ABC had high hopes for Off the Map, their new medical drama from veteran producers of Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned and ABC has now cancelled Off the Map after one season on the air.
Off the Map follows the lives of six doctors who have “lost their way” and have traveled to a remote South American jungle to try to rediscover why they wanted to become physicians.
The TV series’ cast includes Caroline Dhavernas, Jason George, Jonathan Castellanos, Mamie Gummer, Martin Henderson, Rachelle Lefevre, Valerie Cruz, and Zach Gilford.
The TV series premiered to a disappointing 2.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 7.57 million viewers. The show won its timeslot but was disrupted in some parts of the country by coverage of the Tucson Memorial. As a result, ABC reran the premiere Off the Map the following night.
For whatever reason, subsequent episodes of Off the Map essentially drew fewer and fewer viewers each week. The final episode of the season hit a series low and attracted a very poor 1.3 rating in the demo with only 3.80 million viewers.
Despite having some very passionate fans, Off the Map ended up being one of the lowest dramas on ABC. It’s no surprise then that the network has now decided against ordering a second season, cancelling the show. All 13 episodes have aired and we likely won’t find out what became of the young doctors left in the jungle.
What do you think? Are you sorry there won’t be a second season of Off the Map? Why do you think Off the Map didn’t catch on? Is it better than the other medical dramas?
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Image courtesy ABC.
SOOO….. Disappointed to hear of the cancellation of the “Off the Map” series. I was hooked from show 1. It was different, exciting and entertaining. Such a shame….maybe was the time slot? I’m sure it would have caught on if it weren’t for that. How could it not? For all the loyal viewers and viewers to be, BRING IT BACK!!!
One of my favorite shows by far…I kept waiting and waiting to see it come back on. I finally checked online to see what happened and I am so disappointed. Like the other comments say, I thought it was a great show with such a different spin on things that I didn’t feel like I had seen it all before. So sad to see it go…maybe ABC will have a change of heart. At least I can hope!
I think at the time of premier there were about 6 new shows airing and it was by far the best so I think a second season would be profitable.
It took about 3 shows for me to really get into it. I ended up watching the rest of the season on Netflix. I hated for it to end!!! Bring it back!! It’s very highly rated on Netflix, and that should tell you that it is being watched.
It probably won’t be the next MASH, but then what will. I do think it was a nice change from all of the Hospital shows that are becoming overdone. I love Gray’s and Private Practice but they are starting to become the same thing over and over. Off The Map gave a new fresh look to medical dramas and removed the abundance of self-centered egos found clashing over trivial things like on the other shows.
we’ve been watching it on HULU for a few days and we are about to end the first and only season???? that’s non-sense. I think the acting there is actually quite brilliant, a blend of interesting and attractive roles/characters with a rather unique story behind each of them… I mean a bunch of young sexy doctors who screwed it up once and then down the line all come together to re discover themselves, together, and really learn to understand what being a humanitarian realy is about…. now why would you cancel that?…. ABC?… haven’t we had enough of the usual… Read more »
Gutted! Bring on season 2 – it was nice having a series that was different for a change!! Booooooo to ABC
I could never remember when OFF the map was on– it was not advertised very much and the time slot was poor for me. They didn’t have the reruns on the ON DEMAND option – I finally saw the whole series on Netflicks. I loved it and thought the acting was great. I’m a serious critic when it comes to medical shows, as I am in the health care profession and it stood up to realistic plots and good cultural education. Sorry its gone.
Hope there would be season 2. Im from philippines and a Medical Technologist. My family loved the series. Hoping for season to and so fort. Cool movie giving it 5/5 ^_^
i enjoyed the first season and then they leave you in the dark with no season two. a very big dissapointment i watched season one on netflix and was getting ready to watch the next season and tried looking up the air date and insted i found a cancel date bummer.
I can’t imagine that you’d leave us with just Season 1…. what a shame!!! It was such a different kind of series and we loved it… please reconsider.
my husband and i really enjoyed off the map i liked the drama and adventure of it .it had a differnt feel to it that we really enjoyed.
I wish the show had not been cancelled. I just got through watching Season 1 on Netflix.
really wish they could have kept it i was just thinking about the series and the last episode and was wondering when the next season started and saw this defiantly ruined my day. Off the Map had a good story line and was a wonderful show i am really going to miss it
Just discovered this show through NetFlix. Only caught one episode last season and wanted to get caught up. Just finished the whole season in a couple of day. Sooo good! Sad to learn it was cancelled. Great character development and unique story lines.