This evening, ABC is unveiling their new romantic drama, Betrayal. Is it a good companion series for Revenge? Will it become a hit, a moderate success, or will it be quickly cancelled? Is it worth watching?
Betrayal revolves around professional photographer Sara (Hannah Ware) and top attorney Jack (Stuart Townsend) who, despite being married to other people, have a torrid affair. Things become even more complicated when Sara’s husband and Jack end up on the opposite sides of a murder trial. The rest of the cast includes Henry Thomas, Chris Johnson, Wendy Moniz, Braeden Lemasters, Elizabeth McLaughlin, and James Cromwell.
Sound interesting? Here’s what some of the critics are saying:
NY Times: “It would help if Mr. Townsend and Ms. Ware had chemistry, but they’re basically generic-looking actors playing out an unsurprising dynamic.”
LA Times: “If only we cared. Even a little. Ware is lovely, but Sara is nothing more than a dress-up doll. Just as fetching in tank tops as that little red dress, possessing a cool and convenient warehouse studio, she is utterly unbelievable as photographer, mother or wife. She is certainly unbelievable as a woman carried away by passion; she and Townsend’s lack of chemistry threatens to form antimatter every time they look at each other.”
Salt Lake Tribune: “After watching the pilot episode of ABC’s Betrayal (Sunday, 9 p.m., Ch. 4), two questions immediately popped to mind. First, could that possibly have been as boring as I thought? Answer: Yes. And, second, what were ABC executives thinking when they picked this up as a series? Answer: I have absolutely no idea.”
Newsday: “Sorry, but to a large extent, Betrayal is all about TMI. The entire pilot is needed to set up the convoluted pretzel of a premise, but it also gives away a huge plot point in the opening seconds. That’s not only a risky move but a confusing one for the obvious reason that we don’t even know who Sara is at this point, let alone why anyone would want to shoot the poor woman. But this message is at least delivered: Betrayal is as much a mystery as romantic drama. Does Betrayal work on either level? So far, not really.”
Variety: “Barring an unexpected turn for the better, the show seems destined to generate more unintended giggles than heat (the ads should really say “ABC’s funniest new series!”). Because while TV has plenty of room for guilty pleasures, they should really be more satisfying than this.”
Washington Post: “So far, there’s not much here you don’t see coming from many miles away, and there’s barely enough chemistry between Ware and Townsend to make things bubble. If Betrayal wants to stick around, it better have some real surprises in store.”
USA Today: “Sex, treachery, murder: Betrayal is a show with everything – except decent writing, believable characters, and anything else that would provide a reason to watch.”
NY Post: “Can anyone act here? The answer is yes. Before Betrayal, Ware’s most notable role was as Kelsey Grammer’s drug-addicted daughter in the defunct Starz series Boss. In a TV season where some seriously lazy casting is hindering the new shows, she’s a breath of fresh air: she’s subtle, assured and has an ethereal allure. How did she get a job on ABC, known for its cavalcade of wavy-haired bimbos? The Dublin-born Townsend, who joins the list of foreign-born actors with a mastery of the American accent, manages to be available, passionate and furtive all at the same time. If anyone’s capable of Betrayal on this promising new drama, it’s Jack McAllister.”
What do you think? Are you planning to watch Betrayal? If you’ve already seen it, will you watch again? Would you recommend it?
stuart townsend @Stu_Townsend 5 Nov
The fans have spoken and BETRAYAL is an official 2014 People’s Choice Awards nominee for FAVORITE NEW TV DRAMA….
the above is on his twitter page……and have you all been voting ???????
Is ST on Twitter often? I don’t use it–yet!
Yes, I’ve voted several times for Betrayal and there are at least 3 other favorites of mine in that category but I’m giving all my votes to Betrayal!
Kathi…yes…he seems to be on Twitter a lot. I don’t do FB or Twitter.
I just got his Twitter page but of course..I cannot tweet as they say lol.
I am still thinking about last eve’s show….will have to view again on abc.
what a show on Sunday !! looks as if Jack and Sara will not be together??? sad that Vic
killed Lou. What more can happen ??? of course we know Sara gets shot…and..????
only another episode will tell us !!! and Happy New Year to all !!!
Wasn’t last week’s episode a heart wrencher? I felt so sorry for Jack when he saw Sara’s book in the trash. He was so heart broken. Then he found out that she’d been forced to break up with him but now she’s shot. How’s it going to end???????????????????????
just saw this……does not look good for Sara and Jack being together….I feel they will both go back to their families…and try to work it out ????
Season 1, Episode 13
Episode Synopsis: In the Season 1 finale, Sara’s survival is in doubt after being shot, which forces intense reflection by her family and Jack’s as they ponder what comes next. Original Air Date: Jan 19, 2014
Guest Cast Adam Shapiro: Nate Greene Ora Jones: Quincy Theringer
BETRAYAL is listed under…favorite new tv drama..for the People’s Choice awards voting……one can vote many times………..let’s get voting !!
have you seen this…..???? very good info.–betrayal–star-stuart-townsend–jack-opens-himself-up-like-viewers-have-never-seen-before-010122577.html
That photo of ST is stunning, absolutely stunning, and the author obviously agreed!
I’ve got lots to say about last night’s episode but will read your comments first.
Thanks SO much for sending this.
wow….what a show tonight !!! I was hoping that Jack would quit Carstens ! I am sure he
was calling Sara to tell her..and then we have the two staring at each other. I thought maybe things were working out and Drew would not find out.
and of course we now know why Sara gets shot.
Very emotional show…and next week looks the same.
Last night’s episode was amazing! The ending was so different than expected, etc. Does Drew beat up Jack or just go to his wife with the news as we know he does because it’s in the previews. I was surprised at how easily Sara lies! I couldn’t be in that situation because I couldn’t come up with those lies so quickly and persuasively. I LOVED it when Jack quit!!!! I’ve so been hoping he would, and didn’t he look adorable and happy when he left the courtroom? If they are truly filming up to episode 11 right now, Sara may… Read more »
Townsend said in those answers…that in episode 11….we would see their relationship be different…hope they are together. I read where Jack feels disconnected from his family. Loved it when he sent her that book..and what he wrote..about some things are real. You can tell they are really in love now. was hoping Jack would quit also…..and when he calls Sara…he has that smile…like.. I finally got those bars down in the cage. ..and he wants to be with her. Drew really gets obsessed with things…Carsten….and Sara..taking her cell, looking at that picture to find out where the place is. Seems… Read more »
Agree with all of your comments. Yes, I was anxious to hear what Jack said when he called Sara…I’m so anxious to see what happens in the next show.
You will love him in Unhitched.
just watched the last episode…again !!!
I don’t know if Jack got a chance to say anything to Sara..maybe…it seems as if the phones were still ringing.
I am not liking Drew…..for his taking Sara’s cell…etc. and then running to Jack’s wife.
Hope they show exactly what happens after that last scene Sunday…when they are looking at each other.
I see the show is not on one Sunday..some music awards are on.
We may not like Drew for what he’s doing but I think he’s doing what most of us would do in that situation. It would have been easy for the producers to make Drew and Elaine very unlikable so we could better justify Jack being with Sara but this may be more realistic and make us think. You mean they’re going to make us miss an episode????? What will we do? I get Queen of the Damned tomorrow. I’ve seen enough of it to know that ST falls in love so I know he’ll be his sweet and vulnerable self… Read more »
Kathi…I am about to watch…..Queen of the Damned. I cannot see him as anyone but Jack now. Unhitched I will get next is in for me. I know…..miss an episode..ooh no!! lol I have watched the episodes so often…I am to the point where I know the lines that will come. Loved the last episode…..esp the scenes with Jack and Sara. So looking forward to Sunday night. I keep wondering if it is Jack or Drew with Sara when she is on that stretcher…..and I keep looking at the back of each man…..when they walk off in a scene.… Read more »
I think the guy with Sara is Jack but that show has so many twists right now that who knows what will happen? Tomorrow’s show isn’t the last, is it?
I don’t think it is the last…..ST said that they were working on 11.
And they’re making 13, right? Are you under the impression that we WILL see all 13 episodes?
yes…..we should see all 13. According to the new tv says what will save our show..and Hostages is that they are limited series….13-15 eps. and….networks do not like to pull the plug on these….esp after a few eps. People would not be happy…so true !!!
keep going !!!!!!
With all that’s happening in the show now, how will there be any cast members left by ep. 13????
hope you see what I posted. great info from ST….about the show.
check the above out…hope it comes up…I don’t do Twitter…looks like they are having fun.
see if this comes up..
Thanks for the links. Guess I’ll have to spend some time on his Twitter site to catch up before deciding if I want to participate.
I saw this on another page and I replied…
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U cant B Sirius says:
November 9, 2013 at 5:25 pm
MARY are you a P.R. person for “BETRAYAL” or know someone associated with this Thanksgiving Treat (TURKEY)?
mary says:
November 9, 2013 at 6:51 pm
I am serious !! turkey.?..doubtful. Everyone has an opinion…..variety is good…lol.
Funny. By the way, are you receiving my messages to your personal email address?
I’d tell these folks that you are proud to be a civilian PR person for Betrayal!
KATHI……I am not getting any messages from you in my personal mail…..are you sending them to me on ST’s website in the guestbook…or my regular e mail ??? I have not checked the guestbook of late.
I replied to that person…that yes I was serious about Betrayal…..and that we all have our own opinions….and that variety is good…lol.
I’m sending messages to the email address on ST’s website. Please email me at home so I can get your correct address, if you want to give it. It’s just that I want to respond to some of these submissions but can’t seem to get through all the time. Here’s trying 1 more time!
Kathi…you mentioned about how many people would be left by the last episode… looks as if Brandi has departed..and that is the traumatic event that was mentioned for TJ. Wonder if both Sara and Jack will try to get their marriages going again ? From some of the pics I have seen….it shows Jack and Elaine together….looks as if it is a party…I think they do have a party for the twins…or someone. but….I am hoping after an episode or so….Jack and Sara will be ok….they do love each other. I am wondering who did really kill Lou ? could… Read more »
Wow. It’s late Sunday night and I’m still piecing tonight’s show together in my head. We know that Brandy’s dead, which makes me wonder if TJ will kill his father???? I now feel that Jack and Sara will be together unless someone does kill her–Thatcher in response to Jack hurting Elaine? I don’t really see them returning to their spouses now, and Jack wouldn’t tell Elaine that he loves her…..I’m thinking that the guy who killed Brandy might be Sara’s shooter. I so want to see Jack happy but he’s quit his job and betrayed his wife, and she has… Read more »
Kathi I just saw this…and I do not understand the rating for our show….why….why…why….don’t people view this?? I added a comment. You should too.
I am glad Sara had Jack they were not alone.
Baileys Harbor is in Door Cty..a great vacation area.
Do you think Zarek shot Sara ?? I think I read somewhere where they do try to get back into the marriages…but…it does not work. I think Jack realizes he has become totally disconnected from his family.
I am hoping Jack opens his own practice….Sara continues her work….etc.
Isn’t there some way to look at ratings with football subtracted? Since all the Sunday night shows have low ratings, wouldn’t that make sense? Betrayal is my Sunday night delight of choice and might have more of a chance if it weren’t competing with football. I’m also glad that Jack and Sara spent the night together. As you say, I don’t think he’ll be able to put his life back together. I think if he and Sara stay together they’d be happy IF Karsten gets killed because we know he won’t allow Jack to be happy now. It would just… Read more »
just saw this…for next Sunday……this is where I read about the disconnection Jack feels…and that party is for the kids. Guess Drew and Sara do try. I have been spelling Karsten wrong…I have been using a C lol …One More Shot Sunday 10/9c TV-14 | S T.J. becomes reckless after a traumatic event leaves him unable to cope. His predicament forces Karsten to confront his past and take drastic measures in the present. Meanwhile, as Valerie and Victor celebrate their birthday, Jack realizes he’s become disconnected from his family. Sara and Drew struggle with the new dynamic at home and… Read more »
just saw this…on his Twitter page. Would have been fun to have seen the cast doing this last nite……
Stuart Townsend · 29,665 like this
Yesterday at 5:18pm · ..
Fasten your seat belts folks. things could get a little bumpy tonight on Betrayal!
I’ll be live tweeting for the 9pm CT show with some of the cast. #Betrayal #abcbetrayal see you soon!
for Betrayal fans…..
check this out….great info from ST
well….Queen of the Damned just ended…wow……you have not seen it yet…so..all I will say is…..ST is quite the actor ! let me know after you see it.
I will be sleeping in tomorrow ! I may just have to watch an episode of Betrayal yet… get Jack back.
I’m still laughing at your comment about ST being quite the actor! He is very versatile, isn’t he? I just watched Queen of the Damned about 2 days ago. Don’t you think he’s pretty in it and looks a lot like Keira Knightley? I liked the ending too. Even as a vampire, ST projects sweetness. I was rewatching the latest episode of Betrayal and thinking how sweet ST always looks. Honestly, I don’t care if he ends up with Sara or not, I just want him to end up happy. The trouble is, I don’t think anyone will end up… Read more »
I hope the ending is not sad…..and I do hope that S and J end up together. One can hope !!!
As I said……I will take Jack over Lestat..but…it was entertaining….liked the ending too.
Thanks for the good wishes, Mary. It appears we will get all the episodes and all questions will be answers……………….here’s hoping!
just saw this for ratings…hard to understand why the show is not rated should be….
And at 10, “Betrayal” (1.0/3 in 18-49, 3.5 million viewers overall) appears to be up a bit as well, though it was adjusted down from a 1.0 to a 0.9 in the nationals; if the 1.0 holds, it would be the best score in four weeks for the rookie.
just saw these comments for Betrayal…..I so agree.
Totally addicted to this series in spite of its slow start. Can’t wait for the next episode.
I was surprised and how intriguing this series is
Carole Rice
The chemistry between Sara and Jack is so hot! Are these guys married to each other in real life? They should be cast as characters in the movie 50 Shades of Grey. I have watched from the start and now can’t wait for Sunday night to roll around.
hot lust at last!
So glad Betrayal is gaining new fans, and I’ll bet there are many more out there. Please give us at least the first year!
Agreed with others. This show is absolutely sexy and addictive. It’s my guilty pleasure and I can’t wait until Sunday rolls around. Hope the audience will grow. People tend to shy away from new shows because they don’t know how long they’ll stay on air. ABC, please don’t cancel it.
just got this from abc……in my email……about sweeps shows coming up…..
scroll down…and you will see two episodes mentioned about Betrayal….lots
going on…..other shows info also.
kathi….I don’t know if this got thru… computer jammed a….again…I love the music on Betrayal…and to make a long story shorter…lol….I did check the credits and finally got the music names….got the site..and e mail…and wrote….and got a nice reply a while ago….here is part of it…nice to reply. We too hope the show does not get cancelled! I’m not sure the time slot they put it in was the best (to compete against sports and other hugely established shows), but the ratings are slowly improving and I’ve read that they have started airing it in South Africa and… Read more »
How neat. Please let me know where you sent the comment so he can hear from me too. I’ve already bought the CD for the first episode’s sexy song. This is good news about the show being exported. Maybe we’ll luck out after all!
By the way, one of THE cutest ST movies is UNHITCHED. It’s a darling movie and ST is, of course, perfect.
saw this for the next show…..
TV-14 | S
Sara and Jack’s secret trysts cause Jack to make an effort at home and Sara to blossom with a new sense of self-confidence. Meanwhile, T.J.’s new friend, Rodney, finds a crucial piece of evidence in Uncle Lou’s murder investigation. As Drew’s case of corruption and bribery is crumbling, he tries to coerce Brandy in a last-ditch attempt to trap Karsten.
Hard to wait! The show goes by so darn quick.
for all Betrayal fans…….I just saw this…..people’s choice awards.
Vote for Betrayal in many categories……for the show…and for S Townsend..and Hannah Ware. here is the link
Thanks for this link. I put ST’s name in every category I could. Not only did they omit Betrayal but several other of my favorites.
You must see the movie Shooting Fish. ST’s only about 25 and looks adorable. He’s so sweet and innocent, naive and shy. There’s one scene, #13 on the counter, where I wondered how the actress could stop herself from kissing his neck! Anyhow, it’s a silly but sweet movie.
Doesn’t Betrayal look hot this Sunday??????
I will be ordering Shooting Fish from B and N this weekend….I also will get Unhitched from my library.
Looking ahead to Betrayal Sunday……and more eps I hope.
and let’s hope it goes up in the ratings again.
That darn football…and also baseball I think.
Yes, I read that baseball knocked out lots of shows the other night. I hope ABC considers that when looking at ratings.
I was watching an old NCIS show this afternoon…and thought I recognized one of the actors……he was younger here…It was Chris a bit part….Drew from Betrayal.
Love this show, can’t wait got Sundays to watch it!!!
so glad you like do I and many others as you can tell from the comments. I just hope that it gets the full 13 shows. I would hate to have to wonder how it all turns out.
Here I am! I’ve been taking notes ….. In regard to what Abby wrote, I have to hope they film all 13 episodes –with an ending–then release it on DVD. I want it on DVD anyway, don’t you? I loved the last episode but miss the passion that’s there when they tried to stay apart. They’re so darn cute together and doesn’t ST’s mile light up the screen? When he smiles, he looks like a happy little boy….I’m melting here! I’ve been watching some of his other movies and his appearance has really changed. When he was younger, he was… Read more »
Hi….I will get Night Stalker for sure….the more I see ST the better….lol.
I agree…ST and CT did show their relationship on screen. ..most definitely.
I will watch About Adam soon…..and Chaos Theory again..which I own and did not
know I did.
I agree….the show goes by toooooo fast !!!
Loved the scenes on the boat.
yes…I would want the dvd also.
and his smile…ahhh…..he is so cute.
I read the 50 shades books quite a while ago….liked them also. Great story for Ana and Christian. Christian is 28 in the book….ST is about 37…? but..I could still see him in the role.
ST’s actually turning 41 this year but he could still play Christian. I’ve told you about another actor I’ve discovered recently. He’s a Scot named Emun Elliott and he’s the star of The Paradise on PBS. He could definitely play Christian as in The Paradise he’s very demanding of respect, etc.
I’d watch ST in anything.
at any age I could watch ST!!!
When I was having my hair done today..the gal asked if I have watched Paradise…and I have not..guess I should from what she told me about it.
I love the pbs show….Selfridge..and I see it returns Mar 30..The gal at the studio said
it is similar to Paradise..about the same era etc.
I didn’t watch Mr. Selfridge (sp?) because I’m not a big Jeremy Piven fan. I realize the two shows are probably a lot alike but I LOVE the main guy in Paradise. He’s got the darkest eyes and just pierces those of the main female character. I sure hope they get together.
almost time for THE show….Betrayal of course !!!
I am replying to myself…lol.
Wow…..the show is getting complicated to say the least.
Karsten is a nasty guy !!!
and now the pictures the guy has..etc
Things do not look good for Jack and Sara.
I surely hope it is not canceled now..with all that is going on.
on another site…I saw these comments…to which I replied of course….
Betrayal is horrible. How is this crap getting on the air?
Totally agree! The manufactured chemistry between the two leads is laughable. Scandal this is NOT
I reply to myself a lot!
Of course, I disagree with the person saying that the acting in Betrayal isn’t good. I think it’s the same level as the shows that ABC loves to sponsor.
By the way, I just did some searches on the Entertainment Weekly site and NOTHING comes up for Betrayal, ST, or H. Ware.
Forgot that you mentioned ST’s relationships. He won’t even talk about them. I think he may have been so hurt by CT that he’s not rushing into anything plus he may be looking for “the” one and not playing the field. But then, what do I know??!
this is from the movie…a stranger in paradise…….;_ylt=Ag_2LIJcwDCjRCIDWXTDIRKbvZx4?fr=yfp-t-121-s&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=the%20movie%20a%20stranger%20in%20paradise%20trailer%202013
That movie looks good but where’s ST?
check this…….
Loved all of those pix of ST!
These lists reminded me of some comments on his movies. He is in the first minutes of Eon Flux but only that. I didn’t watch the rest of the movie because I knew he wasn’t in any more of it. The kiss between he and CT is pretty darn good, though. The TV Guide Channel had a program on the sexiest vamps, etc. They showed ST a little but only because they were highlighting the girl with him in Queen of the Damned–No mention of ST! The Will & Grace episode with ST is supposed to air Oct 30 at… Read more »
Another website:
I just posted a reply to what you wrote in ST’s guestbook !
I never did get what you said you sent to me from the ST website.
The private email was sent using the mail envelope icon on the ST website, the one that’s so dark.
By the way, I wrote to the website person and requested she lighten up the site. I told her that I’d added something to my original sign-in but it can’t be seen on the dark screen. She replied that she’s been meaning to do just that for a long time.
glad you wrote about that….will have to see if what you sent is still there….I did reply to you..did you see it ????
Wonder if the guy they picked for Shades of Grey will do it well. He could surprise
us all.
If they have a good script and a good director, the guy should make a fine Christian. Hollywood can make anyone appear how they want them.
Check that site to see if your email is correct.
kathi….yes my e mail address is right….on ST’s website.
just watched episode four again !!!!
Tonight Grimm returns and is followed by Dracula with Jon Rhys Meyers–two very good looking men and Grimm is one of my favorite shows, like Sleepy Hollow. Have you seen the actor in that? Wow.
Why don’t you email me using the address on ST’s site and see if I get it.
I have never seen Grimm. Probably won’t watch Dracula……I watch Blue Bloods two mins.
I watched Chaos Theory a while ago….just to see ST.
I will email you soon……I did do a reply to your post on his site. Did you see that…
I see it is there.
Just checked the site and saw your reply. Thanks.
glad it worked……I also did a regular e mail to you.
spent a lot of time today……watching Betrayal…again…esp the last one.
soooo good.
hope to watch About Adam later.
Kathi…..I have been watching the credits at the end of Betrayal…as I love the music that is done. To make a long story short….I did find the names of the music people…googled and got the website…and the email address…..and emailed…and….got a reply a while ago….most exciting. Here is part of it….. We too hope the show does not get cancelled! I’m not sure the time slot they put it in was the best (to compete against sports and other hugely established shows), but the ratings are slowly improving and I’ve read that they have started airing it in South Africa… Read more »
check out the new comments on this site….he is the one who wrote the good article about the show…which is there…..are you ready for tv at nine ?? I am !!!!!!!
how about this….seems as if he is looking right at you….hope this comes up.
It’s too dark but I know the scene you mean and, yes, he’s looking right at you! sigh
I wrote to Melanie…the gal who did the.interview with ST. I wrote again today…asking her that if she is in contact with him tell him how many new fans he has.. got this reply earlier…. Hi, Mary. I don’t expect to be in touch with him again unless I interview him again after Betrayal is over when he’s promoting something else. I’m sure he’s aware that he’s getting new fans and that there are a lot of people enjoying the show. I think he manages his own social media pages. But the question is whether there will be enough… Read more »
kathi….where have you been?? miss your comments . Loved the last show….ahhhh….
love that chemistry !!! and I got the movie…About Adam..yesterday….will view soon.
It looks like a fun one.
I also got some ST movies but haven’t watched them yet. I tend to put off things I really want to enjoy! By the way, the TV series Night Stalker is a series so you have quite a few hours of ST! It’s also a good show. Had it continued, I think there would have been a romance but, darn, it didn’t. Hey, I watched Head in the Clouds and ST was almost THE star! I will buy it but still don’t think it’s really that good a movie. One thing I noticed immediately: Most people in real-life relationships don’t… Read more »
I just watched About Adam. What a role for him…..he is so darned cute…and with that accent too. I kept seeing him as Jack in Betrayal. I think I will be thinking of him in that role in that show for quite a while.
Loved that ending to the movie…when he gets married finally…and is kissing the
sisters…and he looks at the camera with that smile of his. Funny moment.
(and the song they play…Sisters….from White Christmas when R Clooney and Vera Ellen sing it. )
It is a cute movie and he is adorable, as always. I get from that ending that he plans to continue making all the sisters happy if/when they need him. If you take it seriously, he’s not the best husband if you want fidelity! But it’s a light movie and he’s darling. I think you’ll like UNHITCHED even better. It’s one of the 3 movies I purchased and I just watched it last night, and love it.
I have Unhitched on hold at the library.
Questions about the last show….
Jack is in the garden…looking at each family member…and Sara’s picture…and Sara is looking at the balloon picture….and her family.
Do you think both are having regrets now about the affair…and what they are giving up ?
Jack just told her he loved her as she told him too.
Did I send you this ???? it tells about the next episodes…spoilers you may not want to read it….It deals with Nov sweeps……and the next two episodes of Betrayal are there.
Yes, you’d sent this before but I reread the show’s descriptions…one says something brings Jack closer to Sara and that they try to “navigate” their broken relationships. And I fear this, “Zarek, anxious to please Karsten, resorts to drastic measures to deal with Brandy.” I really like Brandy and was hoping she might get together with Drew. I do feel sorry for the spouses and children but I want Jack to be happy. I think he might not have needed Sara had he just quit his job a long time ago and done something he enjoyed; probably easier said than… Read more »
Kathi…… did say Jack does some kind of admitting to the affair??? but whatever he does bring him closer to Sara. Do hope they do end up together.
Do hope nothing happens to Brandy.
also….in some pictures I saw for the next 2 shows… shows TJ and Jack
least TJ looks really mean.
I definitely think something major will happen regarding TJ……………..
Just wrote a long answer to this but failed to enter my name, etc., so I doubt it went through.
I had received this from you before but reread it and the show continues to get more confusing!
I agree,Kathi!!!! just wish he had deleted that picture…he should have known to do that.
They both said…I love you……….will that carry them thru to be together !! or…will they try to work it out with the families…..I cannot see how that would work.
and……who shot Sara??
I think the pull of the kids, especially Sara’s, will be hard to leave behind. I doubt that Jack’s father in law and Sara’s husband will be very forgiving. Maybe Sara’s shot when someone was aiming at Jack or she’s shot to hurt Jack? You know that Karsten won’t let his daughter and family be hurt.
kathi…..I don’t like what I see for Sunday…check out….drinks with my wife…
how can Sara say Drew did not see the picture…when he looked at the camera…he must make up something. Will see soon.
We know Drew finds out about the affair. Cannot see it ending well for Sara and Jack..and here they told each other..I love you.
Glad you sent me to that page; haven’t been there in awhile and there’s so much new stuff!