“How many times can you end up in a hospital bed?” ION has released a new teaser trailer for the fifth and final season of Saving Hope.
The medical drama follows the staff of Hope Zion Hospital. The cast includes Michael Shanks, Erica Durance, Daniel Gillies, Michelle Nolden, K. C. Collins, Kristopher Turner, Julia Taylor Ross, Ben Ayres, Huse Madhavji, Salvatore Antonio, and Glenda Braganza.
A premiere date for the final season of Saving Hope has not yet been announced, but it is expected to debut in 2017.
Watch the new preview and behind-the-scenes footage from the last day of filming below:
Cannot wait to see our fave doctors! #SavingHope final season coming soon. cc: @ED_DURANCE @MichaelShanks @noldenmichelle @BenjaminAyres pic.twitter.com/TlJBN3hTm5
— Saving Hope Official (@SavingHopeTV) December 19, 2016
And that's a wrap…for someone;) #SavingHope pic.twitter.com/262cBnCry3
— Saving Hope Official (@SavingHopeTV) November 1, 2016
What do you think? Do you watch Saving Hope? Are you sad the show is ending? What do you hope happens in the last season?
This a great show! I look forward to it every week. It should have been renewed. All the great shows are being cancelled. Do not understand the reasons why some are kept on the air.
Love the show! Alex & Charlie should marry & live happily ever after! Wish there were more seasons.
I think it should stay on, I live here in the USA. And I think it’s just as good if not better than some of the junk we have here on are networks I have watched every season of S.H and I thought it was stupid of NBC to cancel the show after the first season they never really give anything good a chance anymore. I sure hope they don’t kill off my Lucifer now that’s an amazing show…! You really got to watch it….well a true Saving Hope fan Kani
Please don’t end show!!!!kerp Alex and Charlie together
Please don’t end show!!! Alex and Charlie need to be together!!!!
Please don’t cancel I love the show
When in 2017 is the final season.?
Please don’t cancel. I love this show. I’m sure you can find some way!
I love watching Saving Hope , they could go in many different ways if the show would not be canceled. I always look forward for the late night for this show on Tuesday nights. Don’t take off!!!
I would love for this program to continue. I force myself to stay up late just so I can see this program and making only 5 seasons just doesn’t do just to its fans and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Please don’t take this show off.
Please NOOOOOO! Not only the best medical show on TV, but the BEST SHOW, period!!!! My 25 year old daughter got me hooked on it and now I’m part of her saving hope circle that’s grown too about25 now who wait each week for the new episodes. She got hooked when they tested all the seasons. My big regret is that I was mor able to see season1. I’ve tried looking for it on line but can’t find it anywhere. I think you should do a total catch up before season 5and put it on at a time when people… Read more »
This is where I watched all seasons (the past 2 months, so no doubt it still works): http:// onwatchseries. to/ (not sure if this site allows site addresses so I included spaces, just erase the spaces. I know it works in the UK and CA, and US.. I am not sure where you are but I would think it’ll work there. If there is the option I would choose the vidzi.tv because there is only one pop-up(which you can exit out of before it loads) and it works with ad-blocker. it also loads ahead as it streams unlike the top… Read more »
I love this show I stay up late just to see the show, please reconsider ending the series it is very entertaining.
The show lost it’s edge when Daniel Gillies left. I still watch it but not sad that it is not renewed. Nothing new there.
I love Saving Hope…….please keep it hoing!
I hope the powers be, the show keeps going instead of canceling and no is written off and hope they still show the visitors from the other side communicating. Just absolutely love this show.