Another of NBC’s new Summer series, The Philanthropist, got off to a moderately successful start in the ratings but has been losing steam quickly. Should NBC show some charity and keep it around or should they just cancel it already?
The Philanthropist tells the story of Teddy Rist (James Purefoy), a billionaire playboy who is haunted by the death of his only child. After rescuing a young boy from a hurricane, Rist begins using his wealth to help those in need. The show also features the talents of Jesse L. Martin, Neve Campbell, Michael K. Williams, Lindy Booth, Bonnie Henna, Dominique McElligott, and James Albrecht.
The drama premiered on June 24th and attracted an average of 7.41 million viewers and a 2/6 rating/share of the 18-49 demographic. For a Summer series, that looks like pretty decent performance on the surface but less so when you look at the specifics.
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The show lost 35% of the audience from the last half hour of the successful America’s Got Talent lead-in. What’s more, many viewers tuned out before the premiere of Philanthropist was over. That’s not a good sign and a sure indication that those viewers probably won’t be back the following week.
The second week, the Philanthropist ratings dropped significantly to 5.69 million viewers and a 1.4/4 rating/share in the demo. Week three fell further and by week four, Philanthropist fell to 4.28 million and a dismal 1.1/4. Last week’s viewer numbers perked up a little to 4.74 million but the all-important demo remained dismally the same.
With numbers like these, there’s not much hope that NBC will feel charitable and renew the series for a second year. On the positive side, with just three episodes left to air, the network will surely let the short season play out.
What do you think? Is the show worth saving or should NBC have cut their losses and cancelled it already?
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Image courtesy NBC.
I for one will be glad to see that piece of crap go! Like most things on NBC, there is a left leaning political componant that the show wears on it’s sleeve. last week they took a shot at both talk radio and the Fox News Channel. How far down does the network have to go before they fire Zucker and get back to some kind of mainstream non-political entertainment? Or will Jeff Immelt of GE run NBC into the ground along with it’s parrent?
Please DO NOT cancel this show. First off, everything else on TV is crap! Second, this is the only show on air that offers (1) education for the masses on world issues, (2) offers a glimpse of hope to those in needs, (3) shows that the action of 1 person can have an impact, (4) advocates for philanthropy which all charities need more of. Although the way the material is presented is a tad gorified and over-dramatic – which makes total sense, it is television after all! – as a fundraiser I feel this show has come at the right… Read more »
This series is very refreshing. It not only shows why one should be charitable, but it educates the watcher on events in third world countries and shows how you can help.
This is so much better than another doctor, cop, or psych type show! Please keep it on the air.
I agree with Oath101. I don’t watch television, as I have no time and most of it has no substance. I actually get someone to tape the show for me and look forward to watching a character who is imperfect, human; and when is the last time you saw a grown man look up to the sun, arms wide open and express a sense of freedom… ?!Aug.5’s story line was in Kashmir and Pakistan. Is the average person even aware of what is going on in that part of the world? Sure, it was done with drama and unrealistic action,… Read more »
I look forward on Wednesdays to watch this show. Please NBC don’t take it off. This is one of best series I’ve watch in over 3 years. I love the fact that it brings reality to what’s going on in 3rd world countries and how one person can make a difference. Storylines like this make me want to do more for the community.
When i first saw this show i said to myself it’s a shame its on NBC cause they have a prove track record for cancelling smart shows. the list is very long that its almost a bad thing to have a storyline and good acting on nbc if it isnt law and order! I will give up on tv if they cancel this show. It highlights so many of the world’s problems but in an enjoyable way, not to morbid but not to unrealistically cheery either. I love this show!
This show is a great substitute for watching Lost which is not on through the summer. I really like the current relevance of this show. Purefoy sometimes comes across as a James Bond wannabe, but the locations and cultural contexts are great and keep the show interesting. If it is renewed, I just hope it doesn’t appear at the same time as Lost!!
I couldn’t agree more with Joan’s comments from Aug. 3rd. This show is original and with the global locations brings home today’s conflicts, while demonstrating that one person can make a difference. As for the Reality TV diet we’ve been on, does anyone really fall for this stuff? Most of the contestants are actors, and bad ones at that! Let’s keep The Philanthopist on as I’m inspired by the storyline each week, and keeping an eye on Mr. Purefoy is not a difficult chore, either. Not only is he appealing to the female population, but he is a modern day,… Read more »
This weeks episode was great best yet by far but others have dragged on this was paced correctly
It’s not a surprise that the viewership drops off after America’s Talent because I would imagine the audience is very different – the audience for AT is merely seeking mindless entertainment whereas The Philanthropist demands and commands a closer watch and even makes you think. The problem with The Philanthropist I think is just the lack of promotion – I’ve seen very little, if any, promotion for the show after the first week. The show needs some advertising so that it can strike its own audience apart from America’s Talent watchers. I think the show is great, sexy, entertaining, beguiling,… Read more »
keep it on!
The show is doing poorly because it reminds Americans of how much they could be doing to help others, but aren’t. Everyone likes living in their little bubbles and pretending these things don’t happen. They don’t want to be reminded that there is a world outside of 2.1 kids and a white picket fence. Or, they’re going through enough right now thanks to the economic downturn and can’t handle thinking about how bad off others are. Either way, they’d prefer to watch American Idol and not be bothered with social awareness. I say bravo to NBC for reminding people that… Read more »
I’m not sure how anyone could think this is a decent show. I love James Purefoy but to see this show is “brilliantly written” makes me think that you either have no idea what good writing is, or are borderline insane.
Cancel it? Why appeal to the lowest when you can seek the highest? I had stopped watching television completely, yet this series brought me back. It is brilliantly written and exquisitely acted. The storylines have depth and meaning in an otherwise crazy world. Bottom line, it entertains while feeding the soul. I wouldn’t say the same for most television. Not many characters on today have the depth or dimension of Teddy. So many shows are simply the same formulas retooled and lack anything bordering on true originality. Please save us all from the explosion of reality tv that provides nothing… Read more »
Love it and I hope TPTB will keep this smart and sexy show on the air!