The alphabet network has ordered three more episodes for their sophomore drama series Body of Proof. This will bring the second season to a total of 20 episodes. Last spring, ABC ordered 13 episodes for season two and combined them with four leftover installments from the first season.
Starring Dana Delany, Geoffrey Arend, Jeri Ryan, John Carroll Lynch, Nicholas Bishop, Sonja Sohn and Windell Middlebrooks, Body of Proof is currently the weakest scripted series currently on the network when it comes to the coveted 18-49 demographic. The eight episodes that have aired so far have averaged a 1.9 in the demo with 9.49 million viewers. That’s down by 17% when compared to last year.
While the additional episode order is positive for fans of the series, unless the ratings significantly improve, Body of Proof has very little chance of seeing a third season. It seems that the network has ordered additional episodes to ensure they have enough hour programming to round out the rest of the season.
What do you think? Will Body of Proof’s ratings improve? Will the series get renewed for a third season or be cancelled? Should the writers use the three extra episodes to wrap up the series?
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Image courtesy ABC.
Typical to have a good show cancelled! Isn’t it to be expected these days? I am so tired of watching a series and then having to see it gone. They need their heads read!! I think I will stick to movies.
I am a weekly fan of this show. Its clean (it has no stupid car chases or flying bullets or blood/guts/gore) and its good enough to watch with the family. It is character driven and so far I have become quite fond of the cast and all their idiosyncracies. Any show worth a lick-of-salt gets terminated by the executives. I wonder if they even watch their own shows. I’d love to know who actually does the polling because they should be fired for stupidity if they consider cancelling this show and replacing it with another damn cop drama.
I completely agree with you george, the actors were great but the show was just not realitic enough and was just a huge rip-off of EVERY single CBS crime show
The characters have developed much more fully in the 2nd season and it would be a shame to see this show cancelled just when it’s finding it’s creative footing. Delaney brings a strong performance every time and Geoffrey Arend is full of talent just waiting to be tapped. I hope the network gives BODY OF PROOF time to reach a full audience.
Yeah, almost TEN MILLION VIEWERS ON A TUESDAY NIGHT is a “BAD RATING.” Idiot networks.
Well 10 million is roughly 2.0 in the demo so yeah it is a bad rating
It’s the demo number which is important to the ad buyers and therefore to the networks.
Oh and while I’m on a rant, let’s not forget “Brother’s and Sisters.” That was another great one, albeit a little silly at times. But ABC decided it’s time had run out. All I can say is I’m glad they’re not really in the field of medicine or a lot of us would be considered “ready,” and as such, disposed.
I have to ayt agree with all you said i much prefer to watch Body of Proof over Castle any day but am i not right that ABC were going to cancel Castle in its first season but they ran with it , why not this show it has more going for it than alot of shows i could mention , we need more of the back storys than we have been getting , over all one of the better shows on the TV today better than all of the reality shows put together.
It is so typical of TV Producers in their suits to cancel good series simply because the number of viewers drops a bit for a period of time. I used to love The Good Wife when it was on on Tuesday nights. They changed it to Sunday and it is constantly being delayed becaause of that stupid reality series, The Great Race or whatever it is. It has made it so that I’m not willing to sit up to watch a series that has been diluted in plot since it moved nights. It’s like watching something on life support. And… Read more »
This show is a muddle of poor scripting and lack luster casting. Compared to the writing and production of stablemate Castle it should be taken to the pound and put down. Just as the Dollhouse lost it’s way in the same manner so has Body of Poof. Jeri Ryan however is a stand out in this cast.
I really like this show and have since it started I am really hoping it stays on
@ George. Not realistic? It’s TV! If you want realistic go outside. TV and movies are escapism and entertainment and people seem to have lost track of this concept. There are plenty of excellent documentaries for realism.
This is is a great show, it should not be canceled. Dana Delany is great in this series as well as the entire cast, it will be missed in my home.
Steve, I’m with you and I couldn’t have said it better myself. Vaudeville, Broadway, MGM musicals, et al were created so we could put aside out worries and have a smile and hum a tune and keep in mind that life has it’s many wonders as well as its pitfalls. Thank’s for making that clear.
ABC has a track record of cancelling good shows. Body of Proof has become one of the better drama’s on network TV. Not sure how they take there pole’s to determine who is watching but I can’t help but to take there numbers with more than a pinch of salt (more like a whole box of salt). I have never been asked nor anyone I know.
I don’t think the ratings will improve because its not a very realistic show. Dana Delany dressed in designer wardrobe while at a crime scene; interrogating witnesses. etc. She’s a M.E not a cop. So I would wrap it up. I do like Ms Delany and Jeri Ryan though.
Why should ABC cancell Body of proof when its been the second best rated show over all at the 10/9c showing, i cant see any one in there right mind doing away with a show thats so popular with the public , they will need there heads read
Since this show is one of the most entertaining of the new Dramas on the air, of course they will probably be canceling it. Funny how the powers that be seem to dump the good shows, but like this week we get to watch Unforgettable without DVR because they replaced Body of Proof with yet another run of Dancing With The Stars!!!! (I have never watched DWTS and never plan to, but that doesn’t stop them from running a million special episodes of them each year)