Last week, ABC unveiled Zero Hour, their newest Thursday night TV show. Will this one be quickly cancelled like Last Resort or will it become a long-running hit like Grey’s Anatomy? Cancel or keep it?
On Zero Hour, the publisher of a myth/conspiracy magazine searches for his missing wife and becomes pulled into a compelling mystery that has world-wide implications and goes back centuries. The series features the talents of Anthony Edwards, Addison Timlin, Carmen Ejogo, Dylan Baker, Jacinda Barrett, Michael Nyqvist, and Scott Michael Foster.
The debut of Zero Hour drew a 1.4 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 6.38 million total viewers. It was in a distant third place in its timeslot and was the worst regular season premiere that ABC has ever had. Ouch.
Of course, trouble in this timeslot is nothing new for ABC.
In 2010, they tried My Generation. This ensemble drama debuted to just a 1.6 demo rating and was pulled off the air in two weeks.
In 2011, the new Charlie’s Angels debuted in the same timeslot to a 2.1 demo rating. It was cancelled within weeks and production was shut down. ABC aired seven of eight produced episodes.
This past September, Last Resort premiered to a 2.2 in the demo and the numbers quickly tumbled in the ensuing weeks. The show was cancelled but the cast and crew were able to wrap things up by episode 13.
So, unless the ratings for Zero Hour quickly climb, it seems this show is doomed to be quickly canned as well. A second season seems out of the question but hopefully the alphabet network will at least release all 13 installments.
But, what do you think? Do you like Zero Hour? Should ABC stick with it or pull it off the air already? Cancel or keep it?
keep zero hour on you fools it’s the best show on tv by far
Keep it. I had to DVR it because wife had to watch american Idol. . Bad time slot
Keep it. What is wrong with ABC, not everyone is interested in desperate Bachelor bull or any of these “reality” shows. Change the night, don’t get rid of the show yet.
KEEP IT!!!!!!! This is the only thong worth watching!! The shark tank show is garbage and no more reality t.v. This could be as big as LOST!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep it. It has amazing and it has so much true on it
Keep it!! A very intrueging series!!!!!
Keep it!
Keep it. Great show. Wrong time slot and not hyped enough.
KEEPPP!! I love this show! I hate that a lot of shows that i have started watching on ABC get cancelled real quick (Any network really). Little FYI.. give it more than 3 episodes to see if it’s going to last or not.. At least this show is not like every other show on TV.. it’s different and very intriguing! I mean, there are enough shows about the real housewives, doctors, hospitals, families in crisis.. at least its original!
I love the show. Has a different spin than most. Hope it stays.
Keep it cool, different plot.. See where it goes .. It’s a mystery. Definitely different then all the medical, law, cop, revenge shows out there… Abc got a ton of those why not something more scientific and paranormal. Maybe advertising needs changed or amped.
I was intrigued after the premier, but groaned through the entire second episode. Constant references to biblical prophecy, illogical or incoherent plot turns. Poorly acted. It seems the writers gave everything they had for the pilot and have nothing let. Please cancel this pablum!
I WOULD LOVE FOR U ALL TO KEEP IT ,, I LOVE SHOWS LIKE THIS ,trying to figure out the mystery is very exciting
Keep it. You have to love a Jewish industry that wont let the world forget Nazis.