There was some uproar about ABC’s new family comedy, The Real O’Neals, months before the TV show even premiered. Could this controversy end up helping the series attract big ratings or will it keep people away? Cancelled or renewed for a second season? Stay tuned.
A single-camera sitcom, The Real O’Neals revolves around an Irish Catholic family that seems to be living an idyllic life. After the middle son comes out of the closet, the rest of the family members come clean with their own secrets and start to live their lives more authentically. The show stars Martha Plimpton, Jay R. Ferguson, Noah Galvin, Mathew Shively, Bebe Wood, and Mary Hollis Inboden.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — typically around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
5/12 update: ABC has renewed The Real O’Neals for a second season. Details here.
5/25 update: You can see the rest of the latest night’s ratings.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
Note: These are the final national numbers (unless noted with an “*”). These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you like The Real O’Neals TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for second season?
Love this show. I would make a few changes but really can relate and look forward to watching it. The middle son is perfection. I really hope they stick with it and give it a chance.
I love this show. I relate so well to the characters. I’ve never seen something so close to home on TV. I laugh and cry every episode. Seriously, it has been a healing journey. There is a lot of truths to the stereotypes and yes, some of them are exaggerated, but not too far off.
The end is near for this show. Thank God.
Predictable show, presents only a superficial understanding of Catholicism and skewers it for easy laughs. Another one for the trash bin.
Hopefully this show gets renewed, since it’s so hard these days to find a show that has an actual gay teen without it being too angst.
This is a wonderful show. I am Catholic and our children are Catholic. It is obvious that the family in the show loves their religion, too. Stop being offended by everything!
I personally Really enjoy the show! It’s funny and is something new. I can relate to this show on some level and it is spot on! I would love to see a season two!
The show is just poor quality over all.
Please all of you who watch this show stop. It promotes sin, has vulgar humor, and attacks catholics and christians in general. How could you watch a show that does that? This show needs to be cancelled and I will fight until it gets cancelled. I’m not a catholic but I’m a baptist and I don’t want to see my fellow christians get attacked.
Everyone is entitled to your beliefs? My god taught me to love and be tolerant of others, you should try it. Therefore I love you but not your actions towards others. You, my friend are a Christian extremist.
Greg: I’m a 100% IRISH CATHOLIC FROM CHICAGO! The show is funny. It’s a comedy. It’s not about Catholicism, it’s about family and life.
God doesn’t mind us having a laugh, Greg.
Here’s a thought; turn the channel if you don’t like it
That’s what I tell people who condemn Fox News.
Catholic, Christian, and Baptist are proper nouns a please capitalize them if making a broad accusation. BTW – love the show, concerned it was a bit too gay-centric but very relatable!
You know what, Greg? All of your “but it attacks faith!!!1!” comments are total ******* ********. It does not attack Catholicism or Christianity. It makes fun of it. And maybe, just maybe, it deserves to be made fun of. Why is it such a ******* problem to you that even after people of color and the LGBT+ community have been presented as humorous or tropes or as negatives in so many shows and movies in the past few decades, the millisecond that’s focused on your faith, it’s the biggest ******* problem in the world? I am so goddamn tired of… Read more »
Please don’t watch this show. It’s very offensive.
I’m a Christian and don’t find this show offensive at all. It’s warm, funny and respectful of the family’s faith. They make mistakes but are ultimately loving to each other and their faith continues to be an important part in their lives. Not many other shows on network TV show that. I find it strange that so many people of faith seem to have a problem with this show. Is it because the son is gay? Our faith tells us not to judge other people. Also, Jesus Christ (whose loving teachings we’re supposed to be following) said nothing about gay… Read more »
They address that in the show, even, when the grandma is more accepting of the divorce than Kenny being gay. I think the people who are most offended are the ones who don’t like the mirror being held up to them.
Love the young gay actor. Where did they find him? My kids really relate to the show and so sorry to see the hate in these comments by Greg. I’m sure Greg will have a hateful remark, but don’t waste your time. I don’t read replies.
Even if you don’t read this I want everyone to know that what I am saying is not hate, it’s standing up for my religion and the millions of christians in the world. But what this show is saying is hate.
You’re right, what you’re writing isn’t hate it is, however, dishonest. You’re doing what many Christians do, bait and switch. You trash a show that is actually quite harmless by calling it hateful……yet can’t offer one solitary example where the show actually does or says anything remotely considered hate. Your feelings are hurt because Christians are no longer the dominant force in society and further, are no longer seen as sacrosanct and/or untouchable…..welcome to reality. Boo Hoo, your religion is being made fun of, so what? Your Church, one I used to belong to by the way, has a long… Read more »
No your spewing hate in the name of religion. Pretty sure that’s a sin.
Nothing Greg wrote is hateful. He is outraged at the hate shown in the show towards his faith, and quite frankly, so am I, although I am not Catholic. This show is an abomination and I will be delighted when it’s canceled. It’s appalling that ABC would put something this hateful and mean-spirited on TV.
Kelly, seriously? You think this show is hateful? As someone who grew up Catholic, I can tell you it’s a wonderful satirical send up of the faith. It doesn’t speak ill of the Church nor does it attack it, that’s just your religious martyrdom coming through. As for Greg, he’s being lazy and dishonest; which for a Christian, is not entirely a surprise. Sorry, but Christians deserve to be the punchline, just like everyone else. Your faith isn’t a shield against being made fun of, anymore than being gay, black, Jewish, man, woman and all things in between. Simply put,… Read more »
Very spot on Jon! I completely agree! When it comes down to it, just change the channel!!
You know nothing of Catholicism and were never brought up fully in the true faith. Catholics are an easy target because we turn the other cheek and everyone knows it. Sorry to say, you’re just another relativist who doesn’t know any better.
Get off the cross someone needs the wood!
Came to check the ratings on this garbage.. They keep dropping. Good.
Great actors, terrible writing…
I am raising my 11 year old grand son and we will never watch this we are not religious.This does not belong on tv