It looks like Reaper is in trouble once again — and this time it’s even worse than before. In addition to mediocre ratings, the creators of the show have signed a contract with another studio and will be leaving the series.
If you’d like for the show to continue under the guidance of other showrunners and the series’ other writers, check out this page for ways that you can support the show and work to get it renewed for another season.
As part of that, consider signing the petition below. Pass the word on and encourage others to do the same. But don’t delay, it’s not like you have an eternity to get busy.
To: The CW network, ABC Studios, Fazekas-Butters Productions, and The Mark Gordon Company:
We, the undersigned, have greatly enjoyed watching the Reaper TV show on The CW network. It’s a very entertaining show that keeps us both laughing and on the edge of our seats at the same time. The show is nothing if not surprising. The acting is excellent and it is truly an original series and concept.
Though the ratings haven’t been as high as they have been in the past, Reaper is up against the most popular show on television, American Idol.
We encourage you to find a way to keep Reaper on the air for another season. We are devoted viewers who will continue to watch the program, encourage others to do the same, and will support the advertisers as well. Please keep Reaper on the air, either on The CW or on another channel.
Thank you for your consideration.
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Image courtesy CW.
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[…] I need you to do! First, I need you to go here and read this article and THEN I need you to go here and sign the petition that is going around to SAVE […]