an important show for A&E whether they realize it or not. I will not watch A&E till this show is brought back. I want be the only one.. A%E listen to your viewers. You have made a mistake
I have watched every show since day one and it is one the shows that I have ever seen & when I found out that the show was cancelled I was so disappointed with a & e exec’s you idiots have know idea how many viewers that you just lot, you also just lot a lot of money and your ratings are going to keep falling what a smart move……
You so called exec’s need to get real, and stop being so stupid and put the show back on the air.
I love this show. It is the greatest. This was one of the best shows on t.v. I cant beleive they cancelled it.
I can’t believe this show was cancelled . . . This was an absolute great show . . . real life situations with real life solutions and problems . . . . bad choice A&E!!!!
Way better than Intervention . . . bring back this series . . .
I have an idea, send me a list of all of these petitions I have signed. Let the folks who want good family TV shows come together. I’m sure none of us are rich but if we band together and could get enough money for our own cable channel. Let’s call it “THE CANCELLED GOOD SHOWS CHANNEL.” You so called exec’s need to get real. This show was against drugs, for family and it had a leading man with a back bone who was not ashamed of showing love and affection for those around him. Come down from your high… Read more »
OH well another good show down the drain!!!!!!!
I am done with A&E. This was the one show that kept me watching and tuning into other shows. With this show gone I will never again turn the channel to A&E.
There you have it. Now I have absolutely no reason to ever tune into A&E ever again. What a great show ‘The Cleaner’ was. What acrap network A&E has turned out to be.