ABC is moving some shows around for the November sweeps period and, as part of that, is pulling freshman drama Big Shots.
Big Shots follows the lives of four businessmen who are successful in business but whose personal lives are a bit of a mess. The series stars Michael Vartan, Dylan McDermott, Christopher Titus, and Joshua Malina. Big Shots debuted on September 27, 2007 and six episodes have aired thus far. The premiere attracted a mediocre 11.6 million, losing about nine million from the premiere of Grey’s Anatomy that preceded it. The ratings have been slipping ever since and the most recent episode attracted just 7.3 million. (Numbers based on overnight ratings.)
Its no surprise that ABC is pulling Big Shots for at least part of the November sweeps. Women’s Murder Club will take its place for a special Thursday night airing on November 15th. Then, on November 22nd, October Road will kick off it’s second season before settling into it’s Monday night timeslot a few days later.
It looks like Big Shots may return to Thursday nights on November 29th. If the writers’ strike continues for very long, ABC will certainly want to make use of any current scripted content that’s already been completed.
However, Big Shots is one of the few freshman shows that were not given orders for additional scripts or episodes in advance of the impending strike. That fact alone puts the series’ future in question. It’s not known how many of Big Shots’ 13 episode order have been completed or scripted. One way or the other, the show’s production will probably be shutting down in a few weeks at most.
As the writers’ strike goes on, ABC will be faced with some serious economic decisions. They’ll have to decide how long they want to keep paying actor and production expenses for a mid-to-low rated show that’s not even in production. At this point, it’s looking doubtful that Big Shots will survive. Stay tuned!
I enjoy this show. It’s a tv series that does a great job giving the perspective of a man in life. Maybe the problem is that ABC isn’t targeting its demographic audience or should switch to an audience that would appreciate this, men from the ages 18 to 65 would definitely enjoy this. Also, it doesn’t help when its behind Grey’s Anatomy. I say keep the show but just target it better for men. If you look at ABC, it’s structured for women with talk shows, then soaps, followed by more soaps, then the news, followed by some game shows,… Read more »
Big Shots is the best show on tv right now, and I am shocked that it was pulled off the air. Please bring this show back…. We should start a petition.
I never watch tv other than watching ESPN to catch up on the sports everyday. But I’ve finally found a tv show I enjoy watching with my girl and that’s BIG SHOTS!!! Don’t cancel this show!!! My girl even got me into Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. Those are great and all but they just aren’t BIG SHOTS!!!! KEEP BIG SHOTS ON THE AIR!!!! DON’T CANCEL BIG SHOTS!!!! please….
Ahhhh!! How could you do this? I agree with my friend Monica, I too have conflicting schedules and I have to DVR Big Shots, but I watch it faithfully every week! No way can you start a series and just end it. I can’t imagine every doing that to a series like Grey’s! This show is awesome, and it gives a male perspective, which is very different for a series. Also Juan makes an excellent point, give us loyal fans something for our loyalty!! A DVD box set or something, don’t just leave us disappointed!!! SAVE BIG SHOTS!!!! lol…
Ok, I am getting very UPSET. Just imagine going through a rough day with the kids and you are eagerly anticipating you quiet time to enjoy your Favorite show, and you turn on the channel and you see a show call “Women’s murder Club”. I said to myself this can’t be right, so I check the date and channel and time to see if something was wrong and come to find out that ABC HAS PUT SOMETHING ON INSTEAD OF THIS AWESOME SHOW. I beg of you to PLEASE bring back my show, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SHOW. It is… Read more »
big shots in my all time favorite show, i love ugly betty but i look forward every week to watching big shots and if it is cancelled for good then there will be big problems. it deserves to stay on, it is great.
I really,really really really really love the show. Its my favorite on abc
I rarely comment on shows but this is one I fell compelled to do so. I really enjoy Big Shots. I look forward to watching it. PLEASE DO NOT CANCELL THIS SHOW. Give viewers time to catch on. Hell, you given the Bachelor way too many season. Big Shots characters are intriging and comical, which is more than I can say for your other shows. Please give them a chance.
The only new show I like and now they’re thinking of cancelling it. Unbelieveable!!! All this show needs is a better time slot and I’m sure you’ll see the ratings increase.
I love Big Shots too. I hope ABC will continue to give this show the chance it deserves. Christopher Titus rocks!
I love this show. Though this show started off slow, like most shows that start off in sweeps, it picked up, and come on, at least three of the four men are veterans and handsome. What other show has that? Not over the age men, not men not to young for even 15 years old, but men that have money, are in that range like “George Clooney” and “Brad Pitt” and “Denzel Washington”, and not afraid to be human for being men. Didn’t Greys Anatomy start off kind of awkward. Take a chance ABC, you see, that one of those… Read more »
I have been an avid watcher of Grey’s Anatomy since it came out. I thought nothing else could top it but after watching Big Shots, I can say that I honestly look forward to seeing Big Shots more than I do Grey’s. It’s funny to watch the way men go through situations…it has a men’s humour but has just enough for a female touch as well. Its great for both men and women to enjoy this show! I love it!
I love this show!! it is one of my fave shows. PLease don’t cancel it!!
I think it is THE best new show this season. I was really looking forward to seeing what happens to Duncan after he gets fired, and what about his “son”? Please don’t take this off…PLEASE….Ugly Betty is terrible this season. I never watched Grey’s Anatomy (I hate medical dramas), so I’ll be left with only two shows (dirty sexy money and Desperate housewives) to watch. Both are mediocre to me.