Who is the Magic Man? Well, it looks like viewers will finally get their answer. Maybe.
After cancelling the mystery series Happy Town, ABC pulled the final two episodes from the schedule. Though the seventh and eight episodes won’t answer most questions, they will at least reveal the bad guy’s identity.
Word was that they’d likely be burned off on a Saturday night in July. Then, we learned that they’d be available online — sometime.
Well, according to the show’s Twitter account, the last two episodes of Happy Town will be made available on ABC.com tomorrow morning. An exact time wasn’t given but hopefully it will actually happen. The episodes were apparently supposed to be posted last night but that didn’t happen. Fingers crossed!
UPDATE: The last episodes have been posted. You can watch “Dallas Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore” and “Blame it on Rio Bravo” here.
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Image courtesy ABC.
Is there a site that has a copy of the rest of the story line we could read? I would be satisfied with that…… it’s driving me nuts not knowing how everything ties in together. Whats up with the Blue Door Movie? What is it? Who is Choles mom? Why did Mrs.Hadley tell TC “Its not the question you need to be asking yourself?” Is tc part of it? What is the big Hadley Family secret? Geese…… does anyone have any answers?
ABC has no one to blame but themselves for bad ratings. People have stopped watching their shows because they have caught on to the networks bad habits, such as Happy Town. They start a series, then just cancel it which is really crappie network practices or they show a couple of episodes then start reruns or make you wait a couple of weeks to see another episode. People don’t like to start getting interested in something and then all of a sudden its gone so they just don’t watch anymore. Until they can put a series on and leave it… Read more »
Obviously people enjoyed happy town. So idiotic to cancel it!!!
This is ridiculous! Why the hell would you create a show then pull it off the air, ok so maybe Happy Town didn’t get a lot of veiwers but those of us that did follow it got screwed. Atleast finish out the season especially because it’s only one season long instead of putting repeats of another show in its place. What is the point of that, it’s a repeat so fact is you probably already saw it, what can it hurt to just finish out a program and then cancel it. Or evern put it on another channel… Dont make… Read more »
I think the series didn’t do well because of poor advertising on ABC part, it is one of the best series I have seen in a long time they shouldn’t have canceled it.
ABC is pathetic. They cancel every good series. Happy Town was quite an interesting show. What a disappointing end to the series.
Every show that I like gets canceled!
I actually liked this show, how come every show I get into gets canceled?
I will never watch ABC again. Great show with a lot of potential. Its sad
ABC is the worlds worst net. It starts a good series, gets its viewers interested then cancels them. They did it with Invasion and now with Happy Town. My family will boycott any ABC programs from now on.
There are still too many loose ends…..Alice is the Magic Man, but of her own doing? And is the Sheriff (father) also the Magic Man? What about the 2 English chaps? The cop and the store owner. The cop dude told that lady that HE was the magic man and he talked to that bird….Very bizarre as the whole show was, that’s what I loved about it! BUT, WHY?? Why, how, etc. I guess “the lady of the house” found out that Alice was whacko and just shunned her from the town because they were good friends? OR was Alice… Read more »
Such a good show. Yes, we know who the Magic Man is, but I wish they had finished the season and just give it an ending. I would have been happy with that.
Dear ABC,
Please bring back Happy Town I was really getting into the show and now it is gone.
I think you had a good story line and It was like Harpers Island which I loved and missed that also. Please bring back Happy Town, we need more answers.
How could this be happening?! No more Happy Town?! So all we know is that Alice MIGHT be the Magic Man?! We want more answers; we want more Happy Town!