After the TV series finale, could there be future installments of the Bones TV show on FOX? Pictured: David Boreanaz as Seeley Booth (Ray Mickshaw / FOX).
File this under: It Ain’t Even Over When It’s Over. While the 12th and final season of the Bones TV show premieres on FOX, Tuesday, January 3rd at 9:01pm, executive producer Michael Peterson seems fairly insistent that the crime procedural starring Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz could return in some fashion.
The EP told TVLine, “I absolutely am not considering this the end. I am in full-on denial. I’ve been working on the show for eight-and-a-half years. It is my family. I adore it here. I don’t want to leave. And the idea of having some kind of reunion in a year or two. I would not rule it out.”
After Its TV Series Finale Will Bones Return?
While the 12-episode final season wrapped production in December, when TVLine asked him if FOX would strike and destroy the sets or preserve them, Peterson said, “That’s a very tricky one to answer. I don’t know exactly what they’re doing with them.”
Although he doesn’t know how they would handle a Bones TV series reunion, Peterson said, “…I can tell you that 99.9999 percent of the people here would rush to return.”
According to FOX, Bones‘ 12th and final season will bring the storylines of Brennan, Booth and the Jeffersonian-FBI team to a close. The network promises Bones season 12 will provide fans with the chance to say goodbye to these beloved characters. Finally, FOX says, “Over the course of the farewell season, fans will experience deaths, a wedding, epic serial killer storylines and an undercover episode.”
What do you think? Will you watch the Bones season 12 premiere tomorrow, on FOX? Would you like to see Bones continue as occasional TV movies or in some other way? Let us know, below.
I loved Bones and would definitely love more seasons it’s the best tv series we’ve ever watched and miss it , so more seasons please .