As expected A Gifted Man was cancelled by CBS over the weekend. It was no surprise to the show’s star, Patrick Wilson. Via Twitter, he noted that he’d been expecting the cancellation for about two months.
Wilson wasn’t crazy however about the way that he was informed about the show being cancelled. Wilson noted, “So…shocking to no one: #agiftedman is done.Found out via email…and not from the network.Stay classy.Thanks to AGM fans! Great cast/crew!” (He later acknowledged that the “Stay classy” part was indeed a nod to Anchorman.)
A very busy and versatile performer, it doesn’t sound like Wilson is as upset about the cancellation as some of the show’s fans.
He followed up with, “Thanks for the AGM love…but now that it’s “official,”I couldn’t be happier. As good as it was(sometimes) it was not what I signed on for.”
Wilson tweeted on Sunday, “At St. Patrick’s cathedral…. Breathtaking…. Puts a lot in perspective. Go dag. :)”
What do you think? Are you sorry to hear that A Gifted Man won’t be back? Would you like to see Wilson in a new TV series someday? What kind? Perhaps on a show that would showcase his singing?
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Image courtesy CBS.
I hate to see the good shows like AGM cancelled and the garbage stays on. Bring the show back! This is so depressing.
Please bring A Gifted Man back. I loved the show and waited every week for it to come on.
My wife and I really enjoyed the show. We’re sorry to see it get cancelled:(
Loved this show it was so different and it was so great to see such a good team of doctors work together and bring both worlds of medicine together to help each other. It had a heart bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agree with Shuckclod. You cancel all the good things and keep the crap on TV. I hate reality television and there is so little on that is good. And now you just took another good one away. The viewer loses again. Thanks.
This was a ratings failure here in Australia-promoted heavily in primetime but rapidly shunted off to late night oblivion (along with ‘Ringer’).
One of my favorites. You guys cancel everything good and keep all the crap on. One day we will get a say in what we watch. I dvr everything so you get ratings from me. Sorry to see it go.
Shame on you! Bring back Gifted Man!!!!!
Come on!!!!! Great actors! Bring it back !
Well, another show that I enjoyed and never missed, – gone.
Loved all the cast. This is getting depressing!!
I really enjoyed the show. BRING IT BACK. Loved the story line. BRING IT BACK!!!!@
With all the trash on TV, why would you cancel this show…..good cast, believable people, I looked forward to this show…..the way you folks pick tv shows is shameful. Why do you think you are losing so many viewers? Because of all the junk you put on tv. Guess Ill quit watching all together….
Sue I totally agree with you, they want to cancel all the good shows, why so they can have more reality shows? Is this what TV will be in the future(REALITY SHOWS) that have no purpose in life
Why are all the good shows the one’s to leave? Fantastic cast and quite enjoyable.
BRING IT BACK! LOVED this show; loved the cast!
Such a fantastic show. Great cast! Looks like the network never even gave it a chance.
bring gifted man back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!