To little surprise, it looks like FOX is pulling the plug on Red Band Society. The Wednesday night drama will be dropped from the schedule in December and production will be shut down after the initial 13 episodes have been completed.
A dramedy, Red Band Society revolves around the young patients and caretakers of the pediatric ward of the renowned Ocean Park Hospital in Los Angeles. The cast includes Octavia Spencer, Dave Annable, Griffin Gluck, Nolan Sotillo, Charlie Rowe, Astro, Zoe Levin, Ciara Bravo, Mandy Moore, and Rebecca Rittenhouse.
The show debuted in mid-September to a disappointing 1.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 4.1 million viewers. The second week saw the numbers drop more than 15%. A decline of that size isn’t unusual for a second week but Red Band Society didn’t have any points to spare.
The ratings have continued to decline and the show has been drawing a 0.9 demo rating with about 2.8 million viewers. Had the rest of FOX’s schedule been in better shape, Red Band Society would have been pulled even sooner.
This evening’s episode is the ninth installment and will surely hit a new low in the ratings, thanks to tomorrow’s holiday. Next Wednesday’s episode is the last one that FOX has scheduled. it’s unclear if or when the remaining three installments will see the light of day.
Production will continue into mid-December so hopefully the writers will have time to give the series some closure before the end. While the series hasn’t been officially cancelled, it’s difficult to imagine that it could possibly be revived for a second season with such poor ratings.
What do you think? Do you like the Red Band Society TV show? Do you think it should be cancelled? Would you keep watching?
I can’t believe that such an important real lif program will be cancelled. I think a lot people are afraid to see young people suffer and have the courage to face there medical problems .
This Program should not be cancelled.
I am not in the demographics that they normally look to for ratings. It’s a shame to leave out other ages/gender to check ratings. I am a 64-year old mother of 4, grandmother of 19 and great-grandmother of 5, and I love this show. Please don’t end this show. It is more than entertainment. It teaches about medical conditions, how the conditions affect the patients emotionally, shows how some diseases got started, (like anorexia), what effects the actions of parents can have on children at all ages, and how much a caring hospital staff has on the patients. PLEASE don’t… Read more »
I’m glad FOX decided to air the last three remaining episodes. I loved the show I’m sad to see it go.
But has it really finished for good. Why doesn,t fox to an offical statement?. WE should all email fox and demand a 2nd series.
The email for Fox is
Everyone email for now before it,s too late.
Unbelievable to me that all the crap “reality tv” keeps on going but a show with an important message, morals and a great story gets cancelled. Way to go – just another example of how pathetic we are.
So sad this show was cancelled. I really liked this show and I hope that the network will cone to their senses and bring it back on. I hope they get a lot of feedback and comments that they bring it back. This was ( is) a good show. Please don’t let this show go by the wayside, bring it back!
Sure, American Idol goes on for fu**Ing ever, but every show that’s actually GOOD gets cancelled!
I love this show. They cant cancel it. Please bring it back!
No! This show should not be cancelled! It is a good show and deserves another season! How can you pull a show when it’s only had one season! If you give the show more time and another season it will get more popular! There are so many good shows that gets pulled! This shouldn’t be another! My opinion if they cancel this they are making a huge mistake and I mean HUGE! Might as well cancel Grey’s Anatomy as well! (Note that was sarcasm)
PLEASE don’t cancel Red Band Society!! There’s not another show on like it. Advertise on other channels to pull in more viewers! It’s great!!
I really enjoyed this show. It dealt with real life issues like cancer and anorexia. Please bring it back. Maybe it needs to air at a different time. The last episode was real good with Emma collapsing in the bathroom and Kara and Leo together. Bring it back!!!
I think the show was really interesting. It showed the sicknesses that people really have like cancer and anorexia. I was really getting into it. Especially the last show. Please bring it back. Maybe it needs to air at a different time.
Please don’t cancel the show! I loved it and so did my 13 year old brother which was completely unexpected. This was the only drama show i have enjoyed in a while!
I like red band society
I absolutely loved this show, maybe because I am in the healthcare field, but I sooooooo miss it, please put it back on!!
I am a 69 year old Grandmother and I loved this show and never missed it. My grand daughter who lives in another city also watches this show also and we talk about it.
I was hospitalized alot as a child so this brings back great memories.
I really hope you not cancel this show.