Though Harry’s Law was renewed for a second season, half of the cast won’t be back this fall. According to TV Line sources, both Brittany Snow and Aml Ameen are out for season two.
Reportedly, the parting of the ways was a mutual decision and both performers have been invited to return as guest stars — possibly to give secretary Jenna and paralegal Malcolm a proper farewell. Kathy Bates and Nate Corddry are returning for the new season and presumably some new series regulars will be added.
Harry’s Law started out strong for the peacock network but lost steam as the season progressed, particularly in the 18-49 demographic. It was renewed for a second season likely because NBC has a lot of other schedule holes to fill and the TV series attracts a large overall audience.
For the 2011-12 season, Harry’s Law is slated to air in the 9pm timeslot on Wednesday nights.
What do you think? Will you miss Jenna and Malcolm? Will you stick with the series?
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I miss last years characters and think season one was much better. They have gotten away from what I think was a good program. Trying to expand and get ridof characters that were really good is very disappointing.
In recent years, television executives have vertually destroyed TV viewing for me … i has dumbed down most shows to the point I fell insulted to to turn on any networks programing. Then NBC TV surprised me an brought Harrys Law forward. I decided to give it a chance partly based on the reviews and partly based on Kathy Bates. I was instantly hooked before the first fifteen minuets were up in episode one of season one. With each additional episode I could not wait for the next week to see how David Kelly and the incredible cast were going… Read more »
What have you done to Harry’s Law??? It was great last year. The characters worked well together and the premis was good. Jenna, Malcom, and Damien were great characters, and Kathy Bates is tops. It was uplifting the way they worked in a neighborhood that needed so much. Harry and crew gave a voice to those who needed a voice. Now it’s just another cookie cutter lawyer show. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. This season’s Harry’s Law is broken — Fix it! Bring back what you had last season. I would watch again.
Who the hell is the sound engineer on Harry’s Law. The guy(s)s should be outlawed from TV production. You cannot hear the damn dialogue over the surface noice and when the dialogue begins, the music is to loud as to make the conversation unitelligible. What the hell is David Kelly doing after producing Boston Legal (our all time favorite show) allowing such jackasses to ruin an otherwise great TV program with such a wonderful actress as Kathy Bates. I always thought the Brits were out of their minds with their terrible sound techniques but this out does all those poorly… Read more »
Very dissapointed with 2nd season. I will definitely stop watching. I truly miss the original cast. If the show gets cancelled no big deal, like everyone has said just another law show.
I miss Jenna, Malcom, and Damien. I don’t think I will continue to watch. The show just isn’t the same; its uniqueness and originality are lost. Now it’s just like every other law show.
I miss the ORIGINAL characters. Guess I was the only one who liked season 1 and the only that DOSEN’T like season 2. The entire dynamics of the show have changed and so has my interest! Huge Kathy Bates fan BUT…..No longer a Huge fan of the show )-‘:
Is there no end to the torment NBC wreaks on its viewers? I loved Harry’s Law last year and told everyone about the show, urging them to tune in. I certainly didn’t want a repeat of losing another one of my favorite shows (I have yet to recover from both Life and Chase being cancelled). I watched the much-anticipated premiere and was soooo disappointed. Almost everything I loved about the show was gone. The chemistry among the original four or five cast members was incredible to watch; now that is all but destroyed. Adam is barely in the show anymore… Read more »
NBC…what did you do to my show? I tried to give it a few weeks…because change can be a difficult thing…i was patient. This show is not the harry’s law I knew. Harry’s law was a minimalistic lawer drama equally about the relatable characters and the legal cases. David e kelly brought out the cookie cutter…again…and killed the shows appeal. The most disappointing part is how the show tried to excuse or explain the storyline/cast changes through the script. Apparently nbc thought their audience wouldn’t recognize the cheap attempt to use ageism and a formula fond farewell as a smokescreen.
The show is not the same. I watched every episode last season. Jenna and Malcolm made the show unique by what they brought to the table. If I miss part or an episode, I don’t think it would bother me like it would for last season.
Last season, the show had some “grit” now it just another run of the mill lawyer vs the system show. White america and white crime, all of your tv law shows are about the same things. Last year I was hooked because Harry had BIG BALLS -This year they made her the VICTIM. Take it off and bring something on thats REALLY stupid.
You ‘HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!’ Hankeee, couldn’t have said it better myself! I will be removing this show from my dvr sewries manager! What a waste another GOOD show gone STRAIGHT to HELL with its own fire looking like a human torpedo!
I also liked the old format of the show (which was last season). I do not like the new format this season. I really miss the old characters and the humor with the shop/lawyer location. I thought it was unique and had a more interesting storyline in the area of where the shop was located. This season it is just another lawyer show like the others. It didn’t hold my attention as last season’s show.
I watched every episode from the first season, at least three times. Told everyone I could about the show, a majority, loved it like I did. Ten minutes into the new season, I was bombarded on my Facebook & Twitter accounts, with questions asking “what happened to the cast”? After “Harry”, “Jenna, Malcolm & Tommy Jefferson” WAS Harry’s Law. Watch the first 30 minutes of season 2, and sorry to say, will not be back. Did not watch the next 30 minutes. The new cast will definitely “appeal” to the demographic NBC wanted… I think it was the 50-90 year… Read more »
I have loved the sow from the beginning and am delighted to see it back. I noticed that actors from two of my favorite shows (Human Target and Lie To Me) have been moved into the new cast. I’m glad to see them but HATE that their shows were cancelled. Lie To Me was intelligently written and beautifully acted. Ok, it wasn’t Citizen Kane, but I looked forward to it every week and am trying to get the entire series on DVD – same with Human Target, though the writers for the second half of the final season did write… Read more »
I used to love the show and will give it a chance, but it won’t be the same show. Dumb move on their part.