As fans of The Whispers know, the first season of the ABC summer series ended on a major cliffhanger. Several of the characters, including little Minx and Claire, were abducted without a trace.
On The Whispers, several Washington, DC children start talking about and playing with an imaginary friend. When their mysterious games turn dangerous, FBI child specialist Claire Bennigan (Lily Rabe) is called in to investigate. The rest of the cast includes Barry Sloane, Milo Ventimiglia, Derek Webster, Kristen Connolly, Kylie Rogers, and Kyle Harrison Breitkopf.
Unfortunately, the Monday night series drew very poor ratings and the network cancelled it, deciding not to make a second season.
Fans and members of the cast have expressed their disappointment over the cancellation. Recently, Sloane took to Twitter to offer a light-hearted bit of closure for the fans.
What do you think? Will you miss The Whispers TV show? Would you like to know what would have happened in season two?
I loved this show so much and I’m extremy mad that it’s canceled. I wish they would’ve at least given us a better ending than the cliff hanger we got.
I want a season 2!
I’m completely upset that The Whispers is not coming back for a 2nd season. It was a great show, something different. Ugh Bring back this The Whispers.
wth another show i liked cancled , its getting worse i am so sick and tired of it now, i dont dare get into a show nowadays in case it gets cancled half way through or i watch it all the way through to find out its been cancled, too many good shows are getting this and whats left crap shows, and they wonder why no one watches the tv anymore its because there is naff all good on anymore they cancled them all
The show did not work for me from day 1. I had decided to watch it because I loved Barry Sloane in Revenge but everything about the show was so boring. In my opinion, the network did right by cancelling. Hopefully Barry will find a better project. Some of the issues I had was zero chemistry between the cast. Slow pace. Predictable. And the two ladies (Claire and Lena) were completely wrong for the job. They were so flat! Even when trying to emote there was nothing there! I only enjoyed Milo’s character “Sean” which was surprising considering I was… Read more »
Lily Rabe was flat? I don’t know how you could say that. I had no expectations of her going in but she was a revelation. Claire was a completely relatable, interesting, and empathetic character who we came to care about and who, along with the three main child actors, carried the show. Not knowing what happened to her and the children after they were “beamed up” is the main reason the ending was so frustrating. We will definitely be following Lily’s career from here on.
Im very upset this awesome show was cancelled. I was looking forward to a second season. This was a tease and Im also disgusted how this show was cancelled out without a proper closure. I wish they would do a series and actually sticking to it. Television has become very “blah” to me, I rarely watch it now. There’s no point when they do things like this.
I believe the viewing public and myself are getting very disgusted with the TV networks and the way they cancel a series without an ending. They also do not give a new series a chance. Do the paying advertisers really know what we want? If I only knew which companies play a part in cancelling these new series without giving them a chance, I would stop buying the products they sell.
Exactly! This is another reason I cancelled my cable and I used to have the gold package I only watch Netflix and Hulu now! They can take their advertising and find somewhere that people will care!! I also have been boycotting most everyone based on Greedy Corporations and likewise have been encouraging everyone I know to do the same!!!
I like to imagine someday there will be a better world where entertainment is paid for directly from the consumer (viewers/fans) rather than by advertisers. Perhaps then the creators could decide how many seasons would be needed to best tell the story and make that many with a great and satisfying ending for everyone. For most of the better shows that I have enjoyed, I think the average would be about five.
Ooh I love that idea maybe we could start a Guild to donate to put shows back on Netflix or Hulu that have gone the way of the Greedy Execs axe
While there were issues with the series, overall, I enjoyed it, and thought it was nice to have something different from the vampires and witches and regular crime and hospital dramas saturating the air waves. I realize that writers don’t want to wrap up a TV series without a cliffhanger to get one to tune in for another season but since there is such volatility in the industry, there should be an alternative ending or episode that can be used if the series does get cancelled. While viewers have always had to chance that they never find out what happened… Read more »
I will miss Whispers. I was glued to my set. It had the right amount of creepiness which I liked. If shows are going to be cancelled with plots left hanging, then all future shows should be fully completed at the end of every season. Cancelling a show before it is completed, just shows how much contempt these producers and tv stations have for viewers.
Ridiculous that ABC runs these “mini-series” and then cancels them after one season. That does not endear you to us fans of certain shows but then again you don’t really give a crap about us do you? It’s all about the ratings and the money.
I already saw this and it was very cute and appeciated, and she is adorable, but this is not the kind of closure I was hoping for when I saw the e-mail. You sort of pumped us up just to let the air out again. As I said in a previous post, I will not watch another ABC series unless they provide a wrap-up for this show. They fooled me once with Forever. Shame on them. They fooled me twice with The Whispers. Shame on me. There will not be a third time.
I agree. Networks waste everyone’s time year after year. When a show comes out in the first season don’t watch. Then the networks will figure out how to produce and time slot a show for success. Hollywood is all about the dollar. Slap the egos around a little, maybe the idiots will figure it out. Movies now are remakes from remakes. Where is the Talent!
It would blow me away if for once a network showed enough care for their viewers to for once give them closer.