Syfy has decided to cancel Caprica, the ratings-challenged spin-off of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica (BSG), but the show’s universe isn’t necessarily going away.
In a statement from the cable channel, Mark Stern, EVP of Original Programming, said, “We appreciate all the support that fans have shown for Caprica and are very proud of the producers, cast, writers and the rest of the amazing team that has been committed to this fine series. Unfortunately, despite its obvious quality, Caprica has not been able to build the audience necessary to justify a second season.”
Caprica will be pulled from the schedule following the November 2nd episode. According to the statement, “The final five episodes of the season will be re-scheduled to air at a to be announced time in the first quarter of 2011, and will conclude the run of the series.”
This news comes on the heels of the channel’s announced plans for another BSG prequel called Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome. It had previously been described as an online prequel that could possibly serve as a backdoor pilot for a regular series. BSG executive producer David Eick is on board while Ron Moore is not.
Blood & Chrome will have more action and combat sequences, more closely reflecting the reimagined Galactica series. The description reads, “Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome takes place in the 10th year of the first Cylon war. As the battle between humans and their creation, a sentient robotic race, rages across the 12 colonial worlds, a brash rookie viper pilot enters the fray. Ensign William Adama, barely in his 20’s and a recent Academy graduate, finds himself assigned to the newest battlestar in the Colonial fleet — the Galactica. The talented but hot-headed risk-taker soon finds himself leading a dangerous top secret mission that, if successful, will turn the tide of the decade long war in favor of the desperate fleet.”
What do you think? Are you sorry to see Caprica be cancelled? Are you excited to see another BSG prequel series?
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Image courtesy Syfy.
very very sad to here that caprica wont be back . what now,like the other guys are sayin blood&chrome help us out
clearly the best acting and writing in recent memory of sci-fi series. it brought the eternal questions of good and evil, religion and meaning of existence into the perspective of a new world…. perhaps the net work will reconsider…. it should.
Very sad to see Caprica go, BSG fans everywhere are in mourning. Please bring more of the BSG world to life with Blood and Chrome!
This is very sad. Caprica was an intricate well developed storyline with with an incredible cast and special effects. One more season and I think it would have caught on.
I am very sad about the cancellation of Caprica. There are not alot of shows to watch that keep you wanting to come back and see what’s next. I will not start watching any new series that replaces Caprica in fear that it will be cancelled also. BRING BACK CAPRICA!!!!
most shows on today are stupid and have almost (if that)no meaning. they are going to ruin this only thing that i watch….not cool:(
Big shock. a great n gripping show keeps you interested till the end n waiting till the next week when next episode airs and get cancled by the bean counter exec’s at sci fi or SyFy. how many times has this happen get great show cancle then say hay we are bring up a spin off to debut soon. stargate,then stargate atlantis,now in spin off of the show on starship enterprise. any one remember Farscape. this is starting to tire me n not watch anything. who knows wharehouse 13 will be spun into basement 4 and eureka into gadget city
I think Caprica was an outstanding show. Caprica had a great storyline because of the writers, and wonderful actors to bring it to life. It seems ashame to cut a show in favor of jumping on the bandwagon of Vamp’s and werewolfs. Maybe a letter writing campaign to syfy is the way to go. Star Trek would not have happen if it weren’t for the fans. I hope these post will be seen by the syfy exec’s. or at least someone who might want it on a different network.
This makes me sad. And yes, I do have a life. But that is not the point. This series is a great metophore for today’s realities.
Can anyone say jericho, just another great show that networks are afraid to explore and juist let be great. All we ask is for syfy to commit to us the same way we commited to syfy.
Question does anyone know where we can start a letter writing canpaign?
I’m furious about this cancellation. Perhaps if the idiots at syfy would spend a little more time promoting a quality series like Caprica and less marketing of grade C filler movies like Deathtrooper or Sabertooth by Claude Balls, perhaps they can actually compete with the bigger networks. I used to think that they actually could surpass the big 3, but after this, I think they’ll just carry on with their standard programming and leave the visionary work to AMC & FX. Also, thank you SyFy for barely even promoting the last few episodes of Caprica, (which I missed). in favor… Read more »
I’m really sorry! They shouldn’t cancel it. From my perspective, it was a good and promising show. We can’t be sure, but maybe production costs are too high for scifi. Lets be real, most of the show on scifi are much cheaper than “Caprica” and 90% of them looks like ****. “Caprica” has fine cast, they cost money and that fact most probably raised the bar too high for the scifi. I agree with the folks suggesting that show could be relocated to a channel with wider audience. ABC, TNT, FOX…. ScyFy is primarily for “nerds” (myself included) and “wrestlers”!… Read more »
Seriously…why…I loved that show and of course you cance it. Bring it back, how could you do that it was amazing, compelling and made you want to watch the next week!!!!
Disgracefull!!!! Caprica is without doubt the best series ever to be shot, it was stunning and now you scrap it, I wont watch any new series you do now in fear you cancel. Again, how could you!!!
You are bringing back Merlin, and ripping the BBC off with being human, and can’t do a second season of Caprica? Really?