This evening, ABC aired the season finale of The River. What’s next? Will the TV show return for a second season or will it be cancelled instead?
For those who aren’t familiar with the ABC series, The River follows the search for beloved TV host and explorer (Bruce Greenwood) some six months after he and his team went missing down the Amazon. His wife, son, their crew and a documentary team go after them on what turns out to be a dangerous rescue mission. The cast includes Joe Anderson, Leslie Hope, Eloise Mumford, Paul Blackthorne, Thomas Kretschmann, Daniel Zacapa, Shaun Parkes, and Paulina Gaitan.
Sadly, it’s almost certain that The River will be cancelled. The thriller series debuted back in the February with a pair of episodes. The first hour attracted a 2.6 in the coveted 18-49 demographic with 8.35 million total viewers. By the second hour, 12% of the audience had bailed and the numbers dropped to a 2.3 rating with 6.83 million.
The ratings have been dropping ever since. Last week’s episode drew just a 1.3 rating in the demo with 4.09 million total viewers. Averaging a 1.67 demo and 4.82 million, The River is the lowest-rated drama on the network and has fallen even lower than sure-to-be-cancelled Pan Am. On our network report card, which compares ABC TV show demo ratings, The River gets a “D.”
With ratings like these, there’s just no chance that the alphabet network will order any more installments.
What do you think? Do you think The River should be cancelled? Are you satisfied with the way the story was left? How would you have ended it?
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Image courtesy ABC.
This may be the best acted and produced show on tv as well as a great storyline. It would be a complete shame to see it cancelled and there are so many unanswered questions. If ABC doesn’t keep it, maybe one of the cable networks will pick it up.
I really hope its not going to be cancelled. I personally enjoyed the show. I’ve read a lot of complaints about it, but I found it interesting and pretty good. Not the best show, but I think it deserves a second season. Especially considering the ending of the season finale. I would really rather not leave it like that. Sadly I think it might get cancelled.
I like the show and found it very intresting im waiting for season two!!!!
I sure hope it doesn’t get cancelled. Its one of my favorite shows to watch!
Please RENEW for season 2!!!! I need to know how and if they get home! The show is awesome and I watch it faithfully!
good show
I want The River to return even though I wasn’t crazy about it at first. I would like to see the story wrap up at least. The finale is really fantastic. If ABC doesn’t pick it up I sincerely hope SyFy or one of the other channels will pick it up like SyFy did and made such great successes of Stargate and Battle Star Glattica. The later turning out to be one of the best science fiction series ever done on television. If not, this points out to a big problem with the television networks in that they leave fans… Read more »
I hope they will do a season two of The River. It had my attention the whole time. I couldn’t wait for every tuesday. The ending left me at a loss of what happens next. Please get another season. I’m sure it will be as good as the first.
Please keep it
No it should not get cancelled! its a great show!!! i hope they still keep it!!
This is one if the best shows I have seen since lost. Please give us another season! It is very good an addictive. I would certainly keep watching. Thanks!
I kind of liked show a very bad ending . Like 2 see it return with answers
I realy enjoyed the river and would hate to see it cancelled I have followed it from the biginning . Loved the ending and want to see more . There are alot of questions left unanswered !!!
I enjoy the series The River. However, I do not watch it on a TV. I watch it online. I am a very busy person and watch most of the programs I enjoy online. Do I count when you mention the number of viewers? I don’t think so. I hope that the network allows the series to have a proper ending.
Keep The River. What a great show!!! Bring it back for a 2nd season!