Many Moonlight fans are still upset over the cancellation of CBS’ Friday night vampire series. CBS is counting on viewers wanting more of the show’s star, Alex O’Loughlin, and put him front and center in the new medical series, Three Rivers. So, will O’Loughlin’s physician outlive his vampire character?
Three Rivers revolves around a team of elite surgeons who work in the high-pressure and emotional world of organ transplants. The leader is Dr. Andy Yablonski, (O’Loughlin) a workaholic with a quick wit.
His co-workers include rebellious Dr. Miranda Foster (Katherine Moennig), womanizing Dr. David Lee (Daniel Henney), inexperience coordinator Ryan Abbott (Christopher Hanke), dedicated head of surgery Dr. Sophia Jordan (Alfre Woodard), and Pam Acosta (Justina Machado), Andy’s best friend.
Many have suspected that the drama was in trouble even before it got out of the starting gate. Amid some negative early reviews, CBS decided to bump the pilot episode and air the second installment instead. The second episode, which is set to air next week, is called “Ryan’s First Day” and might be a little confusing since returning viewers have already seen Ryan working at his job.
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Based on the early ratings, that may be the least of CBS’ worries. Three Rivers debuted last night with a disappointing 9.17 million viewers and a 2.0/5 rating/share among adults 18-49. It ranked in a distant third place in total viewership and a distant fourth place in the all important demographic.
Three Rivers retained a little more than 70% of its lead-in audience and, in the same timeslot last year, Cold Case brought in almost two million more viewers.
Based on typical ratings trends, even fewer people can be expected to return next week. If you look at it that way, Three Rivers’ life expectancy doesn’t look very good.
Is Three Rivers worth saving or should CBS do a mercy killing and cancel it now? What do you think?
Alex was good in moonlight, this show is good too. Cbs made a big mistake when they cancelled moonlight. Just give Three Rivers a chance
I’m in to the show to watch Daniel Henney. Don’t Kill the show!!
I watched TR for Alex’s sake and I thought it was quite mediocre. It was the script that mostly stunk. I hope CBS gives it time to improve because organ donation is an important issue and it would be great if TR could bring the need for organ donation to light. If it weren’t for that fact, it might be better to cancel, so Alex can move onto something else. Alex was great in Moonlight and that was a great role for him, very sexy and touching. Not every role will show off his talents like that of Mick St.… Read more »
I am a huge Moonlight fan. I watched Three Rivers hoping to fill the gap that was left after Moonlight was cancelled. I was a little disappointed in the first 3R episode, but will continue to tune in to give the show a fair chance. In the mean time, I hope Nina Tassler has a lot of sleepless nights over her poor choice where Moonlight was concerned.
I think you should do a poll on whether Moonlight or Three Rivers should be shown.
I’m watching Three Rivers for Alex only because I don’t like medical shows. Never have. But I do like Alex. I’ll watch anything he’s in. I do miss Moonlight tho’. I loved that show and would be there to watch it again. Three Rivers has a good premise and a good message which should be voiced but can’t they do it with some other actor? Bring back Moonlight and it’s wonderful cast. Make us all happy.
Does anyone even listen to blogs like this! I have to agree with 99% of the comments. Moonlight was awesome if you can’t bring it back then keep Three Rivers on. Alex O’ is the hottest thing on TV. People DO watch because of the actors as well as the content. Organ donation is an issue right now and needs to be addressed. Not enough people even give a 2nd thought to checking yes on their driver’s license. KEEP IT ON!
I thought Three Rivers was very good. I think being up against Sunday night football
would be hard for new show. I am looking forward to seeing next week’s show.
Yes, children, the death of MOONLIGHT was a tragedy…so was FIREFLY, but I don’t see the groundswell of adulation that generated the movie SERENITY!
Alex O is a beautiful hunk; Kat Moennig is beautiful AND talented; and Alfre Woodard deserves our continued respect for an exceptional body of work still in progress…but ALL shows deserve more than one ep to prove it’s worth!
NO it is not HOUSE, the re-incarntion of ER, or Seattle Grace…Thank Goodness!!! But don’t trash it just because YOU are bored with med shows…if you can do better, get busy writing!
Yes, maybe they will bring back Moonlight. Yeah right. I was a Moonlight fan, but get over it people. It was cancelled 2 years ago. And to say you will watch such a horrible show simply because you liked Alex O in Moonlight? Seriously? Pull the plug on this one.
I only watched 3R to support Alex–and it was dreadful! Pull the plug fast! Maybe then Joel Silver can get hopping making a MOONLIGHT movie on the big screen where it belongs! MOONLIGHT should never have been canceled, Alex O’Loughlin, Sophia Myles, and Jason Dohring combined to create magic beyond any current vampire show. And it was for adults and all ages and both sexes! Everyone loved it. CBS was nuts! Their loss! Write to Joel Silvers and Warner Brothers–they have the rights to MOONLIGHT and Joel asked Alex last December if he’d be interested in a movie and Alex… Read more »
I say kill it and kill it quick. Someone smart out there should read all the posts everywhere and see that the viewing audience wants Moonlight back. The vampire craze it hot right now and Moonlight was the first. It wasn’t all about Mr. O’Loughlin. The show was so much more than just him. The entire cast and storylines are what kept everyone coming back week after week. If it was only for him as was previously stated, then the same would hold true for Three Rivers. The fans weren’t enough for Moonlight, but CBS expects us to be enough… Read more »
The only reason I watch Three Rivers is Alex O. I still can’t believe all of these other vampire shows are still on television and MOONLIGHT was canceled. Moonlight was the best writter, well acted vampire show ever. CBS really messed up when they cancelled it. Alex is the so talented. I dreaded getting attached to Three Rivers as it airs on CBS and I just know that if it doesn’t start out good it will get a staked thru the heart!
I really have never understood why all of the credit for Moonlight was given to Alex O
I will watch Three Rivers only because Alex O’Loughlin is in it. I still can’t figure out why Moonlight was cancelled. It was the BEST show on TV. I have several friends who think as I do. My sister in England has started watching Moonlight and loves it. I told her to enjoy it while she can as it was cancelled after one year. I say BRING BACK MOONLIGHT. I refuse to watch any other vampire show that’s playing either on TV or at the movies right now. There could be none better than Moonlight, it was an exceptional show.
kill three rivers and bring back the only classy Vampire drama to date Moonlight.Somehow True Blood which is complete unintelligent trash is up for a 3rd season I have said to many people now Moonlight has truely massive potential a trilogy of Movies for sure 100% be as succesful as the Matrix Trilogy!!!!!