Over the weekend, castmembers of The CW’s 90210 attended their final wrap party. The network recently cancelled the show after five seasons on the air. Because of the timing, it doesn’t sound like fans will get a true series finale.
According to accounts of the party, each of the actors took turns making a farewell speech from the DJ booth about his/her time on the show. There was reportedly plenty of vodka and cupcakes available, along with a giant chocolate cake that read “Thank you for 5 wonderful seasons.”
Here’s what some of the actors had to say about the cancellation, via Twitter:
AnnaLynne McCord: “Hi Every1! Thk u 4 all of the spprt 4 so long I’m srry u aren’t gtting the proper send off u deserve, but plz kno how much ur luv means 2me!”
Shenae Grimes: “Have finally digested the news of my exit from the infamous zip code I’ve called home for so long…sad, scary and exciting, many new…” “Adventures to come…Thanks for being a part of this crazy ride. I love you all and am endlessly appreciative of your support. Stay tuned! X”
Jessica Stroup “Oh Silver, our time has come to an end but you are a part of me forever. Thanks to the fans who have been along for the ride, all my love. X”
Matt Lanter: “The last 5 years has been a ride unimaginable. I’m so blessed, honored & humbled to have been a part of it. #90210Forever” “Thank you to the awesome fans, my amazing brothers and sisters on the cast, the CW and CBS.”
Trevor Donovan: “Very grateful I had the opportunity to play a meaningful character,… who just happened to be gay.. ..xo #ThanksForTheMemories”
Tristan Wilds: “What a day…”
And Beverly Hills, 90210 castmember Jason Priestley wrote, “#9O21O Lasted half as long as the original… Not bad guys…”
Though Priestley never acted on the series, he did direct one episode in 2009.
What do you think? Are you sorry that the show’s been cancelled? Were you hoping for a real series finale?
it is so wrong that the canceled the show when it was getting so good. wrong choice for the station to do. it is totally bs and we don’t even get a big last show.
I loved this show. I was also a fan of the original 90210. I will watch the season finale, but I will never watch another show on the cw. EVER!!! I had to pay extra money to have this channel and I have watched everyshow. Never missed one. I don’t care what the ratings are. It’s not right to not do a real farewell goodbye. As far as their other shows…..they’re crap!!! I hope this network goes down the drain!!
i watched this 90210…it was ok….. i am a huge fan of the original beverly hills 90210….that one was sooooooo much better….. sorry but the original wins out
I am so upset that it is ending it has become one of my Favorite shows and I am upset that we are not geting a really finale and that they should give us a few more episods insted of just four or one more season to give us a really finale
Plzz don’t end da show silver u were my fav. Charecter
Really upset when I read the news of the cancellation! This is my favorite CW show!
CW you suck!!!!! you have done this to the fans before with Hellcats.. they really didn’t have a proper end either…. I really really loved the story line for 90210 and loved the original..
this show will be missed
Yes yes they do
I am so fn upset to find out that onecof my favorite shows will be ending. This is total bs. With the CW putting on stupid shows like arrow and beauty and the beast, they take off the only reason I even watch this channel. This is a real error in judgment on their part. After this I hope the whole channel tanks!
Just found out at the end of the show that it’s over. As a 37 year old fan of the original, I really did love this show, and cannot believe that they’re doing this, IDC what the ratings are, am I the only one who’s noticed the horrible ratings on all of the garbage they put on the air.? This was a great show and for the most part had a very positive influence on most teenagers. Hopefully they will try it again with new characters. I am seriously upset and freaked out that this show is over. It’s the… Read more »
I’ve been a fan of 90210 since it first began in the 90’s and thought that the new version was not going to compare but it proved me wrong. Yes, it’s had some bad moments but for the most part I have enjoyed it. Gonna miss all the characters : (
@Erin… A full season 6? with those ratings? are you kidding me? The CW is not that stupid, they did that with Gossip Girl because it had better ratings than 90210 during season 5 while 90210 even hit a 0.2 rating this season. get over it!
I understand, from the perspective of the network execs who want profitable series with strong ratings, why 90210 had to go. I used to be a big fan of this show, but lost interest around Season 3. I felt that the series had undergone too many changes (show runners/cast/etc) too quickly. However, many fans have stuck with this series for five seasons and now they will most likely not enjoy the series finale because it was never meant to be a series finale. I can only imagine the scramble in the writers’ room as they try to tie as many… Read more »
I thought a proper ending could have been done but I for got most shows end their production in March depending on how many shows the networks want per season and since this is one of those shows that ends in May it would make since for production to end in March, with that said they could have renewed 90210 for 10 more shows like they did Gossip Girl or even maybe seven shows so a proper ending could be done thanks CW for sticking it to us again for not allowing us fans of a ending to this once… Read more »
I don’t think I am gonna watch the 90210 Series Finale
I AM A 90210 FAN there Should`ve been a 90210 season 6
I am very upset becuase the CW Network Should’ve Renwed 90210 for a full SEASON 6 WITH A SERIES FINALE