Another of NBC’s new Summer series, The Philanthropist, got off to a moderately successful start in the ratings but has been losing steam quickly. Should NBC show some charity and keep it around or should they just cancel it already?
The Philanthropist tells the story of Teddy Rist (James Purefoy), a billionaire playboy who is haunted by the death of his only child. After rescuing a young boy from a hurricane, Rist begins using his wealth to help those in need. The show also features the talents of Jesse L. Martin, Neve Campbell, Michael K. Williams, Lindy Booth, Bonnie Henna, Dominique McElligott, and James Albrecht.
The drama premiered on June 24th and attracted an average of 7.41 million viewers and a 2/6 rating/share of the 18-49 demographic. For a Summer series, that looks like pretty decent performance on the surface but less so when you look at the specifics.
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The show lost 35% of the audience from the last half hour of the successful America’s Got Talent lead-in. What’s more, many viewers tuned out before the premiere of Philanthropist was over. That’s not a good sign and a sure indication that those viewers probably won’t be back the following week.
The second week, the Philanthropist ratings dropped significantly to 5.69 million viewers and a 1.4/4 rating/share in the demo. Week three fell further and by week four, Philanthropist fell to 4.28 million and a dismal 1.1/4. Last week’s viewer numbers perked up a little to 4.74 million but the all-important demo remained dismally the same.
With numbers like these, there’s not much hope that NBC will feel charitable and renew the series for a second year. On the positive side, with just three episodes left to air, the network will surely let the short season play out.
What do you think? Is the show worth saving or should NBC have cut their losses and cancelled it already?
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Image courtesy NBC.
Just when they have a great idea in a show with great actors. Someone in a big office that doesn’t even watch TV decides that it just isn’t any good. So they replace it with another reality show, like we need another one of them. Yeah Right. How can you tell how well a show is going to do in one season anyway. Most of the time you don’t give it a chance, and cut the arms and legs off before it can run. So slow your roll and give James Purefoy a chance to catch up to the rest… Read more »
Please don’t cancel this show. We had almost given up on TV, especially NBC when The Philanthropist started………the series I love seem to always be cancelled. Please don’t do to this one…we don’t need anymore “reality” television – which has turned my family off to watching.
Finally a show worth watching! Give it a chance, as people still have yet to discover it. Remember,summer= less viewers. I really love this show and stop everything to sit and watch it. Cut out the crappy reality shows and bring in more thinking shows that touch our senses,like the Philanthropist.
I had bad aim when I polled! I made misread the question. I’m so sorry. I love “The Philanthropist” (love James Purefoy!!) and do NOT want it cancelled. Kindly adjust poll i.d. number 302 to: No, do NOT CANCEL the show, please!!! My apologies
I tried to give the show a chance at winning me over. After 2.5 shows, it fell flat. Of course, NBC has a proven track record of keeping questionable shows, and dumping quality, so I suspect this one will fly high…
This is the best thing on this summer! Maybe a show with some intelligence that is not mindless drivel was not the best choice for a summer show. I think a show of this quality should have been saved for fall or for a mid-season replacement. I hope NBC does the right thing and gives it more time. I am so sick of doctor and cop shows. And now we’re going to have astronauts acting like the horny doctors on Gray’s Anatomy. The crap is always the most popular.
This show is interesting well-acted and makes you think about the reasons for being and one’s purpose in life. The last episode SAN DIEGO was the best so far and I hope NBC keeps the show on for the remainder of the summer. Thanks!
I love this show!!! I was so impressed with it from the beginning. The pilot episode was beautiful. My mom and I cried at the end. Yes, we actually cried. I couldn’t help it; the story was so engaging.
I tune in every week and hope NBC keeps it going. Whenever someone asks what I watch on TV, I tell them about “The Philanthropist.”
Please keep it – the minute I actually start watching a series it is doomed to cancelled. The story lines are credible, James Purefoy is charming, handsome, and convincing in his portrayal of a man trying to change himself. I despise “reality” shows in total. Bad idea to begin with, continues to be a bad idea.
I Love this show! it is the only show worth watching these days. It’s smart, sexy, positive and strong. Completely refreshing from all the stale doctor and lawyer and cop shows they foist on us. James Purefoy is the best actor on American TV!
Please, please keep this show. I know with your track record NBC I may be talking into one ear and its going out the other, but this show is a QUALITY show and so its worth the effort. Will you please just give one of your intelligent, worth-while shows a break and an actual chance to get an audience? After all, you did debut this amazing show during the summer instead of the fall, which means less PR and less viewers. This show has a GREAT cast, and a wonderful and important and needed viewpoint, and it still manages to… Read more »
Love it, love it , love it!!!!! In these times, a bit of feel good is simply wonderful!!! Keep it going!!!
Great show! James Purefoy = Talent.
Love that James Purefoy. Keep the show!!
I absolutely loathe all these ridiculous “reality” shows. I rarely watch tv because that is all that seems to be on these days. This show is sexy, and intelligent. If shows like, America’s got talent, are the mark we are to compare all other show’s ratings by, there really is no hope for us!
Please keep this show!! Leave something for us “thinkers” to enjoy. There is more out there in tv land than just the easily pleasable masses. Some of us want quality content! Not mindless talent and dating/relationship type shows!!