His 24 TV series may have ended a year ago but Jack Bauer has been trending on Twitter today. Apparently many believe that Kiefer Sutherland’s character is behind the death of Osama Bin Laden.
As Forbes notes, Jack Bauer’s Twitter feed addressed the growing trend: “Just got back from ‘vacationing’ in Abottabad…” Other popular tweets include:
TylerKepner: So now we know what Jack Bauer’s been doing since the end of “24”
RealitySteve: Let’s all take this time to thank the one person who no doubt was behind the killing of Osama bin Laden: Jack Bauer.
Nickschug: Right now, Jack Bauer is washing his hands and changing out of his bloody clothes.
Time’s James Poniewozik believes that the Bauer references, “are about more than an easy pop-culture joke. It recalls something that hit me last night as the news sunk in; it is simply much more satisfying to know that bin Laden was not obliterated by a Predator drone strike, but was taken out at close range by a human. There’s something more primal about knowing that there was a human agent of justice at hand — more bluntly, it just felt better knowing that somebody popped the son of a bitch — and that was what 24 tapped into. That, and the idea of competence and effectiveness in our intelligence operations, something that sadly were didn’t always feel in reality over the last ten years.”
Have we just seen the ending of the 24 movie unfold?
What do you think? Do the Jack Bauer references just make a good joke or is there more to it than that?
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Image courtesy FOX.
This is more than a joke. I am truly irate at the people who believe in anything but me storming the home of Osama and single handedly taking down the village of terrorists. Anybody who thinks different can meet me at Osama’s old home which I took over and turned into a 5 star hotel with a pool and other luxuries.
I’ll go against the grain here and say it was awesome. I love the idea of America’s American, Jack Bauer, going against the orders of Obama and attacking a truly evil person deep inside a muslim country without knocking on the door and saying, “Can I get in there and get that dirtbag? Pretty please? I promise I’ll bow down to you and wear a turban.”
Just go in, do the job, go home and have a beer. Excellent work and Kudos to whomever the real “Jack Bauer” was in this case.
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And a great meme went to waste on this article.
[…] of stupid bin Laden tweets […]
I doubt that most people who made that joke even knew the details surrounding his death. That’s pop psychology for you.
This is nothing more than a joke trying to get people to remember Jsck, for a movie. Simple as that.