(Photo: Troy Harvey/The CW)
Monday, July 15, 2024 ratings — New episodes: The Bachelorette, All American, All American: Homecoming, The 1% Club, The Wall, and American Ninja Warrior. Specials: CBS News: 2024 America Decides: Republican Convention and The Republican National Convention — Your Voice/Your Vote 2024. Reruns: The Neighborhood, NCIS, Name That Tune, and Password.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page or go here.
The percentages represent the change since the previous original episode. (Percentages aren’t given for reruns or specials.) To see past ratings for a particular show, click the show’s link. The show pages are updated with the daily final ratings when they become available. Those pages include season averages to date.
What were you watching last night? Original network programming, reruns, cable, or something else?
You guys have the wrong week of data posted on this page. This is last Monday, not this Monday.
Thanks for the note.