There’s some more bad news for fans of ABC’s Eastwick. Not only has the series been cancelled but the last episode is going to leave several storylines unresolved.
Eastwick follows a trio of ladies (Rebecca Romijn, Lindsay Price, and Jaime Ray Newman) from a New England town who discover that they have supernatural powers, thanks to a handsome newcomer, Darryl Van Horne (Paul Gross). The rest of the show’s cast includes Ashley Benson, Johann Urb, Jon Bernthal, Sara Rue, and Veronica Cartwright.
The series struggled from the very beginning of its run, mustering just a 3.0 rating in the demo and 8.5 million viewers for its premiere. The second week fell to a 2.3 rating and 6.57 million. Things got even worse after that. Last week’s episode hit a series low of a 1.5 and 4.4 million viewers.
Based on these numbers, it comes as little surprise that ABC decided to cancel the struggling drama after 13 episodes. On the bright side, it looks like all of the installments will air. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like fans will be getting any closure for the many ongoing storylines.
In an interview with EW, executive producer Maggie Friedman said that she was furious over the cancellation. She said, “We have such an amazing group of writers and actors — best people I’ve ever worked with. None of us can believe this is really happening.”
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Of the possibility of closure, Friedman said, “We’re smack in the middle of several insanely juicy stories. And so we do not get a chance to wrap things up in a bow. Which is killing me.”
She concluded, “The magic was getting crazy, the storylines were getting really exciting and sexy and dangerous… I [just] wish we could’ve given the fans — and ourselves — real closure.”
While it’s unfortunate that ABC has cancelled a series that millions of people enjoy, it’s no secret that the show has been on the chopping block for some time.
The network gave full season orders to its most of its freshman shows a month ago and Eastwick was left out. Coupled with the terrible ratings, just about everyone who follows the industry knew that Eastwick was on borrowed time. Why was Friedman so surprised by the cancellation?
Other shows who’ve been on shaky ground have found a way to give some closure while leaving some loose threads, just in case the show was renewed. Shouldn’t that have been the case with Eastwick?
What do you think? Who’s to blame for Eastwick’s lack of closure? ABC, the writers, or just plain old black magic?
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Image courtesy ABC.
Please Save Eastwick!
I love this show. Is there anything that we can do to keep it on the air??? I dont know why ABC did not advertise the show as they did that silly Cougar Town. I thought Cougar town would sink. However it was picked up for a second season.
Who cares if this show ever has any closure.
OMG!! I love this show! Why are they doing this? Someone should save it like TNT saved that cop show “Southland.” I mean for cryng out loud ABC picked up “SCRUBS” for its thousandth season…..seriously? I mean its funny and all but i would rather see that show go cause it had its run…….GIMME EASTWICK!!!!
Is there any way of salvaging this show? Please! There is something we can do…there has got to be a way…..any other networks wanna pick it???? Someone HEEEELPP!!! This is seriously a great show…the writing is awesome and the cast is perfect…..PLEASE!!!
The ratings were bad in the beginning because ABC didn’t want to advertise the wonderful show!
With the episodes just getting better and better, it’s truly a shame that ABC couldn’t recognize what an amazing show it really was. I am so enthralled by the story, the cast, the everything. I laughed, I cried, and I was always on the edge of my seat!
I agree with Bill S.. Give them a Chance! I love this show. And to leave us with this – no ending, not fair. This is about the only show I watch on ABC. I guess I will also have to stick to the other stations. They keep shows on, give them a chance. So Angry!
Why on earth would they cancel Eastwick? It’s a AWESOM show!!!! I’m really disappointed. Me and my 10 year old daughter watch Eastwick every week. Cancelling this show is far beyond STUPID! ME and my daughter both are going to miss this show. If ABC was smart they would at least have a season 2 so we get to see how everything plays out, but no they want to leave loyal veiwers hanging. Since ABC is canceling Eastwick I guess I’ll quit watching the ABC network. In short terms they can understand they cancelled mine and my daughter’s favorite show… Read more »
All these TV execs see is numbers and $. If something doesn’t come out of the box with a huge bang … they are not interested. I am so fed up with ABC constantly yanking good shows that I have (as a result of Eastwick being cancelled) decided that I will simply stop watching all ABC shows. I don’t want to get invested in their shows only to have them yanked out from under me. From now on, I’ll stick with NBC and Fox. At least they seem to give shows more of a chance to become established. Good luck… Read more »
This is awful , these people do not know a quality series with good writing.
Remember the original star trek. who was the fool who decided to cancel that one.
Good shows are slow because smart people take time to lure.
Still think reality shows are for the brain dead, lol
Everyone…Eastwick is still on through the end of the season. They had other programming on for two weeks but it was back last Wednesday and I see it is scheduled for this Wednesday (12-2) so don’t miss it!
BOOOOOO…I thought I was going nuts when Eastwick wouldnt show up on my DVR! lol..Just when it was getting real good poof its gone. That’s so unfair just because viewers went down they cancelled?? dont they ever consider that maybe people have to work and cannot chime in on the exact time it comes on? This is how they track it! I record it while Im working so when I get home I get my dinner and plop my prego bum on the couch and turn off my phone and watch Eastwick..Boo hiss on you for this. They should give… Read more »
Man this sucks. I love this show. I have been watching it from the beginning and I have been very impressed with the writing, the story line and the way it leaves you in suspense to see more. Perhaps they should try a different time slot or something, it seems like a very put together show. Granted it comes off as a despite attempt to combat Despite Housewife’s, but I think they did an excellent job with it. I used to watch DH but it just does not seem nearly as entertaining anymore. Eastwick has filled in where DH left… Read more »
Darn, it never fails, whenever a new show comes on and I get interested, it is cancelled. ABC isn’t hitting on much these days so why should I be surprised. Well I will not be watching any new shows on this network.
Yessssss its back on I am so happy let see what we was missing just to show them that this is our show
Highly disappointed with ABC. This show is great and it is getting very intriguing!!!!! The cancel some really great shows and leave some shows that are just okay and predictable!! I’m giving up on ABC!!