We’ve received a few emails today from folks who are confused about the status of ABC’s The Deep End. It seems that several sites started reporting last week that the show had been cancelled. We reported yesterday that it hadn’t. What’s going on?
When ABC scheduled The Deep End, they only allowed for six Thursday night timeslots, from January 21st until February 25th. For whatever reason, the network didn’t schedule the seventh and last episode of the season. Perhaps, the sixth episode seemed like a more natural stopping point for the season.
The ratings have not been good for the series so, when ABC promoted that this week’s was the season finale, some sites jumped the gun and declared that it was being pulled prematurely and cancelled. (Interestingly, the same thing happened with Defying Gravity.) Whatever the reason, they were incorrect about Deep End.
An ABC representative confirmed to us today that the show has not been cancelled. Last night’s was the season finale and no decision has been made yet on a renewal. If the show does return, the extra episode will be part of season two.
While the show’s ratings have given viewers little reason to hope that the ABC series will be renewed, you never know. Many declared Dollhouse and Better Off Ted to be goners last Spring and both were miraculously picked up.
What do you think? Are you holding out hope that The Deep End will survive somehow or is it destined to be cancelled?
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Image courtesy ABC.
PLLEEAAAASSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE keep this showw !!! …. It is a very good show and It just started to get even better with this last episode. Give it a little more time !!! please please please !!! It has so many good cases, so many good stories and mos importantly it has amazing characters. Is a different show from all of those out there we need something else than doctors, vampires, super heroes, people that can see the future etc etc. For the first time in a long time they created a show about lawyers that is really good !!!!!!!!!!! Don’t cancel… Read more »
Keep the show. I think it is really great, and I would love to see the end of this season and more seasons to come!
I agree! I love this show and I do not ever watch live TV. I watch Desperate Housewives, Greys’ etc on the internet. ABC should keep this show. I really enjoy it.
I don’t think they should cancel the show. It has hardly been given a chance. It seems like there have been lots of new shows that are good starting and not lasting. I would hate for this to be another one. Yet they keep plenty of stupid shows on the air.
I really hope it will be picked up because it is a very good show!
This show is amazing. If it’s cancelled, I would be devastated as well as the other people who wtach it. PLEASE DON’T.
The Deep End is GOOD, very good, and each episode gains momentum so keep it rolling please.
Sorry, it is like watching Boston Legal but not so good. That show I liked very much. I was sorry to see that show end. Just like Dirty Sexy Money. Maybe it has to do with the actors.
James Spader and William Shatner are great actors. To be fair I don’t think the Deep End got a chance to become something like BL.
I love this show and think it will do really well. Right now the season finale episode is #8 on iTunes download and i think thats pretty freaking good considering they started this show while the winter olympics and american idol are both airing. I think considering cancelling it is a mistake.
I love The Deep End! It’s one of the best shows on television this season. What I hate about these networks, partiularly ABC, is they don’t realize that many viewers don’t watch live TV anymore. However that does not mean we’re not watching at all. ABC has most of my favorite shows, but very rarely do I watch any of them live. In the age of DVR or TIVO, networks have to find another way of determining ratings. ABC has cancelled a lot of really great shows. (October Road, Women’s Murder Club, Cashmere Mafia to name a few) I don’t… Read more »
totally agree with you !!! Particularly college students who don’t have time at night because they are in class or studying they watch it on TIVO or even ABC web site !! Bad TV ratings doesn’t mean people are not watching the show !!!!!!!
Well then there is hope, I thought they were talking cancellation. I truly hope the gets renewed, I think with time the ratings will get better, more people will become aware, which means more people watching. They can’t leave us hanging like that, I was looking forward to seeing what was to come next, and the growth of the show.
Keep the show ABC!!!!!!! Please!!
I really hope this show isn’t cancelled. They already took away Eli Stone and I love these quirky characters and compelling story lines. PLEASE keep! Maybe move to a different time if that’s the issue!
Spolier TV had reported the show cancelled. They said this week’s episode was the “series finale”
@Davin Peterson: They don’t list a source and there was no official ABC release saying it was the “series finale,” just the “season finale.” The network doesn’t consider it cancelled (yet, anyway).
I really want this show to be renewed. The viewers if The Deep End will do whatever it takes to bring it back and hopefully we will be successful. I love this show!!