NBC recently unveiled a new mini-series on Thursday nights — The Slap. How’s the show been performing? Is it a big enough success that the network will want to make a second season somehow or, is it a bomb that should be pulled off the schedule?
On The Slap TV show, a birthday celebration comes to an abrupt halt when a man slaps another couple’s misbehaving child. It’s a small action that ends up deeply affecting all involved. The cast for the mini-series includes Peter Sarsgaard, Thandie Newton, Uma Thurman, Makenzie Leigh, Zachary Quinto, Dylan Schombing, Thomas Sadoski, Melissa George, Brian Cox, Lucas Hedges, Maria Tucci, Marin Ireland, and Penn Badgley.
The eight-episode series debuted on February 12th to a very disappointing 1.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 5.13 million viewers. Things got even worse in week two with the numbers falling more than 20%. Last week, the ratings dropped again, falling to a disastrous 0.7 rating in the 18-49 demo with 3.67 million viewers.
It’s clear that The Slap is a big “miss” for NBC and, more importantly, it’s not giving The Blacklist any lead-in support in its new Thursdays at 9pm timeslot.
After tonight’s installment, the network will have four episodes left. While NBC will no doubt let viewers see the remaining episodes, it seems highly unlikely that they’ll leave it in its Thursday night timeslot much longer. A Saturday night burn-off or online release appears to be the most likely scenario.
3/6 update: NBC has cancelled Allegiance and shifted The Slap to the Thursdays at 10pm timeslot for the remainder of its four week run.
4/3 update: NBC has confirmed that The Slap has ended with eight episodes.
But, what do you think? Do you like The Slap? Do you think the network should keep airing it or pull the series prematurely? Why do you think it hasn’t caught on?
LOVE, The Slap!!! Please make it into a weekly series!!!!
This is a mini-series. What that means is that is a series with only a limited number of episodes. In this case, it is only 8 episodes making up a story that starts and ends. Why is that so hard for everyone to understand? NBC left the show on for the entire series. I am grateful that they did not cancel it before finishing the story. However, the story will end after episode 8. This has been one of the best shows of the season, in my opinion, but the quickest way to ruin it would be to continue it.… Read more »
I agree. Everyone should enjoy the story from start to finish and be done with it. I am only hopeful the writers will go on to create another story with a good theme for another 8 or 10 eps. There have been several TV shows that have done this type of thing and I am hoping it continues. The shows that go on and on become old and tired. Like beating a dead horse. They are much like soap operas – and we dont need any more of those!
I love this show !!! I hope they bring it back for many more episodes!!
I love this show!!!!! I’m kinda sad it is just a mini series….I wish they would make a season 2……
Love this show , finally a story line with out blood and guts and killing!
Please renew The Slap Very good series !!!!!!
Great show. Interesting to observe the varied reactions and excuses for some shabby (and often very human) behavior. Hope show continues.
show is garbage. should have been canceled after the first episode.
And yet it wasn’t. Poor you, forced to watch it, week after week.
I watch the slap on TV for two reasons. In the New York area (I live in New Jersey) on Thursday night it has become a dead night with there are no worthwhile shows available to watch until 10 o’clock when the slab comes on not that that is a good show in my opinion. The second reason is I would like to finally see who wants up winning the court case. I still stand by my opinion that they need to get rid of Connie because she is as boring as boring gets in and I need to pick… Read more »
I watched this series on Hulu and loved it.The acting is outstanding. The child who getsen slapped parents are so unbalanced though. It’s hard for me to have much sympathy for them or their out of control child.
I like these new shows that are written for 10 ep miniseries. It allows the writers to tell a story with beginning, middle, end. Instead of a show that goes on and on until they run it into the ground. I like the show – but, it needs to end. And then maybe they can write another one with subject matter that is just as intense. I think many parents are at loose ends and raising kids they know nothing about. The parents each have issues of their own – so are ill prepared to deal with a hyper active… Read more »
Don’t cancel! Love it!
love this show!
Not sure how shows are rated but I know that this show is pretty good…. And it should be given an extended life…. I for one may not watch it on the night it aires but my dvr is definitely a great help in keeping me up to date……
I think people don’t get it. It was never intended as a series. It’s a finite miniseries, eight episodes, and next week’s is the finale. It’s ending, but not because it’s bad, but because it was planned this way.
This is a good show, please don’t cancel.
Its on at the wrong day and time to compete with other shows aired at that time…have to set my DVR in order to see it…plus after you see the wrongs in the story line how can you keep the momentum going…don’t think that The Slap should be the main topic but one of many
I like the show. Don’t cancel it.
this show is great,,so real,,without the annoying disease of being actually real tv I LOVE IT!!!…KEEP IT ON,,don’t be afraid ..give it a lil more promotion so that more people could get a chance to see it…KEEP IT KEEP IT KEEP IT!!!! Please