CBS’ ratings-challenged murder mystery series has been put on hiatus for next weekend. The network is replacing Harper’s Island with a rerun of the popular Mentalist series.
For now, it looks like Island will return the following Saturday night on May 23rd in its (now) regular timeslot. Could this be a bad omen that CBS won’t end up airing all of the remaining eight episodes? Possibly. The show’s first Saturday outing attracted just 4.65 million viewers and a 1.0/3 rating share of the 18-49 demographic. That’s about what the network usually gets for its Saturday night repeats. One would hope that the network would just go ahead and let the season finish.
Will the show be back next year with another mystery? Almost certainly not.
Note: We got our dates mixed up and this post originally indicated that tonight’s episode would be missing. It’s been updated to reflect the correct dates. Sorry for the confusion.
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I can’t believe CBS is going to do this to me AGAIN!! I love CANE it vanished after a shooting…I love MOONLIGHT they cancelled it right after the vampire and the human “Got together” and now Harper’s Island!! You can’t cancel it now we watched all the murders and now it’s getting to the run and hide part, then the killer will be revealed!! Don’t you get it we want TV that keeps us waiting for next week, not all the dumb shows that are fluff and “he said, she said” we want something we can sink our teeth into… Read more »
The television networks are going to run themselves out of business. Why bother to watch any new series when you don’t know if it will be dropped in the middle and just leave viewers hanging. People are going to get to the point to just wait for the dvd to catch up if a series is picked up. That’s why the numbers are down on these shows. These execs are idiots. stop cancelling shows and maybe the numbers will climb!!!!
I REALLY like Harpers Island. I have been waiting to know whodoneit? Please do not cancel this show CBS… least let all of us fans finish to the end.
TO # 43, Mary:
Thank you! My thoughts exactly! I remember when American Gothic was doing better in the ratings than CBS’s beloved Picket Fences, so how did they repay Gothic???? They pulled it from the schedule! Then they rescheduled the last handful of episodes in such a way that I ended up missing the finale.
They did the same thing to Wolf Lake a few years back, and who can forget how they destroyed their suprise hit Jericho by putting it on hiatus for half a season after a very successful fall run!
Please continue Harpers Island. I agree with all the fans…Great show. It makes you reallyl look forward to watching T.V.
Great show! My whole family looks forward to watching it every week. We are all trying to figure out whodoneit! It is entertaining and makes you think! So tired of the reality shows. Talk about trashy!!! Clothes, language. What are we teaching our young people?
Just when you get something of interest on…it gets taken off the air. I am so tired of nothing but junk on TV….no story line…just stupid shows. Why can’t Harper’s Island be on next year with perhaps a different story line coming from the locals of the island.
dont do it nbc.we really like this show.this last show had me sitting on the edge of my seat.wondering who going to be next.
We love this show. Like so many other people, we do not enjoy reality shows and sit-coms. NCIS, SCI’s, mysteries, etc. are what we watch. Why would CBS change the time-slot, or worse yet, cancel this great show “Harper’s Island?” Must everything be predicated on money??
If you are going to start a show, CBS, don’t be a quitter! No one likes to read a book and have the last few pages ripped out. Even then you can go to a book store and get another book that has all the pages. Jerk people around and they watch other stations, cuz they can’t trust CBS to finish what they start!
Typical CBS.. Years ago.. Magnificent Seven was a fabulous new western that everyone had been wanting. Nothing of the like in forever on TV. A couple of 2-parters separated by weeks on end and during basketball season and the Olympics, they tossed that show about like a rag doll. Fast forward to Moonlight. Again, they couldn’t get rid of that show fast enough, all for the love of another reality show. Moonlight was new, dark and was a great followup after Ghost Whisperer. Come full circle and we have Harper’s. Fantastic show, it isn’t homework people, it’s entertainment. I screamed… Read more »
Fans of Harper’s Island, let’s band together. Does that sorry excuse of a network CBS have a forum? If so, Iet’s start a thread there: “Save Harper’s Island”, if anyone knows, please post the link to their forum. I tried looking on their website but couldn’t find the link.
Let’s save Harper’s Island (if only for the remainder of the season). I’m a huge fan
Pleas do not cancel this miniseries. I’ve been taping them,and I thought that it was just off for 1 week,then it will continue till July like it was promoted on T.V. Please show all the series, Thank you.
I’m highly irritated that CBS hasn’t run more episodes of Harper’s Island. They kept touting it in commercials, got us mystery buffs hooked, and then no show, no mention of when it would next be on (or not)! I agree with some others that not all of us want to watch survivor and other reality shows. We need to see the rest of the episodes!
What do you mean, “they’re not going to grow up to be mass murderers…” Wait a minute. Now I’m confused. : P