When Alcatraz debuted, it looked like the show had a very good chance at being renewed for a second season. But how do things look now? Will the TV series be cancelled after all?
Alcatraz follows police detective Rebecca Madsen (Sarah Jones) and Dr. Diego Soto (Jorge Garcia) as they try to solve the mystery of how 340 prison inmates and guards disappeared in 1963 and are now reappearing in modern day. The cast also includes Jonny Coyne, Parminder Nagra, Jason Butler Harner, and Sam Neill.
The TV show debuted with a solid 3.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 10.05 million total viewers. In week two, the demo slipped 9% to a still respectable 3.0 rating with 9.03 million. New shows typically fall 15-20% in their second week so this was a good sign. Week three dropped another 7%. That wasn’t positive but not horrible either.
Unfortunately, the ratings have just kept falling. In February, NBC kicked off the second season of The Voice and Alcaraz took a big hit, dropping 18% on February 6th and then another 17% on the 13th. And the numbers just keep going down. Last week’s episode was a series low with a 2.1 in the demo.
For the first time in many years, the big networks all have really strong programming on Monday nights and FOX has ended up on the bottom. House, which is in its final season, keeps dropping and so does Alcatraz.
Alcatraz’s season average is currently a 2.3 in the demo with 7.1 million. On our FOX report card — which ranks the network’s shows based on demo averages — Alcatraz has a “C.” Terra Nova, which has already been cancelled, had a better demo average and has a “C+”. When a show that was performing better than yours has been cancelled, that’s not a good sign.
Alcatraz is definitely on the bubble but, in light of the downward ratings trend, I expect it to be cancelled by May. There’s just no reason to expect that the series will do any better if given a second season.
But, what do you think? Do you think Alcatraz will beat the odds and be renewed for a second season? Should it be cancelled?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Waited so long to see if there is second season. Disappointed to see that its cancelled
I really enjoyed this show I even watched it on amazon I wish that they would do another season because of how this one ended. it seems like all the shows that I really like wind up getting canceled either because they put it on at the same time as other great shows and as a result you can not watch 2 shows at one time so one of them has to lose out and that really stinks
I am really disappointed Alcatraz has been cancelled! It is a brilliant programme! I hate all these ridiculous and pointless reality tv programmes that are filling our TV viewing time!!!
Amazing show! Showing only one season with an open end is a crime! Please guys get more seasons started from ALCATRAZ and stop showing all the reality tv crap. People being humiliated and other people laughing about them what a world are we living in? Our good values are falling apart with such reality tv shows.
Hope to see a new season of ALCATRAZ soon!
Ur a 100% right!!!
why on earth make such a fantastic show like Alcatraz and then cancell it over stupid rating its show like the voice and reality shows that are crap i was so riveted to my tv for all of the remaining episodes just to find out it was being cancelled scandalous i say please renew it and give it another chance, please
Sucks when you really enjoy a show and they cancel it, I don’t watch terrible reality shows or soaps, I like interesting programmes! But it seems they’re only bothered about what the small minded people want!! Argh there should be something to stop this happening.
I am so anoyed to hear that Alcatraz has been cancelled! I was really enjoying the story and interested to see how it would unravel. Such a shame that it was only 1 season cause if a second had been made im sure they would have found more people tuning in.
Great show! Bring it back.
I’m with the rest of the previous spectators! The show barely got off the ground! We are waiting to get some insight , looking forward to it & now there thinking of cancelling!! it is such an interesting & innovative show! Put it on another night…..
It always amazes me when I look at the crap ‘reality’ and even regular shows on TV right now and yet TV Execs cancel shows like…’Alcatraz’; ‘The River’; and ‘Chicago Code’ are cancelled and we are subjected to such great reality shows with Rednecks Fornicating with animals!
please almost nothng got explaied in the first season so please on behalf of my friends aroung40 people you need atleastone more season the show is so muck ette then everythig else oinn tvso pleasednt cancel the show
Please Please Please bring back this show! I love this show and it has officially become one of my favorites!!!! Do NOT CANCEL! PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!!
Please bring back Alcatraz. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease….
I don’t understand why people even make good shows and great season Enders if they aren’t even going to be coming out with a second season or a third season!! They would’ve probably made more money coming out with a second season and then realized that it was a great idea to not drop the show! This is the reason people try not getting into new series, because we all know that at the end of the season there will be a great cliff hanger and the show will never come back on and just leave you wondering! It aggravates… Read more »
the show is graet put it back on