It looks like Terra Nova is staying cancelled. Following FOX’s decision to cancel the TV series, 20th Century Fox TV started to shop the show around to other potential outlets, including Netflix.
The studio and Netflix apparently tried to hammer out a deal for season two but couldn’t come to terms. The prospect of another venue picking up Terra Nova is still a possibility since the actors are still under contract until June. However, the chances of anyone saving the show has always been a remote possibility at best, especially given the expensive production values and special effects. Each episode supposedly costs more than $4 million each.
According to TV Guide, the production costs weren’t the only factor in the show not being picked up by Netflix however. Apparently the international broadcasters, whose funds helped to pay for the first season, weren’t crazy about the prospect of the DVD-streaming service having the show as an exclusive. Without the heft of a major TV network behind the series, some international buyers were reluctant to commit to a second season.
Though the stars of Terra Nova are technically still attached to the series, some have already found new work. Jason O’Mara signed to star opposite Dennis Quaid, Michael Chiklis, and Carrie-Anne Moss in a new untitled pilot for CBS. It’s set in 1960s Las Vegas and revolves around real-life lawman Ralph Lamb. Allison Miller was cast as a “guest star” in a comedy pilot for NBC called Go On.
What do you think? Are you surprised that Netflix didn’t save Terra Nova? Did you think that was a reasonable possibility?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Terra nova was a beautiful, exciting, & fresh story. My husband and I are so sad to hear its not coming back. It was refreshing to see something entirely different than ANYTHING else on tv right now. I hope Fox reconsiders cancelling Terra nova & The Finder. The only thing about Terra nova I would change is I would put in more Dinosaurs!
I liked Terra Nova. I am so sick and tired of networks cancelling shows after first season. You never know what happened in the end. If a show doesn’t bring in enough viewers cancelled just like that. Why?? There are other people in this world who don’t watch reality shows, sitcoms or singing shows. Some shows are not any good and they continue to be on season after season
After TN cancelled no going to watch any Fox shows what’s the point?.
After TN cancelled not going to watch any more Fox shows what’s the point?.
And yet we are still stuck having to watch everyone’s poor talents on American idol. Let us use our imaginations a little.
I’m disappointed about the cancellation of TN. Everyone agreed — including the producers — that season one wasn’t as strong as it could be. It would have been nice to see what would have happened with some tweaking here and there. It had possibilities. Too bad nobody is giving the program a 2nd chance.
To those of you saying it was poorly executed — many great series took a few seasons to get it right. It’s ludicrous to cancel a show with so much potential just ‘cos it’s not living up to it within its first 13 episodes.
Well, when a show is that insanely expensive to produce and it’s not pulling down the ratings, it’s not “ludicrous” to cancel it. It’s good business.
When the show actually makes you money, domestically and internationally, in spite of high production costs and much of that cost went into building sets that have now been built, I think it is ludicrous, yes. And, frankly, bad business.
Can you try NOT to use the same image in more than two articles?
Great idea, poorly executed. Every week I left the show more and more disappointed. I was hoping the finale would change things, but alas did not. Whether it came back or not, I was done with it.
Terra Nova is AMAZING!!!!..LOVE the actors/actresses….I was looking forward to Season 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 etc…. It is a very sad thing that FOX cannot figure out how to keep this amazingly unique show with incredible special effects going. PLEASE!!!!!! find a way to get at LEAST a second season of Terra Nova.
High concept, poorly carried out-no surprise that it wasn’t taken up by another network-this so rarely happens it’s highly notable when it does.
Sounds like I just got a lot of free space opened up on my Tivo. Had been saving this to watch this summer but now it seems like there’s little point.
Honestly for me, Fox can cancel anything as long as they give Fringe one more season.
Personally I loved this show and so did my boyfriend it was something that each time a new one was on we would take the time to sit and watch it together. Its sad that no one could save it there are not that many shows that have been set in scenes like that most revovle around cops and law people. We will sincerely miss this show. I have friends who liked it to I just think there werent enough episodes to get a bunch of new people hooked. Wasnt given enough time. A lot of the shows i watch… Read more »
Its a shame but it goes to proof that hollywood doesnt know its butt from a hole in the ground. This is one of the best shows to come out in a long time. It had it all. What a waste.