We’ve received a few emails today from folks who are confused about the status of ABC’s The Deep End. It seems that several sites started reporting last week that the show had been cancelled. We reported yesterday that it hadn’t. What’s going on?
When ABC scheduled The Deep End, they only allowed for six Thursday night timeslots, from January 21st until February 25th. For whatever reason, the network didn’t schedule the seventh and last episode of the season. Perhaps, the sixth episode seemed like a more natural stopping point for the season.
The ratings have not been good for the series so, when ABC promoted that this week’s was the season finale, some sites jumped the gun and declared that it was being pulled prematurely and cancelled. (Interestingly, the same thing happened with Defying Gravity.) Whatever the reason, they were incorrect about Deep End.
An ABC representative confirmed to us today that the show has not been cancelled. Last night’s was the season finale and no decision has been made yet on a renewal. If the show does return, the extra episode will be part of season two.
While the show’s ratings have given viewers little reason to hope that the ABC series will be renewed, you never know. Many declared Dollhouse and Better Off Ted to be goners last Spring and both were miraculously picked up.
What do you think? Are you holding out hope that The Deep End will survive somehow or is it destined to be cancelled?
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Image courtesy ABC.
It’s not an unfamiliar format… a little bit of soap drama in the midst of professional drama… kinda like Grey’s Anatomy except for Lawyers instead of Doctors… The cast is cute but lack something… Rowdy who I initially felt the show could do without has become the most interesting character and it would be in their best interest to keep him and surround more of the storyline around his crazy persona… Malcolm, clearly the token African American Character wasn’t even in the premeire and then suddenly appeared with no introduction started off akward, but seems to have blended well with… Read more »
I really like this show. I like the actors and the characters. It’s just getting interesting. I think it would be really good if they just kept it on the air for next season.
Keep Deep End rolling!!!!
I LOVE this show, they should keep it on….It shows a good side to lawyers…
I agree with most comments specially Jenny. Albeit a disappointing premiere, Deep End started to pick itself up. The last two episodes were actually VERY good. Please bring it back!!
If they can only make it as realistic as possible to Lawyer’s job, it’ll be my all time favorite TV show.
Don’t expect the ratings of a TV show to miraculously zoom to the moon at its first 6 episodes. Yes, it probably hasn’t done well in the “quota” rating or whatever of ABC, but I think it’s better for the show to have not-so-good ratings than expected now than have it just suddenly drop in its 3rd or 4th season, right? Better to start low and work its way up to the top rather than the other way around! I immediately got hooked into this TV series as I watched the first episode. And that doesn’t happen often to me.… Read more »
The Deep End is an excellent program, featuring drama without crime, and legal issues for deeper thought. The varied personalities create a fascinating story line. We are enjoying the program, and we think that others will too, given a little more time and advertising. Too bad for it to conclude during the Olympics — not a true test of ratings. So, bring it back for our enjoyment!
This show is one of the very few entertaining shows on TV without relying on blood, guts, or violence. Keep it going!
I love this show and I always seem to love the shows that get cancelled, please keep this one. I looked forward to it every week.
Please do not cancel this show! I really enjoyed it and it has serious potential here! I really hope that ABC doesn’t cancel it!! They should really publicize more!
It is a terrible show. The show is cynical, it is awkward, it is difficult to relate to the characters, and ultimately it is depressing. It is a show about what people wish the legal community was like and not based on any reality. This show seems to depict what people wish happened to young lawyers. However, it isn’t. I was excited when the show came on. As a young lawyer it seemed fun. We were greatly disappointed. A better show would be something along the lines of ‘Scrubs’ in a legal setting. What makes being a young associate stressful… Read more »
Please do not cancel this show without giving it a real chance! A few people I know didn’t even realise it started airing until the 3rd or 4th episode!
I really like The Deep End. I think once you get to know the characters it is a great show. Imagine being in your mid-20s, living in LA and just starting out your law career at a place like that. It would be such a great and fun time. I loved the ending of the last episode and really hope the show comes back.
If I may add my two cents….please do not cancel Deep End. Good ratings will come, just give it a chance. It’s a great show, no violence, good stories and great actors in my book. I also kept writing about Friday Night Lights when they wanted to take it off, that was another great show.
They pay too much attention to ratings. I just told several people to make sure they watch Deep End and now it’s off. Too many stupid reality shows on…give us older generation people something we can watch. Thanks.
I love The Deep End & really hope it doesn’t get cancelled. Maybe ABC needs to promote it more or put it in another timeslot or something, however, this show needs to remain on the air. It is the 2010 version of LA Law & needs more than 6 episodes to show it’s full potential & wit. The in-office drama has great storylines that can go to so many places & be expanded upon as well as the characters each have so much room for growth & development over time. The cast is grsat & so cohesive! Please ABC give… Read more »