There’s some more bad news for fans of ABC’s Eastwick. Not only has the series been cancelled but the last episode is going to leave several storylines unresolved.
Eastwick follows a trio of ladies (Rebecca Romijn, Lindsay Price, and Jaime Ray Newman) from a New England town who discover that they have supernatural powers, thanks to a handsome newcomer, Darryl Van Horne (Paul Gross). The rest of the show’s cast includes Ashley Benson, Johann Urb, Jon Bernthal, Sara Rue, and Veronica Cartwright.
The series struggled from the very beginning of its run, mustering just a 3.0 rating in the demo and 8.5 million viewers for its premiere. The second week fell to a 2.3 rating and 6.57 million. Things got even worse after that. Last week’s episode hit a series low of a 1.5 and 4.4 million viewers.
Based on these numbers, it comes as little surprise that ABC decided to cancel the struggling drama after 13 episodes. On the bright side, it looks like all of the installments will air. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like fans will be getting any closure for the many ongoing storylines.
In an interview with EW, executive producer Maggie Friedman said that she was furious over the cancellation. She said, “We have such an amazing group of writers and actors — best people I’ve ever worked with. None of us can believe this is really happening.”
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Of the possibility of closure, Friedman said, “We’re smack in the middle of several insanely juicy stories. And so we do not get a chance to wrap things up in a bow. Which is killing me.”
She concluded, “The magic was getting crazy, the storylines were getting really exciting and sexy and dangerous… I [just] wish we could’ve given the fans — and ourselves — real closure.”
While it’s unfortunate that ABC has cancelled a series that millions of people enjoy, it’s no secret that the show has been on the chopping block for some time.
The network gave full season orders to its most of its freshman shows a month ago and Eastwick was left out. Coupled with the terrible ratings, just about everyone who follows the industry knew that Eastwick was on borrowed time. Why was Friedman so surprised by the cancellation?
Other shows who’ve been on shaky ground have found a way to give some closure while leaving some loose threads, just in case the show was renewed. Shouldn’t that have been the case with Eastwick?
What do you think? Who’s to blame for Eastwick’s lack of closure? ABC, the writers, or just plain old black magic?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I am very disappointed that the show Eastwick has been cancelled. They haven’t even gave it a chance. At least let them wrap up the storyline. I really enjoyed the show. It’s just like another great show that has been cancelled Samantha Who. These networks should give these shows a chance. Seinfeld and Friends had terrible ratings in the beginning and look how they turned out. Maybe more promotion and advertising should be done. Either way it stinks we will never know the ending.
Leslie Labelle
Wow..ive been wondering why Eastwick would’nt come on for the past couple wednesdays. First i thought the CMA’s ran on so long that i missed eastwick, so i waited untill the following wednesday just to find that at 10:00, ABC was showing an interveiw with Janet Jackson. I was beyond disapointed. Eastwick was getting really good. Every Wednesday, my cousins and i would all gather around the TV with icecream, popcorn, and a big bag of chips, and just wait for Eastwick to come on. Who could possibly not like eastwick??It was geting so good. It had me on the… Read more »
I am disappointed in ABC. I was really hoping the network would give this show a chance to shine with this time slot and more weeks than just 5…. knowing full well the holiday season would pre-empt several of the shows in the following weeks ahead. I was one of the people who couldn’t stay up to watch the show at 10 pm, and had to catch it online. I’m sure I am not the only person who had to do that…. Can we at least get the opportunity to see the remaining shows? Keep the show on, (you may… Read more »
I am so shocked that this show was cancelled! It reminded me of the once so clever, Charmed. That series was effortlessly successful. Why? Because it contained the innocence of the characters. All three women in Eastwick were on the verge of realizing their true abilities and would have been able to be sexier and more daring than the last. Rebecca Romeijn was a bombshell with her natural looks and steamy scenes with the “occult” of Mr. Vanderbilt. The other two women (forgive me I do not know their names) had their own stories in which they added to the… Read more »
I cannot believe this show was cancelled! I loved it and looked forward to every Wednesday night. It was my time to unwind, at escape into a fun little world for an hour, when the rest of my family was in bed. There are so many crime and medical dramas with such heavy, disturbing content, it was a nice change to have a fun, mysteriously differnet style of show. It beats desperate housewives by a mile. I read that abc was going to air the remaining of the 12 episodes, but I have yet to see it on again since… Read more »
Anjellgirl. okay right me nether but alls am sayin is that i think they sould have givin it just a littel more time to pop off. We did not get a chance to see when they would find out that one another had a power. All abc did was stop it right when it was gettin good you know ?? I hope that they give it another chance just so we can see if it go or dont go any where> Then thats when we will deside to not like it ir do like it and thank u 4 your… Read more »
@Rudolph. Okay, I hear where you are coming from. You don’t think I gave the show enough time. Well sometimes you just know need time for the show to jump off when you know what you like. I was not crazy about the guy they chose to play Darrell and I’m really not a fan of Rebbecca. Anyway, thanks for the response. Chow bella.
Anjellgirl you anit even give the show time to jump off 4 real >>>>every one know that a show is never like the book or the movie >>> U are wrong i think if abc would have given it just a littel bit more time it whould have turned out great . OK whats done is done (chow)
Sorry guys but I have to disagree. I am a huge fan of the movie and this show just did not do it justice. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great either. Couple that with the fact that it was going up against Jay Leno, this show never really had a chance. Good Luck to all the cast and crew of Eastwick.
I will never wath abc again >>>> this is to much the frist show i fall in love with sence charmed!!! and the take it away just like that>>> what the hell is goin on i mean what will i do now i cant wait until lifetime air the show cause i know they will keep it on the air for until the last show !!! but for you (abc) i will let all whom i know that watch the show to not turn to your channel cause you are an ass that take all good things away from the… Read more »
GREAT reason to tune into ABC again & …poof, like magic…it’s gone! Exactly why ABC is a joke. They just “sweat & bail”. I pray Lifetime picks Eastwick up! A little escapism, a little fantasy…a little magical “UN-reality” that didn’t go too far, like many “cable” channels can do. BIG MISTAKE…bad choice made TOO prematurely.
Unbelievable. Well, not really. Happens every time someone comes up with something creative and different and worth our time to watch. What an outstanding cast and amazing writing team. How can this happen? Would love to see another network pick this one up. No more reason to watch ABC is there? Another crime show, another hospital show, another reality show…boring.
Wow. I am so disapointed by the cancellation of this show. There are a few shows I watch religiously, Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy and now, Eastwick. Even my husband enjoyed this one. It is intellegent, witty, sexy and has a great cast and UNIQUE story line. What happened?? I think first of all, it is on too late. Put it on a different night or time. Those other Thursday night comedies are pathetic. I am honestly so dispointed. Please, give it another shot….and what is with the Janet Jackson crap I see on tonight???…wow. That is all I am going… Read more »
I can not believe Easewick has been canceled I really liked this show it seems every time a good show is on
it gets canceled,this brings back memorys of Jericho,I think next season I won’t watch the new shows coming out I am really pissed that Eastwick has been canceled