Over the weekend, Brothers & Sisters star Rachel Griffiths was in Australia and joked that her show was going to be cancelled. “I’m soon to be unemployed so I checked in with [welfare office] Centrelink and said, ‘Looks like I’m out of a job and wanna sign up.'” she shared.
A representative for ABC says that no decision about the TV show’s fate has been made yet but, quite honestly, it’s very rare for a network to admit a show’s been cancelled.
There has been talk for some time that the series won’t be renewed for a sixth season. Brothers & Sisters is quite expensive to produce and the ratings are a far cry from what they once were. Recently, they’ve gotten downright terrible.
There was a lot of talk that the show would be cancelled last season when the show was averaging a 2.9 in the 18-49 demographic and 8.99 million viewers but ABC ended up giving it another chance. The future was looking okay at the start of this season but the ratings have been inching downward for much of the season.
A few weeks ago, Brothers & Sisters hit a new series low with a terrible 1.7 rating in the 18-49 demo graphic and 6.32 million viewers.
The one thing that could save Brothers & Sisters is the fact that ABC’s had such terrible luck with new dramas. The network execs have been searching for new dramas to replace their aging ones for some time.
Unfortunately, with the exception of Body of Proof, they’ve struck out with about every new one this season. My Generation, The Whole Truth, Detroit 1-8-7, and No Ordinary Family have all been cancelled or will be cancelled soon.
These failures might give Brothers & Sisters a reprise but the numbers will have to start turning around for that to be a serious consideration. Last night’s 2.1 rating is a step in the right direction but it may already be too late.
ABC announces its new season on May 16th so there are just two original episodes left before a decision about season six is made.
What do you think? Do you think Brothers & Sisters will be renewed or cancelled? Is it time for the series to go?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I woke up with an idea for the show BROTHERS AND SISTERS. I watched marathon two seasons this week-end and cut it off at show #20. I would have canceled it too. Even though I had fallen in love with the people the lines had become predictable and they never grew up!! They never evolved or changed…that is not normal…I HOPE! Our society is in desperate need of some GOOD role models. THESE were losers who could afford it. How many ‘I’m sorry, I was wrong.’ situations can a normal relationship bear without a demand for CHANGE. BY session #20,… Read more »
I’m unhappy that Brothers & sisters has been cancelled. It just disappeared from my DVR. I really only watch this show and House which has also been cancelled. I like Brothers and Sisters. Wish it was coming back.
I thought the show was great. I was waiting and waiting for the new season to start when to my surprise it did not. The show related to me so much, that I was actually learning how to handle some of my family members! The problem with the ratings, was probably the same with all the night time drama shows, I hated it when for weeks there were no shows, it seemed they took a break during November and December, then in the spring. It was hard to remember when the show was going to start up again, so I… Read more »
Please, Please, Please. KEEP Brothers and Sisters on the air. it is so refreshing and real. I love the series from start to finish. I have watched it every year and continued to watch the reruns OVER AND OVER again. I have even gotten my neices and nephew hung up on this fantastic show. you need to get rid of some of the new ones you have brought on and leave the old faithful ones alone. PLEASE don’t drop this series. A faithful viewer.
I am so disappointed you cancelled Brothers and Sister ,I really looked forward to it .It is the only soap my girl friend and I watch.The other soaps do not interest me. A lot of the other programs are repeats that I do not watch TV much.We hope that you will put it back on.Thank You,DONNA MATUSEK
I and my family love this series and all the actors in there. Please keep the Walker’s alive.
please bring this show back on i have truly loved watching this and so has my husband we think it is funny and serious and very dramatic at times but most of all a funny show. i love all the actors in this show and all the people they play. so when i did not see it back on i was really crushed. can’t you all find another way to bring it back to life? there is still alot of us out there who really love this show. i look forward to sunday night tv
I love the series so much. Will be sad if its gone. My son even says that Nora reminds him of me! W hat a compliment to me.
please keep the series sunday night wont be the same pam am were not in the fifties any more
pleeeeeeze keep the series….its one of the best
We would be very disappointed if the series is cancelled. We feel like the Walkers are family and get caught up in their problems. It is good to sit down and watch a show that is just make believe but very true to life.
Sad to see this show end. Loved it!!!!