We’ve received a few emails today from folks who are confused about the status of ABC’s The Deep End. It seems that several sites started reporting last week that the show had been cancelled. We reported yesterday that it hadn’t. What’s going on?
When ABC scheduled The Deep End, they only allowed for six Thursday night timeslots, from January 21st until February 25th. For whatever reason, the network didn’t schedule the seventh and last episode of the season. Perhaps, the sixth episode seemed like a more natural stopping point for the season.
The ratings have not been good for the series so, when ABC promoted that this week’s was the season finale, some sites jumped the gun and declared that it was being pulled prematurely and cancelled. (Interestingly, the same thing happened with Defying Gravity.) Whatever the reason, they were incorrect about Deep End.
An ABC representative confirmed to us today that the show has not been cancelled. Last night’s was the season finale and no decision has been made yet on a renewal. If the show does return, the extra episode will be part of season two.
While the show’s ratings have given viewers little reason to hope that the ABC series will be renewed, you never know. Many declared Dollhouse and Better Off Ted to be goners last Spring and both were miraculously picked up.
What do you think? Are you holding out hope that The Deep End will survive somehow or is it destined to be cancelled?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I really like the show, DO NOT CANCEL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with Stella here up front – I´m not at all into the reality shows, I watch TV to get a break from life for a while and I certainly do not get this break I need by watching the lives of others!
The characters are interesting and the legal issues as well so producers: Keep the faith and show a little patience – the show will pick up
I really like the show, DO NOT CANCEL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with Stella here up front – I hate the reality shows, I watch TV to get a break from life for a while and I certainly do not get this break by watching the lives of others!
I loved the show as well. I agree that it is way better than flash forward and I would love to see it back on.
How can you cancel this show after 6 episodes? This is pathetic. It’s like starting a new job and only after 6 days they fire you. I’m sick of watching the new shows only to see them get canceled in such a short timeframe. Come on TV Executives, this show can be a hit if given time to prove themselves.
I would like this show to continue
i pray this show gets picked up..im keeping my fingers crossed that it’s just on it’s own season schedule like many networks are doing now..please bring it BACK!!!!!
This is a great show for ABC. I can easily see the Gray’s crowd loving it the same way. I would hope that ABC will see the great potential of this show and renew
I loved it and hope it returns. Call me crazy but I’d rather watch an entertaining show with poeple that are not hard to look at than a drama in a house full of dumb guys all claiming to be head over heels in love with the same woman.
I liked the show a heck of a lot more than flash forward. It’s too bad that I don’t get to say what stays and goes. Remember the show The Mommies? It was awesome so it got cancelled. Sure, The Deep End was shallow and full of sex crazed lawyers, but so was Boston Legal and how long did they last? Bring back the deep end, Grey’s and Desperate are gone for the season, give me lust and betrayal!!!
I thought that the show was great and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that ABC will bring it back.
I agree with all the comments above – I LOVED this show and its great it wasnt reality TV. It was such a refreshing show with new young actors. I loved that it wasnt another cop or hospital show either. I read that on May 14th it was confirmed that the show was cancelled but I hope this is wrong!!!
I really love the show as well! It’s witty and cute. I love the humor. I really hope to see it renewed, and I look forward very much to season 2.
TV has gotten pathetic… they (ABC, NBC….) broadcast 6 episodes of something and declare whether it’s a hit or not. Bring back The Deep End, leave it alone and stop investing so much in lame “reality” TV…. I’m so sick of Kate what’s her name, and the wives of you name the county, blah, blah, blah. The networks could not identify a good drama or comedy if it slapped them square in the face.
i agree!! well said
I loved the show. I really hope it comes back. I am sick of all the shows i like being cancled.