On Monday, ABC unveiled their new daytime show, The Revolution, and the ratings were anything but revolutionary. One has to wonder if the execs are second-guessing their decision to cancel One Life to Live.
Per the ratings for Nielsen’s 56 metered markets, The Revolution debuted to a 1.9 rating. That was a drop of 21% from its lead-in which averaged a 2.4 rating. One year earlier, now-cancelled One Life to Live was averaging a 2.3 rating.
For the show’s second airing, The Revolution did even worse — dropping 16% to a 1.6 rating.
While it’s too early to tell if The Revolution will be a flop, this certainly wasn’t a positive start — especially considering Monday was a holiday and more people were home than is typical for a weekday. On the positive side for the network, new series is cheaper to produce than the soap opera that it replaced.
Created by J.D. Roth, sometime TV host and an executive producer on The Biggest Loser, The Revolution is a lifestyle talk show that shows five month personal makeovers in five days. The TV series is hosted by Ty Pennington, Tim Gunn, therapist Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry, Dr. Jennifer Ashton, and exercise guru Harley Pasternak.
What do you think? Have you watched The Revolution? Do you think that it will be a success, even if it doesn’t perform as well as One Life to Live? Could this help save General Hospital?
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Please don’t cancel The Revolution. The show helps to motivate women to get off their fat backsides, stop watching mindless dribble, and tone their bodies. They discuss health issues that are important today, decorating and style issues. I feel that is more imporatant than watching a dumb show about which husband is messing around with which wife. The Chew is not a self help show. It is all about a bunch of people making yuk food and then we get to watch them eat it. All the people who watch the soaps are just mad The Revolution replaced their favorite… Read more »
I absolutely beg you not to cancel this show I watch it everyday as well as record it!!! to go back and review again!!! I adore all the panel. and to get a heads up on all the topics is just great as opposed to watching soaps that have been on forever!! we are in a more informative time in our lives now, unlike the decades before that you sat and watched dreamed up escapes of a live no one lives today!!! The Revolution is great because it is all different topics, in the one hour, not just medical, decorating… Read more »
Bring One Life To Live back please. It may cost more to have it on but its what we want.
Ofcourse the ratings bombed. You took off our soaps. Their is a lot of avid soap fans that are really mad about them going away and abc putting this crap on the air. I grew up watching amc and one life to live. My grandmother watched them its a family affair for me. I refuse to watch the chew or the revolution just because it replaced my shows. I will honestly say i have never seen either and refuse to watch them. Hey guys dont forget its mostly the stay at home moms or ladys that watch daytime and you… Read more »
I think the revolution is amazing !! These people really care about each other
And the people they are trying to help!! I have struggled all my life with food addiction
And it was nice to see there is hope!! That people can lose weight with the help of caring people!! Please don’t take it off the air!!
First of all I love Michael Symon & most of the cast of the chew so I will watch that even thou there is food network. The revelation is a total joke are you serious you took oltl off for this crap its the same as anyother selfhelp design show they have nothing new to report its awful bring back what stay-at-home moms & retired peps WANT to watch oltl
[…] network has confirmed that The Revolution, their ratings-challenged talk show, will go off the air on July 6th. The TV series debuted in January and took the place of […]
I tuned into The Revolution today to watch Jewel…I had never watched before and will not again. The 2 ladies that opened with Jewel on, talked too much. I waited until after the commercial and thought maybe Jewel would be allowed to talk, uninterrupted about her “tips”…but no, the blonde lady felt what she had to say was more important…I tuned out and will not tune in again.
Regarding your segment on today’s show on self image and body image: The wheel has already been invented! You did not create this theory. It is called CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Dr. Albert Ellis was one of the pioneers of this very useful theoretical orientation. Your presentation implied that this was a new idea created by you. Need to be careful not to take credit for what has already existed for many years. This is a great technique, but not good to present it as if you were the creators of it. You need a new approach in delivering… Read more »
Please, please don’t replace General Hospital with yet another show that will cover the same old topics that we can see each day on GMA , Dr Oz and every other show these days. These programs all cover the same old topics, we’ve had enough of this!!! I gave The Chew a chance but find that cooking segments are covererd all over TV these days and it’s just not that interesting anymore! General Hospital meanwhile is at the top of it’s game. Love how quick the story lines are moving and especially love the addition of sone od the OLTL… Read more »
My husband and I watch this show almost everyday. Stories are inspirational, team is caring and issues and solutions are approached in a holistic fashion. Great job!
I recently retired and have only begun to have time to watch daytime television. Having a choice other than daytime soaps is a great alternative. I certainly hopr the Revalution stays for a long time.
I will never watch it. I am so lost without All My Children and One Life to Live. It was so great to sit down and scrapbook and escape each day. I am so tired of fix-it-shows and doc shows and reality shows – everything that is cheap to make. Well I will just watch the old re-runs and the soap channel until that is gone too.
My wwife & I watch every episode of the Revolution. If we are away we tape it. Please don’t cancel.
No Jim we want our soaps. You half to go somewhere else to watch a health lifestyle show.
I have been a soap fan for as long as I can remember. I miss my soaps! The Chew and The Revolution are just like all the other self help shows. There are TOO many of these reality shows and I feel like I’m choking on them! Bring back the soaps!
I’ve watched both shows, tried to like them even. Bottom line, I miss All My Children and One Life to Live. Bottom line, take away baseball and football from a man and see what happens. I feel like I’ve lost a huge part of my past. The shows comforted me on bad days and made me laugh on good ones. Noo I didn’t watch them everyday, but I always knew they were there. Kinda like taking away my favorite pair of jeans. Please bring them back!