On Sunday, February 18, 2007, CW broadcast the last two episodes of Reba
The Reba series finale was the 125th episode of the series and was entitled “The Kids are Alright.” Here’s the conclusion of what happened.
After Brock (Christopher Rich) leaves, Barbara Jean (Melissa Peterman) comes back downstairs and is miffed that Van (Steve Howey) and Cheyenne (Joanna Garcia) won’t give her an interview. Reba (Reba McEntire) tells BJ that she thinks her moving to Arkansas is a bit selfish. BJ is incredulous and can’t believe that she’s being faulted for wanting something for herself. Reba tells her how much Brock has changed and BJ replies that he hasn’t. She knows Brock wants things to go back to the way they were, when the world revolved solely around him. Reba says that BJ wants the world to revolve around her. BJ tells Reba that it’s not her problem and Reba says, “I believe that every marriage that can be saved, should be saved. Mine couldn’t but yours still has a chance.” BJ leaves saying that she has to go give her notice to the news station so that they can find someone else to do the weather.
A bit later, in the Hart home, Van thanks Reba for letting them stay with her and comments that he needs to change his smoky shirt. Kyra (Scarlett Pomers) comments that the washing machine’s broken and asks if he has brought his magic butter knife. The two mock each other and Kyra leaves. Cheyenne and Van tell Reba that they believe they need to live there permanently, that they’re obviously not capable of living on their own. Reba surprises them by saying “no.” They can’t believe it but Reba reassures them that they can handle whatever mess they get into, as long as they stick together.
A little later, we see the couple moving back to their home. Reba’s not quite ready for it, knowing that it’s for good this time, but believes it’s for the best. The three are all hugging when Brock enters. Reba asks him if he’s heard anything from BJ and Brock says that he’ll know her decision by watching her broadcast. If there’s a new girl doing the weather then he’ll know that she took the Arkansas job. They turn on the TV and the news anchor begins the show by wishing BJ well in her new job. Brock is crushed and Van, Cheyenne and Reba are all stunned.
BJ enters and Reba tells her that she just can’t believe that BJ’s throwing away her marriage. Reba then says that she can’t let her best friend ruin her life. They’re all shocked that Reba said that BJ was her best friend but Reba admits that it’s true. Reba expects BJ to go crazy but she doesn’t, saying that strangely enough, after all this time, it doesn’t feel like a big deal. Reba’s in shock but BJ bursts out that she was kidding because that’s what best friends do. She screams and gives Reba a big hug.
Brock interrupts the hugging and honestly tells BJ that, if moving to Little Rock would make her happy, then that’s what he wants her to do. He wants her to be happy because he truly loves her. If she’ll have him, he will go with her, wherever she wants to go. He concludes by telling BJ that, without her, there is a hole where his heart used to be. BJ is moved and says that it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever heard. Brock gives Reba an “I told you so” look. Brock and BJ embrace and BJ tells everyone that she’s not leaving after all. To keep her, the station offered her a serious news job. She says she couldn’t leave Brock and says “every marriage that can be saved, should be.”
Reba says that she is truly happy for both the couples, that things have turned out so well. She says that, “six years ago, I thought I was cursed. But I’m not. I’m blessed. I have the craziest, most dysfunctional, most wonderful life I could imagine. And I love all of you.”
They’re very moved and Van suggests that they take a picture to remember the special moment forever. As he grabs the camera, Reba calls for Kyra and Jake (Mitch Holleman) to come join in. BJ points out that she wants to stand next to her best friend and says, “can you believe it Reba? Six years ago, this family was falling apart and then I came in and I just put everything back together.”
Brock says that’s not exactly how he’d put it but Reba shushes him saying, “Barbra Jean’s right. We got through it all. We’re survivors.” They all smile as the familiar theme music rises and the camera flashes. We see the lovely group photo which fades into the wedding photo from Cheyenne and Van’s wedding. End of series.
There have been rumors that Lifetime or another cable station might want to renew the series or develop a spin-off starring Van and Cheyenne. Unfortunately, there’s no concrete information about these possibilities but we’ll keep you posted. Stay tuned!
I’m love the show Reba
Dear Reba
I’m known that after watching show I’m like you Reba
Love Naomi
Dear Reba
Is varying Hard from family Eilzabeth she’s just like you Reba and Van
I’m so be Prayerful from her Kyra about Reba Hurt with
I’m loved you’re family you loved Brock and Barbara jean you’re loved them after gone
Love Naomi
Thanks reba watching youre show soory Brabara jean shes you”
I’m loved Reba thanks watching you’re Show
Love Naomi
I loved this show! I thought with Reba’s new love interest it was getting interesting. Then it was over, I was so disappointed.
I’m loved Reba this Show
Reba I’m known after gone love you
Naomi Love Reba
amazing show. i love it
This is one of my favorite shows I try to watch it has much as I can. Van cracks me up I love his ‘charming smile’. Reba is a wonderful role model
This is possibly the biggest waste of time ever put on TV. I cannot believe anybody thinks this show is even slightly good. PS: Reba’s “Southern” accent is so fake.
Seriously you obviously did not watch the series. In itself has a lot of life lessons about family problems in the modern day life of seperated parents with children and the extension of a step parent. I am sorry. SO … you are entitled to your opinion but u may not be living in this century. Where children struggle emotionally amd single mothers work very hard to be there for them.
Mary Thomas… I guess you’re in the minority on this subject. No doubt there will be people who don’t love everything. But believe that a LOT of “anybody’s thinks this show isn’t just slightly good but great and I sure would love it to come back on.
and PSS: Reba’s accent is pure REBA
Yes it is! Reba is 100% country. She is a down to earth amazing lady. The show brought laughter and tears into my home. And I do wish they would bring it back. And yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And this is mine… I LOVE REBA!
I have loved Reba Since I was a little girl she has been an inspiration in my life her voice is amazing I always read the articles on Facebook or fan club she is truly amazing
I love the Reba show. The writing was hilarious. I tape it all every day and watch when I get the time. I am laughing every day. One thing though about the show, Elizabeth, the baby hardly ever came down out of her room. Wierd. Then BJ and Brocks son, Henry, hardly ever shows up and they are always at Reba’s without him. That isn’t real life, no one leaves their little one alone all the time. At least in the later versions they do include the kids when they are going somewhere, or in the kitchen, but you never… Read more »
The parents of Elizabeth went on the Dr. Phil show and from there decided to take her off the show. They don’t show the kids much due to work rules and then they don’t have to pay them.
i loved this show ,very much