Though Harry’s Law was renewed for a second season, half of the cast won’t be back this fall. According to TV Line sources, both Brittany Snow and Aml Ameen are out for season two.
Reportedly, the parting of the ways was a mutual decision and both performers have been invited to return as guest stars — possibly to give secretary Jenna and paralegal Malcolm a proper farewell. Kathy Bates and Nate Corddry are returning for the new season and presumably some new series regulars will be added.
Harry’s Law started out strong for the peacock network but lost steam as the season progressed, particularly in the 18-49 demographic. It was renewed for a second season likely because NBC has a lot of other schedule holes to fill and the TV series attracts a large overall audience.
For the 2011-12 season, Harry’s Law is slated to air in the 9pm timeslot on Wednesday nights.
What do you think? Will you miss Jenna and Malcolm? Will you stick with the series?
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Image courtesy NBC.
I will most definitely watch as it was one of my favorites last season & one of the few that I became attached to that DIDNT get cancelled! But I find it interesting that they are getting rid of the 2 youngest members of the cast when that is where they were hurting in the demographics. In any case I would watch just to see the dynamics of Harry & Tommy Jefferson!
@GNC: The stories (with their messages) wont’ change because Mr. Kelly is akin to Normal Lear, and Mr Wolf (producer of law and order), i.e. “progressive” (what we used to call “liberals”) with a big dose of white guilt, who always have to inject their politics into their shows. Because David E. Kelly produces such excellent shows (The Practice, Boston Legal), etc. I try not to let his politics interfere, but I understand how some folks don’t like to be lectured as part of their entertainment. I watch the show because I enjoy the show. I don’t care what David… Read more »
Doesn’t seem like a strong decision to get rid of Snow, who is probably about the only cast member bringing in the 18-49 viewers. The real problem with the show was that the creator doesn’t understand what he is writing about, and failed to create plots that connected with the audience. The fact that they are removing Snow and Ameen just means that the plot involving the two of them was getting horrible audience reactions. It is not Snow’s nor Ameen’s fault for this. They need to toss the writers who made their characters unappealing to the audiences.
Glad they dumped Jenna. She was so annoying I stopped watching the show because of her. I liked Malcolm though; I would rather have seen Tommy Jefferson go.
Though I have to agree with Reality Check about David E Kelley’s writing. I never could stomach any of his other shows. The only reason I watched this one was for Kathy Bates. Maybe they should sump some writers to.
How about adding murder to the plot? Maybe those 2 characters leaving could be murdered off? Also, what’s going to happen to the designer shoe business? And here’s another idea. Bring Charlie Sheen in. Winning!!!
The parting of the ways was a mutual decision?! Between who? I don’t know of any little known actors who would voluntarily quit a job. But at least if someone has to go I’m perfectly okay with those two. They were, by far, the most ridiculous arc of the show. I think it could be a lot stronger with another idea.
I thought this show was very entertaining, as well as all the characters, quirky or otherwise I loved the show. So, even though I will miss the two stars that are leaving I will remain a fan of “Harry’s Law” and continue watching. Good Luck
I like Brittany Snow. Why didn’t the writers give this character more depth? They didn’t give her anything to work with.
Brittany Snow was the only reason I watched the show….
Well Malcolm probably not, but losing Jenna, that could be a death threat. We all know that the only reason this got renewed was because this following list: Outlaw, Law & order LA, Chase, Undercovers and the event. All 5 of those shows were freshmen dramas their all mighty network. All 5 axed. Well at least this show got renewed.
Fail. The problem isn’t with the cast. The plots/storylines became less and less interesting as the season wore on. David E. Kelly’s writing is the problem, not the cast. I love Kathy Bates but even her talent’s can’t make up for boring and banal writing. I will seriously consider stop watching this show if the writing doesn’t improve in the first couple of episodes of the new season.
If they stop making it about poor black kids, boo hoo hoo. Enough already. There’s plenty of injustice in the world no matter what color you are. I loved it in the beginning, but every damn week it was the same thing, she wants to save the world and all the little children of color. Kathy Bates is fabulous. She deserves better. How about saving some people in apalachia or bosnia, or taking on the local government for dumping chemicals, or for cutting open animals for no reason to keep grant money. Plenty of sick stuff. If it changes I’ll… Read more »
I haven’t even decided if I’M going to return for season 2! The season finale is still sitting on my TiVo. However, this casting news has no effect on my decision–the three main characters are still intact.
As Long as Harry and Tommy Jefferson are back I’ll be watching
I really like this show a while lot. I think messing with the chemistry this early is a mistake. Why renew it if your going to mess with it right from the start?