ABC Family hasn’t renewed Twisted and The Fosters for second seasons but they’ve done the next best thing. The cable channel has given each a full first season pick-up and ordered more episodes.
The cable channel’s press release didn’t specify how many new episodes have been ordered but it’s believed that there will be 10 more installments of each. Both Twisted and The Fosters are expected to return sometime in January 2014, along with the third season of Switched at Birth.
To date, The Fosters has averaged about 1.7 million viewers each week while Twisted has drawn about 1.4 million.
“It’s thrilling to count our two freshman series, The Fosters and Twisted among our stable of strong, must-see, must-tweet series,” said Kate Juergens, ABC Family’s Executive VP of Original Programming and Development.
What do you think? Do you like either or both of these new series? Are you glad that they’ll be back with more episodes?
The Fosters Is My Favorite Show Ever . I Dont Watch Tv Often but During The Week I Cant wait For Monday To Come ! Twisted Is My 2nd Favorite Cant Wait Very Sad They Are Going To Be Off Air For A While Especially The Fosters
I watch both Twisted and The Fosters and I absolutely love them both! I hope they get renewed for at least a couple more seasons.
Twisted is the best abc family has on this summer– I watch it Tuesday then again on On Demand. This is an exciting mystery for all ages in the family. If ratings. Are down it is because it needs a better time slot. To let this interesting cast of characters slip away would be very foolish for ABC family!
The Fosters is by far the best show I’ve ever seen on ABC Family. I used to love The Secret Life of The American Teenager, but it got boring after a while. My grandmother and I look forward to watching The Fosters every Monday, we bond over that show. I’ve never loved a show more than I love The Fosters. If it’s not renewed for a second season, I’m going to have a lot to say to ABC Family. It makes foster families not feel so alone in the real world, and it sheds light on to families like that… Read more »
I couldn’t agree more ! I fell in love with Secret Life, it was about teenagers and real life things that could happen, but then they made it all about pregnancies and sex. The Fosters is such a great show! In this show all of the things people are judged by and could be ashamed of is not bad. They can show that being LGB or being a foster child etc. is okay and it shows the positive side . Its gonna show for 10 more episode for season 2 and then they’ll consider renewing it or not. BTW, If… Read more »
I hope they give twisted at least five more seasons best show on television for teenagers and young adult. Every Tuesday night my friends and I pool up to watch it, the only bad thing about the show is that its aired once a week and not every day. watch all ABC show, fosters, scandal, pretty little liar, baby daddy, vampire diaries etc, and its rated among the best, which are scandal and vampire diaries. GREAT SHOW, TAKE IT FROM A CONSISTENT VIEWER. FIVE MORE SEASONS.
I think Twisted is a good show and I hope the show is good enough to have the success of Pretty little liars. I believe the show has the potential for more seasons.
I love the fosters. I look forward to watchin it every monday.
So happy the fosters will continue. By far, my favorite show of the summer
forgot – if they are so popular & they are pleased, why not renew for a 2nd season?
i’m very happy they’ve not cancelled twisted totally at least. i don’t watch fosters tho. it makes me very unhappy & frustrated when networks cancell shows without giving any sort of ending to them. i thought twisted was just a summer replacement so i don’t understand why waiting till jan/14 for 10 more. ?????
I love the fosters. it deals with everyday life of a family of all kind. A very diverse family. That’s what society is today. I love it. Please show more of this show and keep it going please, please keep it going.
I love twisted. The series has really gotten interesting. I’m so happy the show is getting more episodes!
I’m glad to see they are giving Twisted more episodes. To me, it’s one of the best show’s on tv and I would like to see it continue.
Love twisted I think it is awesome and I am 45.
love the fosters ,great show cant wait for new season.