We’ve received a few emails today from folks who are confused about the status of ABC’s The Deep End. It seems that several sites started reporting last week that the show had been cancelled. We reported yesterday that it hadn’t. What’s going on?
When ABC scheduled The Deep End, they only allowed for six Thursday night timeslots, from January 21st until February 25th. For whatever reason, the network didn’t schedule the seventh and last episode of the season. Perhaps, the sixth episode seemed like a more natural stopping point for the season.
The ratings have not been good for the series so, when ABC promoted that this week’s was the season finale, some sites jumped the gun and declared that it was being pulled prematurely and cancelled. (Interestingly, the same thing happened with Defying Gravity.) Whatever the reason, they were incorrect about Deep End.
An ABC representative confirmed to us today that the show has not been cancelled. Last night’s was the season finale and no decision has been made yet on a renewal. If the show does return, the extra episode will be part of season two.
While the show’s ratings have given viewers little reason to hope that the ABC series will be renewed, you never know. Many declared Dollhouse and Better Off Ted to be goners last Spring and both were miraculously picked up.
What do you think? Are you holding out hope that The Deep End will survive somehow or is it destined to be cancelled?
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Image courtesy ABC.
Please do not cancel the show. it’s amsome!
My husband and I loved the show. It’s something different than all the other show with all the killing and stuff. I hope you give it another chance
I love this show…please DONT CANCEL!!!
Don’t cancel The Deep End just barely starting to get more interesting. Looking forward to another new season.
Please do not cancel Deep End. It’s really fun to watch the office grappling with their issues and infighting. The Deep End presents new and original threads and ideas in a television series. CC
I think the show presents a different and refreshing perspective about law. Particularly in the area of first year law associates and what to somewhat expect being a new lawyer fresh out of law school. No other show captures this aspect of new attorneys working for a prestigious firm.This show even inspires me to want to change my college major and head right on over to law school–seriously. I also love the witticisms of the writers, the rivoting storyline, the verisimilitude of the characters and the politics of the show– how they play off of each character (or between each… Read more »
I really hope that they don’t get rid of the Deep End. I think it has potential to being a really good show. Of course I thought Traveler was the greatest show ever, and I am still trying to get over ABC pulling that! I think the characters are interesting and now I want to know what happens to them and how they progress. Please ABC bring back Deep End!
DO NOT CANCEL THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!
please don’t cancel it, it really captures what a law firm is about
A bunch of my law school friends watched this show each week and we LOVE it! It just needs a better time slot … KEEP THIS SHOW!
Why cancel a show that is fresher than ABC has offered to a younger generation I feel they have jumped the Gun on this one I hope this one gets a better time slot and it will do fine jmo.
I don’t think it was given a chance. I enjoyed it, enough to look up why it hasn’t been on.
Give it a different day. Give it a second season. It’s just good as anyother show out there. It might just surpise you.
I love this show please don’t cancel!
It is a really good show put on a terrible night for ABC. They have not made great choices in what gets cancelled and what is given time to find it’s audience. No question the show has a lot of potential. It could use a little more “drama” in its storylines., but is pretty funny and brings up some great ethical and legal debates. Give it a chance ABC.
I think that ABC has been failing lately with their shows. Defying Gravity was a great show and yet it was cancelled. The Deep End has a great story behind it and the wheels are just getting started with the show and they ended it. I think they need to keep coming out with new episodes because the plot is starting to finally unfold for each character.