Rachel Griffiths recently made news when the Brothers & Sisters star noted that she would soon be unemployed. Brothers & Sisters fans take their show very seriously and are well aware that the show could very likely be cancelled in a couple weeks.
Zap2It reports that Gilles Marini, who plays Griffiths’ on-screen fiance, believes that Griffith was joking around and says he hasn’t heard anything about a cancellation. He also noted that “Maybe, she hears things that I don’t.”
If he has his way, Marini would like to see Brothers & Sisters have one final season to wrap things up. He said, “There’s so many more storylines… ABC would be giving their respect to the audience and the 80 countries that watch this show. Close it well. It doesn’t cost that much money. We’re already in syndication. The show did well for the network. Hopefully, they give it another season and close it well.”
What do you think? Does Brothers & Sisters deserve one more season to wrap things up?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I can’t believe ABC’s decision to cancel Brothers and Sisters. I looked forward to watching each Sunday evening.
Although I also watch Desperate Housewifes, I think that show should have been axed before B&S.
Ok..Let me get this straight….ABC will waste valuable air time for shows like Bachelor, Bachelorette, Wipe out, to name a few bombs that force to me to turn off theTV altogether. Yet they finally get it right with a program like Brother’a and Sisters – And they cancel it! Amazing,. Who makes these decisions? A child? The new shows waiting in the wings, sound just as bad and tasteless as Wipe out!!! Eeekk… On well, now is a good time to reintroduce myself to reeading.
I cannot believe ABC cancelled this wonderful show – I don’t blame fans for leaving though, they lost good characters when first Tommy went, then Robert, then Rebecca, then Holly (the last two for another actor’s ego) – they piddled out the Ryan story in a totally dissatisfying way, then Kitty was there, wasn’t there, you couldn’t keep up with her. ABC didn’t give this show the chance it deserved. I really liked it until they started ******** around moving actors in, actors out. I am really, really sorry to see this show go when they were finally getting back… Read more »
I am so upset. I watch a lot of prime time TV and this is my favorite show. How could they possibly cancel it. I love Sally Field as well as the rest of the cast. What a disappointment.
If the network is reading this, PLEASE do not end the show. It is wonderful and I look forward to watching it every time that it’s on. The storylines, scripts, and acting move me so much.
Please don’t cancel Brothers & Sisters! Its the only show I watch! I love Sally Fields! She is a wonderful actress & the show has everything,humor,wit & the writing is great! There arent any other shows out there with families like this.Finally a show about real situations & families! I’m so sick of all the stupid reality shows! I look forward to watching Desperate Housewives & Brothers & Sisters! Its the perfect Sunday lineup! If its the ratings that killing it I cant see why!Give it a push,get top names to guest star.Anything but leave it on!We need this series… Read more »
the show either needs to have 24 episodes or end peacefully. the large gaps of time between shows was embarassing as well as the key characters missing without reason for months at a time.
I love Brothers and Sisters and hope ABC does not cancel the show . It is the best show on Sunday nights. I look forward to watching the show every week.The fine actors and actresses deserve the chance to finish their storylines. It’s not fair to the fans who have supported the show for many years to end the show so quickly.
They can’t cancel Brothers and Sisters. It’s a wonderful show. It’s the only show I look forward to on Sunday Nights………….
I’ll be so disappointed in ABC if they don’t renew the show. This is the best family show on tv and one of the only network shows I still watch. It’s got heart, humor and great actors.
No. Cancel the show now. It’s been going on too long. The car accident at the end of last season killed the show. Four of the main characters have left and there is nothing left to salvage. The show is now a very very dark shadow of it’s former self!!!!
Just love the show!!! There t aren’t any good shows on anymore with a wonderful story line that is so life-like. Just can’t wait for the new Sunday night episodes to come on. The only show I wait and watch all week long. Please keep this show on. Don’t Cancel..
I can that at least one more season is necessary to tie up all ends. More seasons would be nice as long as all the actors are willing to continue.
I think that losing Tommy and Robert were both dreadful blows to the show (Holly, David and Rebecca not so much and Julia and Ryan not at all).
I would like to see Kitty come back to town permanently and for Nora and Brody tie the knot (Brody having made his piece with Sarah).
I believe Brothers & Sisters should go another year at least, possibly even another 3 or 4. I watch every Sunday night without fail. I even watch the reruns. I love Sally Field as well as the other actors. The writing, directing and acting are all strong. I do not see why this show should be cancelled. Please leave on for at least one more year.
I really hope the network does not cancel Brothers and Sisters. It really is a down to earth show. Love watching and enjoy the characters.
Hope the network listens and doesn’t cancel