As you may have heard, Undercovers has been cancelled by NBC due to low ratings. The original 13 episode order will be produced but, as of now, only 10 installments have been scheduled.
Why didn’t Undercovers catch on? Deadline quotes someone associated with the show that has some ideas.
Mostly, what was meant to be a throwback lark of a show felt trivial to people. It felt flimsy and not compelling, partially because it was designed as a stand alone, non serialized show.
Perhaps the stories lacked deeper interest and urgency. We tried to embrace a familiarity of form, but the public obviously didn’t want something so familiar.
Unfortunately we never got an audience from the get-go; our abysmal recent rating wasn’t even one point lower than our premiere number. We just should have done better. It is a bummer to be sure.
NBC did the best they know how. We feel responsible for the failure, though. But damn, it sure would be easier to blame the network!
What do you think? Do you agree with this assessment? What did Undercovers do right?
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Image courtesy NBC.
Very exciting show. It did not air at a good time. Move it to a cable channel.
Three letters can sum up how I felt when I heard they canceled the show. WTF
ye it does suck that they cancelled it, pretty good show
another black show bites the dust what else is new why because no white ppl watched and all the black ppl in the world looked forward to a show with black ppl in leading roles the outcome……CANCELLED…..what a shame.
I am white and I liked it… even if I could only catch it online because I have small kids. A shame it is gone!
I have always enjoyed watching Boris on the screen and it would have been fantastic to see him opposite his wife….people will never forget that Damon/ Terri chemistry. I hope this show does go to USA as that is my favorite network these days. I am sick of reality tv and USA has the best shows. I hope to see the Undercovers on a regular basis either on NBC or USA.
i loved it, i thought it was great seeing people of color in this type of TV and not slapstick comedy, i thought the time slot was not good 8pm people aren’t home at that time, just getting in getting kids settle by that time it’s 9pm, also i wasn’t to keen on the female star i think her acting was good just felt a bit to young for Boris, it wasn’t believable there relationship. maybe they should have use his real life wife or someone his age, but overall, i love show it was different.
Undercovers was one of my favorite shows. Maybe if it was on at a better time and not competing with ABC at that time it would have picked up more people. It never had any publicity and most people did not know about it. What a shame I know alot of people that really liked it too.
Undercovers was not given a chance. Yes the story started off weak, but i thought it was better than The Event. I am really hoping that a cable network like USA picks it up. Under covers, Burn Notice and Royal Pains….now that’s some good tv!!!!!!!
I liked Undercovers. It should have not been on NBC or any other network like that. It should be on USA NETWORK. I agree with pher. What a great show. PLEASE USA, A&E, PLEASE PICK UP UNDERCOVERS. IT WAS A GREAT SHOW THAT NEVER FULLY GOT A CHANCE.
I enjoyed the show. It was so nice to see people of color in a positive light other than a comedy. Thanks NBC but you should consider bringing it back.
I liked Undercovers, but I did not like the actress who played the wife. It was something about her acting, and I think that there were way too many love scenes that I did not care for. The people they were trying to capture were too strange, I did not like how there was so much time spent on Lizzie and I hated the sneakyness of it all. Something was going on with Lizzie and with the Old guy (not together) and the audience was kept out of the loop. I like some mystery but I hate feeling like I… Read more »
NBC has NOTHING better to offer viewers!! I am not a survivor or CSI watcher so this was the only show i would actually watch on NBC!! This was the best the had to offer and now nothing! So i’ll just keep watching FOX and ABC!!
I can’t believe Undercovers has been cancelled. It was one of the best shows airing this season. I loved every episode. I can name a few other shows I’d rather they cancel instead of this one!
I can’t believe Undercovers was cancelled. I think it is a good show and looked forward to seeing it every week. What show does NBC think is going to win the ratings war against Survivor? We certainly another CSI type show, or another detective show, or another lawyer show. It was nice having a spy show and I liked the characters. I wish NBC would change their mind and keep Undercovers. I can’t imagine that they have anything better with which to replace it. We certainly don’t need another Dateline.
I love the show, but here are the problems with the show, the female lead needs to be toughier “SALT/WANTED. Boris also needs more edge “john travolta PAIRS WITH LOVE or Transporter.. also the slapstick comedy is way to mild…the public wants to see and hear action that gives us the damn affect or I can’t believe they said that..I would be happy to help the writters achieve the wow affect ratings the show needs…
I can’t believe the Undercovers has been cancelled! I was missing it for the past couple of weeks and was wondering what was happening. I looked forward to it every week. The show should be given another chance. I had been telling my friends about it since it first aired.