Tuesday, past (and possibly future) Presidential Mitt Romney hopeful was interviewed about his new book on NBC’s Today Show. Four of the castmembers from The Partridge Family were also appearing on the show for a special reunion segment.
Apparently they were all in the Today Show green room at the same time and somebody snapped a photo. When the show was over, Romney or someone from his staff sent the photo out via Twitter.
The caption on the photo reads “Back to the 70s. Romney jokes with the Patridge family in the Today Show green room.”
What do you think? Does it look like they’re all having a good time or is this just a really awkward photo? Any caption ideas?
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Image courtesy Mitt Romney.
EXIT- Stage left…!
David, Brian and Suzanne look like they’re at ease with Mitt Romney, but Danny looks as though he’s desparate to go to the loo.
This was an awesome reunion on the today show. I love the Partridge Family. We need more t.v. show reunions! Like The Facts Of Life, or Charles in Charge…etc..!