This new ABC Family comedy revolves around Ben (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) a young man in his twenties. He becomes an “instant Baby Daddy” to an infant girl when she’s left on his doorstep by an ex-girlfriend. He decides to raise the baby with the help of his mother Bonnie (Melissa Peterman), his brother Danny (Derek Theler), his best buddy Tucker (Tahj Mowry) and Riley (Chelsea Kane), his close female friend who’s harboring a secret crush.
The cable channel is pairing Baby Daddy with their already successful sitcom Melissa & Joey. Will it be as successful or will it be cancelled after one season? Is it worth watching? Here’s what the critics are saying:
Boston Herald: “There’s so much mugging going on here, and none of it from the actresses playing the baby. Kane so resembles Kaley Cuoco, you might think The Big Bang Theory star is slumming. Fox’s Raising Hope manages to be both more outrageous and realistic than this flimsy, forgettable time-waster. But not since the Olsen twins ruled Full House have there been kids so gosh-darn-melt-your-cold-heart adorable. They’re most often used as props for silly sight gags, and they’re good sports.”
Chicago Tribune: “Let’s stipulate that ABC Family isn’t trying to reinvent the sitcom, and that nobody has cornered the cute-baby market, or the concept of having single men raising one. Even with that level of generosity, Baby Daddy is as stale as an old Diaper Genie, a series of poopy one-liners, powdered with little ‘Aw’-inducing moments of heart. While the concept ought to be a fertile one, there’s not enough duct tape in the world — the guys’ preferred method of holding diapers together — to make the show more than gratingly bearable… The cast is cheerful enough — and a lot younger than Tom Selleck, Ted Danson and Steve Guttenberg — but there’s really not much to be done with a concept this stale, or characters this thinly defined.”
Newsday: “Baby Daddy is predictable, and then not, and sugar sweet, and then more safely sugar-free sweet. It knows when to drop a punch line, when to work the awww factor, and when to get all Sentimental Message Time about characters learning to believe in themselves.”
LA Times: “Ever since Heidi got dragged up that mountain, tots have been turning angry/immature/egotistical/damaged guys into caring and wonderful adults with naught but a smile and, perhaps, a well-timed bout of fever. That the story hasn’t advanced an inch since then is dispiriting, but this show doesn’t even try.”
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “In many respects, Baby Daddy is the anti-Teen Mom. This sitcom exists in a (fantasy?) universe where a potential father opts to care for a child that may not even be his. It’s also similar to Fox’s Raising Hope, except that Raising Hope offers smart comedy and Baby Daddy is stuck in the realm of TGIF humor.”
What do you think? Is Baby Daddy worth your time? Have you watched the show? Will you watch again?
Personally, I loved the show! Yeah, maybe it’s just beginning but give them a break, it’s funny and adorable! So, yeah maybe the whole things been overdone but it doesn’t hurt to give it a shot! Plus, the cast does a great job!
In all honesty, as much as I enjoyed watching the show, the critics are right… It’s fairly cliche & isn’t hitting any high notes at the moment. Hopefully it bounces back to bring a few more surprises & growth to make the audience continue watching! On a positive note, though, I thought that it was PERFECTLY cast! I just hope the writing improves & they will be good to go… <:) I wish only the best of luck while I keep tuning in!!!
I did like the show, and plan to watch all the episodes. However, the acting/writing was not nearly as good as Chloe King or several of the other programs that have seen their last episode on this network. So I doubt it will last. I still plan to watch and hope that a new (or very old) leaf is turned and the show gets a chance to grow into its own before they cut it from the lineup. I would love to see many of the actors on the show keep their jobs, because I watch anything that they are… Read more »
My kids loved it so much, they watched it 5x! I think the critics are being way too harsh. So the plot isn’t exactly original, but so what? The cast is gorgeous (mostly the baby and Jean Luc), it’s heartwarming. That’s enough for us.
I love this show, I hope abc family gives everyone else a chance to fall in love with it too.
I liked the show. I thought that it was funny when it should be and in my opinion, a show shouldn’t always be cutthroat. I watched it with my dad and my two sisters and we’re definitely looking forward to the rest of the series to unfold.
Not as stale as these reviews! (“stale as an old diaper” and “poopy one-liners?!” How original.) Wonder if any of you actually sat down and watched this adorable show in its entirety? When I mentioned “3 Men and a Baby” to my kids, their response was “Who’s Tom Selleck? Who’s Steve Guttenberg?” so it was nice to watch them enjoy this cute premise with a group of talented young actors that they could relate to. I’ve always wondered why television and movie reviewers constantly resort to the “it’s already been done” excuse for not liking something. Why do audiences enjoy… Read more »
ABC Family shows that aren’t really directed at kids are pretty bad. I would watch reruns of Raising Hope before Baby Daddy.
There is no unique comedy aspect in this sitcom. My Two Dads is funnier in my opinion.
Doesn’t Fox already have this show…?
It just seems like such a generic show from what the ads show, but I would like to be wrong.
Really liked this show. So did the kids.
Its on ABC “Family”, and not suppossed to win emmy’s,—its suppossed to entertain the kids and it did.
I stumbled across an ad for this show last night and set my DVR to record it. I was thoroughly surprised how funny it was. I rather enjoyed it. Here to hoping that a station actually gives a new show a chance.
I watched it and my first google search was is baby daddy cancelled. Thats not a good way to start a series.
I thought it was worth watching, as soon as I like a show Its canceled