The CW network apparently wanted to be the first one out of the gate this year and announced that six of its TV shows will be back next season. The lucky dramas are Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, 90210, Smallville, and Supernatural. The venerable reality competition series, America’s Next Top Model, was also renewed for seasons 13 and 14.
Smallville’s ninth season comes after Warner Bros was able to sign star Tom Welling to another cycle. Two of the series’ showrunners, Darren Swimmer and Todd Slavkin, revitalized the action-drama this year but are expected to leave if the Melrose Place revival is ordered to series. If all goes as expected, Kelly Sounders and Brian Peterson, the two remaining showrunners, will take over.
Dawn Ostroff, CW’s entertainment president, said “As we continue to build The CW Network as a destination for young women, these six shows have clearly contributed to strengthening our schedule and our brand identity.”
While the timing of the pickups is earlier than usual, none of the renewals come as a surprise. The grouping represents the network’s strongest offerings.
Still left in the dark are shows like Privileged, The Game, Everybody Hates Chris, and Reaper. Will any of them return next season? The network is developing several possible series so the remaining shows’ chances for survival are looking quite slim.
I just wish that cw, would just do something different instead of recreating shows from ’90’s and what not, I don’t care for the new 90210, or melrose place, I want to see the game, everybody hates chris, and girlfriends back on the air. it seems to me that when a black show gets on the cw it last 2-4 seasons tops, and there’s usually the best shows that get cancelled I want the game and everybody hates chris back for a couple more seasons
Please dnt cancel this show… If that means I have to go on every blog site there is known to man to write how I feel about how this show is the greatest thing on tv then that’s what I will do… The chemistry that all the cast members bestow upon us every single week is AMAZING! These astors are worth the time and the money! I cant even believe we are having this issue come up! CW you will be dissapointing alot of fans who have been faithful to your network!
Please keep the game on the air!!! This is a great show. If you cancel the Game you would be disappointing alot of people. Maybe move it to a differnt night so it can be on for a hour. Please keep this show on the air its the only reason I watch the CW.
Keep the Television Show “The Game” On Television…It is a Great Show… You would be crazy to cancel such a Television Show. I do understand that the network is basically centered around ratings and money, but would you please consider some of everyone in audiences of all races. I center my Friday nights to watch this show..If not, consider it another time slow, or another night, I am not saying I speak for all African Americans but I can only speak for me that We need more African American Shows, and To see Us on Televsion with Actors and Actresses… Read more »
I used to love Smallville, but it’s not the show I loved since losing Kristin Kreuk and Michael Rosenbaum. I know not everyone was a Clana fan, but a lot of the fans are, even though we’ve stopped watching. I enjoyed watching Tom Welling as Clark and I’d hate to not see him go on with his acting, but he is stuck in the role and will forever be seen as Clark Kent. This show needs to move on.
I cant wait to see the Melrose Place Remake in september or october.I’m Looking forward it
Alexis….what about Cosby…Fresh Pronce of Bel Air….Living Single….That’s so Raven
please don’t cancel the game are you all crazy that show is now getting hot and heavy with excellent story lines to top it off……. no way this cannot be the end of this show.
plese bring back Privileged! and don;t cancel the games there are good shows it show how a wanna be can get to be someone in life,so bring bak Privileged! and leave the game,there are hardly any black shows around these day it is like black people don’t exist in the world and that is not fair
DONT CANCEL REAPER… the best show on The CW after smallville and supernatural
thks CW for having supernatural to have season 5. hope there will be more upcoming seasons.
P-L-E-A-S-E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT CANCEL THE GAME!!!! This network is notorious for putting African American shows on nighs less watched…i.e, Girlfriends… It’s funny, Why aren’t any of the “other” shows scheduled on nights like Friday. The Game was thriving when it was on Monday Nights..The CW will definitely LOSE a viewer if this show is cancelled. I hope BET or someone else picks it up. The Game has too much to offer to real life situations…
can someone tell me how many tv shows out today that a mostly african american cast? and why is it that the one that do are the ones people what to cancel? i like the game. its one of the few shows that show african americans as people with money and successful careers. we arent portrayed as thugs, baby mamas, ganstas, hoochies or anything negative. why are people so afraid to see a positive image of black people? The game is great. i love it, im not so much in to everyone hates chris but i love the game. i… Read more »
Please do not cancel The Game or Privileged! These are two great shows! I heard about making The Game an hour long which would be nice. That show has too many commercials and not enough story lines in each episode. Tia Mowry and Joanna Garcia are two of my favorite actresses!