The Americans TV show on FX. Pictured: Keri Russell as Elizabeth Jennings and Alison Wright as Martha Hanson. CR: Patrick Harbron/FX.
Although there has been no official word, it looks like The Americans TV show on FX has been renewed for a fifth season. Early this month, executive producer Joel Fields tweeted a photo of what must be The Americans writers’ war room. The picture features a conference table set up with name cards, notebooks, pens, and highlighters. A message on the whiteboard in the background reads: “WELCOME TO SEASON 5.” Check it out, below.
Something is scrawled underneath in smaller letters, but it is illegible to us. If you can tell what it says, hit us up, in the comments. We can report the text of Fields’ tweet reads, “First day of Season 5 Writers’ Camp! #TheAmericans.” The series stars Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell as Russian spies, living in the D.C. area, as ordinary, married American travel agents, Philip and Elizabeth Jennings.
Check out Fields’ photo and tweet.
First day of Season 5 Writers’ Camp!
#TheAmericans pic.twitter.com/BYzjoc5i3a
— Joel Fields (@joel_fields) April 4, 2016
As we covered in mid-March, showrunners Joe Weisberg and Fields say that FX has already told them that the decision on when to end the show will be a creative one, not a business one, so there is little chance of The Americans being cancelled mid-stream.
As of that report, Weisberg and Fields said they think The Americans will run for five or six seasons. The fourth season of The Americans just passed its mid-point. Episode seven, of the 13-episode season four, aired Wednesday, April 27th.
In that episode, “Travel Agents” the KGB and the FBI race to track down a lead, and Martha realizes her life will never be the same. A FX Original series, The Americans airs Wednesdays at 10:00pm ET/PT, on FX.
What do you think? Are you a fan of The Americans TV series on FX? How many seasons would you like to see this spy drama-thriller last?
I so enjoy watching “The Americans”. I hope it will be renewed for 2017. I record it while I am watching it and then go back a few days later and watch it again just to make sure I didn’t miss any part of it. It is one o f it’s kind.
Americans is one of the best TV shows I have seen so far. Hard to imagine, but the complexity of the personal relations of spies with their family, especially growing up children is beyond imagination. The writing, direction and editing is superb keeping the viewer glued to the chair, wanting to see more and more. Hats off to all actors but my favourite is Matthew Rhys who shows a range of emotions in his own subdued way very convincingly.
I do hope they do go on to make Seasons 5 & 6.
Great show. I look forward to season 5
I hope they keep it going till Chernobyl happens and Gorbachev takes over and glasnost blooms.
This is a fascinating show, and I relish each episode. I’ve recorded it, & while watching, I’ll stop the recording just to know there’s a good chunk left! This 4th season has particularly shown me the sweet beauty & excellent acting of Holly Taylor, as Paige. She is able to (appears to, at least) authentically tear up or cry & never goes over the top, but is rather perfectly sensitive to and naturally reacts to the characters she interacts with- especially her mother. The Martha Story was so well done & we will certainly want to know more about how… Read more »
By far the best show on TV. Please keep it going!!!
The AMERICANS IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST TV SERIES! I thought Breaking Bad and Prison Break were 10s, but this show hits the ball out of the park!!
Can’t thank all you writers enough
Best show on TV, yea for season 6, too!
great show
Keep them coming!!!
It must feel strange having to decide whether to end a show with 13 or 26 more episodes. I wonder if FX would consider doing two more seasons of “The Americans” for 10 episodes each? If the producers need two full seasons, then by all means, but if they are reluctant to decide, maybe they have too much content for just 13 episodes, but too little left for 26 without padding.
BEST SHOW ON TV. hands down. Exciting. Superb character development. Cant figure out who is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and really, they are all ‘good and bad’ in each character, along with both countries. GREAT TV
Best show on TV. Have not enjoyed a show since thirty something and moonlighting